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Master of Science in Management
Thesis (2-Year)

The MSc in Management enables you to fully exploit the revolutionary power of great questions. Start your academic research journey and fulfill the requirements to pursue a PhD at a world-leading management school with our two-year thesis option.

Program Overview

The MSc in Management with thesis prepares you to think differently—to motivate yourself to look at challenging questions related to business, management, human behaviour and social interaction across our seven concentrations, and find equally novel ways to uncover empirically driven answers to those cutting-edge questions.

The Telfer Master of Science in Management progresses along a clear, rational path that exposes you to a comprehensive range of learning opportunities in your courses, research seminars, conferences, assistantships and more.

In the program, you devote your first two terms (8 months) to a mix of core and elective courses in your concentration of choice: Accounting, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Innovation Management, Marketing & Behavioural Science, and Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources (OBHR). You present your thesis proposal to the thesis committee for approval by the end of your second term. You then research and prepare your thesis during your last four terms (16 months) or get started earlier based on your thesis approval. Finally, you defend your thesis to your supervisor and thesis committee to complete the program.

Program Requirements

You must complete 21 units (seven 3-unit courses and the thesis). Depending on your concentration, you have mandatory and elective courses to choose from throughout your program. View the course sequence for the program in Accounting, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Innovation Management, Marketing & Behavioural Science, and Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources (OBHR).

The minimum passing grade in all courses taken as part of the program is C+. Students who fail two courses (equivalent to six units) or whose thesis proposal is rejected twice (only applicable to those enrolled in the thesis-based option) or who does not attend the minimum number of MGT 6191 seminars must withdraw.

You must attend a minimum of six seminars of the Telfer Research Seminar Series.

You must successfully defend your thesis (orally) in front of your supervisor and thesis committee member.

You can complete the two-year MSc MGT with thesis option in six terms or approximately 24 months, but you can also complete the program more quickly. The maximum time allowed for completion of this option is four years.

Get Started

Discover how to get started, find your supervisor, or apply to the program:

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