Research Excellence
Tri-Agency Competition Announcements
Through cutting-edge research and bold ideas, the research community at the Telfer School of Management continue to address challenges faced by organizational leaders, government officials, professionals in various sectors and the community. For several years, the quality and impact of this research have been recognized by the federal funding agencies.
Read more about the new, award-winning research projects that will contribute to building knowledge for a better Canada.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
SSHRC Insight Grants
Grant recipients of the 2024 SSHRC Insight Competition:

Jane O'Reilly
Grant recipients of the 2023 SSHRC Insight Competition:

Ali Akyol

Wadid Lamine
Grant recipients of the 2022 SSHRC Insight Competition:
Grant recipients of the 2021 SSHRC Insight Competition:

Sara Hajmohammad (PI)
Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience to Extreme Weather Event

Lavagnon Ika (PI)

Evelyn Micelotta (PI)
Open Access in higher education publishing: A theory of institutional accommodation

Barbara Orser (PI) and Catherine Elliott

Hien Tran (PI) and Mark Freel
Understanding the consequences of entrepreneurship as an episodic phenomenon
Grant recipients of the 2020 SSHRC Insight Competition:
Imed Chkir (PI), Walid Ben Amar and Samir Saadi

Mariam Humayun (PI)
Grant recipients of the 2019 SSHRC Insight Competition:

Samia Chreim (PI)
Inter-organizational Communities of Practice

Darlene Himick (PI)
The Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement: Understanding How the Energy of Campaigns Is Changing the Financing of Energy

Yuri Khoroshilov (PI) and Anna Dodonova
Toeholds and Information Precision in Common Value Takeover Auctions: Theory and Experiment

Miwako Nitani (PI)
Drawing upon the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: SMEs, Capital Suppliers, and Public Policy

François-Éric Racicot (PI)
Macroeconomic Risk of Hedge Funds
Grant recipients of the 2018 SSHRC Insight Competition:

Sylvain Durocher (PI)
A stakeholder perspective on comprehensive income accounting information

Shantanu Dutta (PI)
Board independence and corporate private in-house meetings

Peter Jaskiewicz (PI) and Sandra Schillo
A family-based theory of the family firm

Laurent Lapierre (PI), Ivy Bourgeault, Jane O’Reilly, Magda Donia, and Silvia Bonaccio
How can managers support and ensure the positive consequences of employees’ disclosure of a mental health challenge?

Muriel Mignerat (PI)
Vers une gestion efficace des exigences contradictoires dans les projets de technologies de l'information

Jane O'Reilly (PI)
Inauthentic and authentic forgiveness in the workplace

Sharon O'Sullivan (PI)
The dynamics of Indigenous developmental relationships for environmental work: Bridging micro and macro levels of analysis

Allan Riding (PI), Barbara Orser, and Miwako Nitani
Overconfidence and financial decisions among self-employed Canadians
SSHRC Insight Development Grants
Grant recipients of the 2024 Insight Development Competition:

Adelphe Ekponon

Madeline Toubiana
Grant recipients of the 2023 Insight Development Competition:

Mohamed Chelli
Grant recipients of the 2022 Insight Development Competition:

Argiro Kliamenakis

Ramzi Fathallah

José Carlos Marques
The Sustainability Impact of Transparency Policies in Supply Chains
Grant recipients of the 2021 Insight Development Competition:
Grant recipients of the 2020 Insight Development Competition:

Jennifer Dimoff (PI) and Laurent Lapierre
Mental Illness in the Workplace: Understanding the Impact of Mental Health Climate on Employees

Mariam Humayun (PI)
Reclaiming Consumer Privacy: Escapes Through Digital Detoxing

Fabio Moneta (PI)

Anoosheh Rostamkalaei (PI) and Mark Freel
Immigrant Entrepreneurs' Access to and the Costs of Debt Financing
Grant recipient of the 2019 Insight Development Competition:

Magda Donia
A Business Case for Protecting Human Rights
Grant recipients of the 2018 Insight Development Competition:

Mohamed Chelli (PI) and Walid Ben Amar
Corporate water performance, market and cost of equity capital

Qiu Chen (PI), Shujun Ding, and TieMei Li
Impact investing by private foundations

José Carlos Marques (PI)
Unsealing their fate: An examination of the Canadian government's fur industry defense program
SSHRC Partnership Development Grants
Grant recipient of the 2023 SSHRC Partnership Development Competition:

Tyler Chamberlin
Grant recipient of the 2022 SSHRC Partnership Development Grants competition:

Sandra Schillo
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants
Grant recipients of the 2023-24 SSHRC Partnership Engage Competition:

Jennifer Dimoff
Pregnancy and Infant Loss, Social Support, and Work Outcomes
Grant recipients of the 2021-22 SSHRC Partnership Engage Competition:

Peter Jaskiewicz
Grant recipients of the 2020-21 SSHRC Partnership Engage Competition:

Wadid Lamine
Entrepreneuriat Francophone en Situation Minoritaire : Défis, Opportunités et Inclusion
Grant recipients of the 2019-2020 SSHRC Partnership Engage Competition:

Agnes Grudniewicz
COVID-19: The Role of Leaders in Shifting to and Sustaining Virtual Delivery of Social Programs
SSHRC Connection Grants
Grant recipient of the 2023 SSHRC Connection Competition:
SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants
Grant recipient of the 2022 SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Competition:
Grant recipient of the 2020 SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Competition:
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
NSERC Discovery Grants
Grant recipients of the 2024 NSERC Discovery Competition:
Grant recipients of the 2023 NSERC Discovery Competition:
Grant recipient of the 2021 NSERC Discovery Competition:
Grant recipient of the 2020 NSERC Discovery Competition:

Jonathan Patrick (PI)
Grant recipient of the 2019 NSERC Discovery Competition:

Sarah Ben Amor (PI)
Une approche multicritère pour décisions robustes intégrant l'apprentissage des préférences en contexte d'imperfections de l'information

Craig Kuziemsky (PI)
A System Design Framework for Digital Process Innovation

Onur Ozturk (PI)
Exact and Approximate Solution Methods for Batch Scheduling Problems
Grant recipient of the 2018 NSERC Discovery Competition:

Morad Benyoucef (PI)
Designing the next generation of social commerce platforms

Wojtek Michalowski (PI)
Computer model of the interactions among members of an interprofessional/ interdisciplinary team

Antoine Sauré (PI)
Approximate dynamic programming methods for dynamic resource allocation problems in health care
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
CIHR Project Grants
Grant recipient of the 2024 Project Grant Program competition:
Grant recipient of the 2020 Project Grant Program competition: