Mitacs Funding Internship Opportunities

Mitacs is a national, not-for-profit organization with the goal to solve organizational challenges by supporting collaborative projects between highly trained researchers and businesses, non-for-profits, municipalities, or hospitals in Canada and internationally.

Mitacs has a suite of funding opportunities for student internships in all disciplines:

Accelerate Program

The Accelerate program also offers fellowships and entrepreneur opportunities.

Mitacs Accelerate Program Changes 2024 - 2025

Due to federal funding changes, we will face reduced funding for the Mitacs Accelerate program in 2024-2025. Existing projects awaiting IPO signature and/or those submitted before June 10 will be honored, along with previously approved NSERC-Mitacs joint projects. For now, consider Mitacs Elevate or Business Strategy Internship (BSI) programs. For more information, contact Aida Stratas: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the Research Office.

Business Strategy Internship

Globalink Research Award 

Learn more about other Mitacs funding opportunities.

You need help preparing a Mitacs application? 

Contact the Research Office to learn more about the programs, the application process and to receive feedback on your application. The Telfer Research Office will coordinate with the uOttawa Mitacs representative to support the application process.

Looking for partnerships?

If you are looking for new partnership opportunities in business, social sciences and humanities, you can find a list of related open projects available with Mitacs partners. Please contact the Telfer Research Office about your interest in any of these opportunities and we will coordinate with Mitacs to facilitate the matching between you and the organization.


Project #

Industry Partner/NFP

Project Name

ON ON-967 OptiFab Technologies AI-based quality control in 3D printing: business development and marketing strategies
ON ON-968 Fallyx Developing a Multimodal Fall Detection Algorithm
ON ON-969 Maple Stem Education Inc. AI Suggestion Generator for Educational Content
ON ON-970 LastMile AI Evaluation and interpretability of Generative AI RAG systems (ML Research Fellowship) 
ON ON-972 Cloudiogram Telecom Tower Analytics
ON ON-971 AirShare Inc PCB Redesign and Development 
QC QC-774 ProjetAgro (Anonymous) Optimisation des paramètres de croissance pour les cultures en système hydroponique
ON ON-947 SBC Club Inc Developing and implementing a marketing and sales plan
QC QC-771 Studio TRANSVERSAL Développement de solutions interactives et optimisation de leur mise en marché
BC BC-895 Zaui Software Ltd. Intelligent revenue management:  Automated insights for the transportation industry with applied machine learning
QC QC-772 Julius légal, Inc. Numérisation et analyse intelligentes des procédures judiciaires publiques en vue de créer une base de données interrogeable par IA
ON ON-948 XLSCOUT LTD. Training large language models designed for technical & sustainability-driven solutions
ON ON-921 AllergyPROOF Inc. Mobile platform development for allergen tracking
BC BC-887 Mastercard AI Garage Fraud-Centric Merchant Embeddings
BC BC-888 Mastercard AI Garage Manifold Learning
BC BC-889 Mastercard AI Garage Understanding long range dependency in temporal graphs
BC BC-890 Mastercard AI Garage Anomaly detection with noisy labels in graphs
BC BC-891 Mastercard AI Garage Multivariate time series forecasting of transactional data
BC BC-892 Mastercard AI Garage Enhancing expressive power of GNN
QC QC-766 Mokap Plateforme Numérique
QC QC-768 Apollo Import inc Product developer / Mechanical design developer
QC QC-769 Synergilibre R&D dans le domaine de la toxicomanie/dépendance 
QC QC-737 MRC d'Argenteuil Étude de marché sur les besoins des entreprises industrielles en matière d’équipements d’un Fab Lab industriel
QC QC-734 Logiciel RapidBar Établir et mettre en place une stratégie de marketing et vente numérique intégrée pour le marché Nord-Américain
ON ON-842 Imagine Canada The impact of federal funding practices on the communities served by non-profits 
ON ON-829 Anonymous Journey to Redefine Video Technology 
BC BC-820 SOARE Developing the SOARE Innovation Center to increase impact it has on the development of the Rec Tech Section in the Sea to Sky
QC QC-722 Beeviz Développement d’une application (saas, webapp) sur l’automatisation de création de contenus sur les réseaux sociaux
QC QC-725

Propulsion Québec

Innovation collaborative et gestion de la propriété intellectuelle pour le secteur des transports
QC QC-697 Les Solution Nergietech Développement d’un logiciel innovant dans le domaine de l’énergie
NS NS-023 Société Réseau Santé Nouvelle-Écosse Développement d’un plan d’affaire, d’une analyse de marché et d’une structure de marketing et de déploiement pour la formation BLEU


Software Adexflow International, Inc

Factors determining the exchange value of digital information transactions for the industrial and defense sectors

QC QC-684 Groupe Quantik Activis Inc. Commercialisation des services et solutions hors Québec
QC QC-686 Solidel Canada Inc Optimisation de produit et développement de nouvelles technologies alimentés par l’énergie solaire
QC QC-689 Obeobiogaz Purificateur de fermes québécoise
QC QC-714 Anonyme Centre de données canadien hybride haute sécurité
QC QC-715 Sentiom Inc. Développement d’une valve combinée à un débimètre intelligent