Telfer’s Fellowships, Professorships and Chairs (FPC) program supports faculty members in developing impactful research programs and innovative pedagogy, which in turn contribute to our strong culture of research and teaching excellence.

These prestigious honours, typically funded by donors, are awarded to faculty who have distinguished themselves through their research or teaching activities. The FPC program enables Telfer to recognize and support professors who conduct exceptional research and who have contributed to the Telfer research culture through exemplary leadership and innovative approaches to teaching. The program also serves to recruit eminent scholars who can help foster strong and diverse research and teaching culture at Telfer.

Philanthropic support allows Telfer to implement and inform bold new innovations that accelerate finding solutions to build a better Canada. Donor-funded FPCs also support the development of enduring research infrastructure such as our labs, centres and institutes, allowing our researchers to have a broad impact on the communities they serve.

We are grateful to our individual and corporate donors for putting their trust in research and teaching excellence at Telfer.

Ian Telfer Fellowship in Global Finance

Professor Shantanu Dutta

Shantanu Dutta

This research fellowship will help Professor Dutta pursue research studies in the context of global financial markets and practices. In particular, his research will focus in the areas of global corporate governance practices, insider trading and private meeting between investors and management. His research outcome is likely to benefit the investors, managers and policy-makers alike – through a better understanding of global financial practices.

Ian Telfer Fellowship on Workplace Wellbeing

Professor Jane O'Reilly

Jane O'Reilly

The research activities under this fellowship all seek to better understand the facilitators and barriers to promoting employee psychological, physical, and emotional well-being. Professor O’Reilly is particularly interested in how workplace relationships and social interactions influence well-being. Her most current research investigates social mistreatment as an impediment to workplace well-being, and the experiences of employees living with mental illness.

Ian Telfer Teaching Fellowships

Professor Miwako Nitani

Miwako Nitani

Professor Nitani’s work examines the obstacles faced by companies in need of capital; to support business creation and growth, her findings provide expert advice on evaluating and informing public policies. She is currently working as a co-director of the Telfer Capital Markets Program, which will enable students to better integrate theory and practice from their courses into concrete, transferable skills valued by employers.

Professor Umar Ruhi

Umar Ruhi

Professor Ruhi’s applied pedagogical research pertains to exploring the role and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education. His previous work has focused on the application of learning analytics to improve teaching practices and student learning experiences. His current work explores the meaningful integration of AI tools in teaching and learning, with the goal of enabling students to use AI tools mindfully and ethically while developing skills useful in both academic and workplace settings.

Ian Telfer Research Fellowships

Professor Walid Ben-Amar

Walid Ben-Amar

Professor Ben Amar's research interests include corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability disclosure strategies. His current projects focus on the economic consequences of firm-level climate risks.

Professor Agnes Grudniewicz

Agnes Grudniewicz

Professor Grudniewicz is a health services researcher focused on primary and community care. Using qualitative and mixed methods research, she studies primary care challenges to inform policy and improve Canadian healthcare systems.

Logan Katz Fellowship in Accounting

Professor Sylvain Durocher

Sylvain Durocher

Professor Durocher has been appointed as the Logan Katz Fellow for his longstanding service to the accounting program and excellence in research and teaching. He has worked as an auditor in an accounting firm before he started his academic career.

Camille Villeneuve Professorship in Francophone Entrepreneurship

Professor Wadid Lamine

Wadid Lamine

Professor Lamine’s research interests include entrepreneurship in science and technology, aerospace ecosystem, incubation support mechanisms and francophone entrepreneurship. He recently co-edited a handbook on the rapidly evolving world of digital economy providing practical strategies and insights for managers, academics, and professionals. His expertise in both digital and education entrepreneurship will support entrepreneurs in the francophone community.

Endowed Professor of Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

Professor Daina Mazutis

Daina Mazutis

Professor Mazutis' studies recognize environmental and social issues as critical strategic issues that require a broader understanding of business’s role in society. Her current research focuses on CEO characteristics, the adoption of CSR initiatives and the development of leadership traits in business programs.

Endowed Professorship in Gender and Inclusive Systems

Professor Charlotte Karam

Charlotte Karam

Professor Karam's work as a scholar-activist contributes to overlapping conversations in inclusive HR systems, business ethics, public policy, and feminist praxis. Through a MEPI grant, she led the development of The KIP Index, the first MENA sector-based measure of women’s recruitment, retention, and promotion. In 2021, she launched The SAWI Project, focused on mobilizing employers to engage in localized strategies for women-inclusive HR systems.

Ian Telfer Professorship of Organization Studies

Professor Samia Chreim

Samia Chreim

Professor Chreim's research focuses on the multi-level dynamics of change, co-leadership and identity. She has a special interest in role identities and practices and how these evolve over time through collaboration or due to organizational and institutional changes. She has researched these topics in a variety of for-profit contexts (including entrepreneurial firms) and not-for-profit contexts (including the health care field).

Ian Telfer Professorship of Workplace Behaviour and Health

Professor Laurent Lapierre

Laurent Lapierre

Using the theories and tools developed in the fields of organizational behavior and human resources management, Professor Lapierre’s research focuses on work-family balance and on leadership where he studies the influence that followers can have on leaders.

Ian Telfer Professorship of Workplace Psychology

Professor Silvia Bonaccio

Silvia Bonaccio

Professor Bonaccio's research agenda is focused on advancing research, education programs and outreach with the community in the area of psychology applied to workplace dynamics. She has a longstanding research interest in employee selection, and judgment and decision-making at work. She also conducts research on the participation and the experience of people with disabilities in the workplace.

Kathryn Tremblay Professorship in Workplace Mental Health and Wellness Leadership 

Professor Jennifer Dimoff

Jennifer Dimoff

Professor Dimoff’s research focuses on the intersections between leadership, mental health, and human resource practices. She has partnered with dozens of organizations worldwide and co-developed one of the only manager-focused mental health training programs to result in positive long-term change for leaders and employees. She is also a co-founder of the Triple I Lab, one of the first and largest behavioural research labs in Canada.

Power Corporation of Canada - Paul Desmarais Professorship in Finance

Professor Syrine Sassi

Syrine Sassi

Professor Sassi’s research focuses on corporate social responsibility. Her work explores complex issues in corporate financial management and governance, with a particular focus on the impact of regulatory environments and product market competition on financial decisions and environmental sustainability.

RBC Financial Group Professorship in Entrepreneurship

Professor Mark Freel

Mark Freel

Professor Freel’s research focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship as well as how firms and regions both create and capture value. During his career, he has undertaken different research projects on behalf of European regional, national, and supra-national government bodies, demonstrating the global impact of his work.

RBC Financial Group Professorship in Finance

Professor Fabio Moneta

Fabio Moneta

Professor Moneta's research focuses on two main areas. The first concentrates on institutional investors, especially mutual funds, and studies their performance and trading behavior. The second research area is related to the study of the risk premium in different financial markets such as fixed income, foreign exchange, and commodity markets.

RBC Financial Group Professorship in Financial Risk Analytics

Professor Jonathan Li

Jonathan Li

Professor Li's research focuses on developing more intelligent risk management solutions through cutting-edge methodologies in machine learning, optimization, and financial econometrics. His work aims to equip decision-makers with AI-driven tools that enable them to navigate uncertainty and manage risks more effectively across various sectors. These include the management of market, credit, operational, and emerging risks, covering industries such as financial management, healthcare, supply chains, and climate impact mitigation.

RBC Financial Group Professorship in Health Care Systems

Professor Mirou Jaana

Mirou Jaana

Professor Jaana's research streams sit at the intersection of health informatics and health care management.  From examining IT innovations and their impacts in healthcare organizations to investigating the adoption and use of technology by older adults, her work focuses on the integration of technology in healthcare. Her research contributes to the improvement of healthcare systems as well as patients’ care and wellbeing.

Canada Research Chair in Data Analytics for Health Systems Transformation

Professor Christopher Sun

Christopher Sun

Professor Sun's research interests lie at the intersection of optimization, artificial intelligence, public health, and health equity. As chairholder, he aims to improve the efficiency of Canada’s health-care systems, reduce inequity, and overcome public mistrust via data analytics. He and his research team plan to achieve these objectives by developing new AI-based solutions and overcoming the barriers to their implementation. Ultimately, their work could inform much-needed transformations of health-care systems in Canada.

Learn more about Professor Sun's chair on the Telfer Knowledge Hub

Canada Research Chair in Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship

Professor Ana Maria Peredo

Ana María Peredo

Professor Peredo’s work has contributed to understanding the ways communities can address poverty by constructing rewarding and sustainable livelihoods out of resources in their distinctive cultures and environments. She draws on her academic training in Anthropology and Management and extensive experience in the Andes of her native Peru to explore alternative economies and their impact on the social and environmental aspects of community. Professor Peredo has published several seminal pieces on community-based enterprises, Indigenous entrepreneurship, social enterprises, and solidarity economy.

Learn more about Professor Peredo's chair on the Telfer Knowledge Hub

Desmarais Chair in Entrepreneurship

Professor Madeline Toubiana

Madeline Toubiana

Professor Toubiana's research program has been focused broadly on what stalls and supports social change and innovation. More specifically, she examines the role of emotions, entrepreneurship, institutional processes, and stigmatization in influencing the dynamics of social change. Her most recent work has begun to explore the role of entrepreneurship in supporting destigmatization and social change for individuals facing extreme stigma and discrimination.

Father Edgar Thivierge Chair in Canadian Business

Professor Timothy Hannigan

Timothy Hannigan

Professor Hannigan is building an innovative research program around an interpretive view of technology and organizing. The goal is to help leaders chart plausible – and desirable – futures that have the potential to materialize beyond projection and hype. His most recent work focuses on emergence, legitimacy, and institutional trust, including how organizations can maintain integrity in their use of generative AI.

Patricia Saputo Distinguished Chair in Family Enterprise

Professor Peter Jaskiewicz

Peter Jaskiewicz

Professor Jaskiewicz’s research examines family dynamics, governance, and succession practices within family enterprises, as well as the differences between family and non-family enterprises. As founder and director of the Family Enterprise Legacy Institute (FELI), Professor Jaskiewicz uses his expertise to research best practices for enterprising families, engage with the family enterprise community, and develop tailored programs for the next generation of responsible family owners. As the inaugural holder of this chair, he will undertake long-term research projects to develop new best practices for family enterprises and members of the next generation.

University Research Chair in Enduring Entrepreneurship

Professor Peter Jaskiewicz

Peter Jaskiewicz

Professor Jaskiewicz will use this chair to develop empirical models on how family businesses thrive (or decline) over a generation. He will also develop policy recommendations that will help family firms with their entrepreneurial spirit and thereby revitalise their products and services, improving their chances to survive and thrive in a competitive marketplace over time.