Fall 2024 

ADM 3797 A Codage pratique pour les entreprises (Julien Leclair-Dionne) in French only

The course is designed for business students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of how programming can solve applied business problems, and to help students write basic computer programs to accomplish practical tasks in the business world.

Throughout the course, students will learn basic programming concepts in Python, such as variables, lists, classes and loops, and practice writing computer programs with exercises for each topic. Students will also learn how to make their programs interactive, analyze data and generate interactive visualizations, test code before deploying it and handle errors in their code.

ADM 4396 A: Capitalism, Social Justice, and Sustainability (Ana María Peredo)

A concept that has come to be central in addressing the most urgent questions facing societies today is the idea of ‘sustainability’. The word is used everywhere, from government policy through to commercial advertising, but it is used in a variety of ways and with diverse assumptions. The purpose of this course is to gain a clearer understanding of the various elements in sustainability – social, cultural and economic as well as environmental. An essential part of that understanding is grasping the way that the global political and economic environment of capitalism impinges on how we understand sustainability, but also what impacts capitalism has on sustainability, including crucial questions of justice. Attention is paid to alternatives to the status quo, including the growing importance of ecological economics, the degrowth movement, Buen Vivir and Indigenous enterprises.

ADM 4396 B Cybersecurity (Umar Ruhi)

Cyber security mechanisms and practices always influence and often predominate the design and implementation of many online technologies and also affect the feasibility of digital transformation initiatives. Ultimately, it remains a challenge to design a system that can efficiently balance risk with service. This course presents a foundation level view of the technical, managerial, and human behavioral factors that are important for the effective implementation and institutionalization of security technologies, mechanisms, standards, and practices. The objective of this course is to build a broad understanding of technical, managerial, ethical, and legal issues related to the security of information systems. Toward this, the course covers a variety of topics including user, data and network security principles, information security strategies, risk assessment frameworks, operations security, access control systems, encryption and public key infrastructures, international security measurement standards, and regulatory compliance.

Winter 2025

ADM 3396 M Hands-on Coding for Business (William Van Woensel)

The course is targeted to business students with little or no programming experience. It seeks to provide students with an understanding of how programming can solve practical business problems and to help students write basic computer programs to accomplish practical tasks in the business world.

Through the course, students will learn basic programming concepts in Python, such as variables, lists, classes, and loops, and practice writing computer programs with exercises for each topic. Students will also learn how to make their programs interactive, analyze data and generate interactive visualizations, test code before deploying it, and deal with mistakes and errors in their code.

ADM 3396 N, Healthcare Management (Agnes Grudniewicz)

Healthcare is one of Canada’s largest industries and arguably one of its most important. It is composed of many interacting complex systems working to improve the health of Canadians. To ensure its sustainability, it needs knowledgeable and driven managers. In this course, students will learn how Canadian healthcare works, what makes it a unique sector to manage, how to manage health organizations and human health resources, challenges facing healthcare systems, and how to improve healthcare system performance. The course will go beyond the concept of profit to examine performance in a sector mostly funded by government dollars. Debate and discussion about current issues will be an integral part of the course and students will have the opportunity to learn from inspiring healthcare leaders.

ADM 3396 P, Sport Management (Milena Parent)

Application of Management concepts learned in other courses (e.g. strategy, marketing, human resource management) to sport and sport organizations (i.e. for-profit, non-profit, and sports events). This includes a critical analysis of the impact of sport regulation and context on managing sport and sport organizations.

ADM 4396 M, Personal Development and Leadership (Matt Archibald)

This facilitator-driven seminar introduces students to important aspects related to personal and leadership development and will broaden students’ awareness in topics related to career development, leadership skills, self and balance, and community involvement.  Thinking about what goals to set, how to map out a career plan, what it will take to be a business leader in the future, and how does one find balance in one’s life while looking to achieve long-term success as a business leader are just some of the topics that will be explored in this highly engaging Seminar.

To be admitted into this course, please send your resume to Mr. Matthew Archibald (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).  

Applications will be accepted until December 1, 2024.

Summer 2025

ADM 4396 X: AI and Strategic Decision-Making in Practice (Mayur Joshi and Umar Ruhi)

AI and Strategic Decision-Making in Practice

Description: The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the development and adoption of AI in strategic decision-making. The course will focus on business practice by drawing on examples and case studies from banking and FinTech and also explain how the practices apply to other industries. Broadly, the course will expose students to the data generation processes as well as prevalent data science models applicable to various banking functions and products, including financial performance analytics, customer analytics, risk analytics, robo-advising, and text analytics. It will discuss several data science models that help solve business problems imperative for large incumbent organizations as well as startups and the challenges the organizations face in developing and implementing these models. The key focus will be less on learning technical skills and more on envisioning various real-life scenarios in which students can employ their technical skills. 

ADM 4396 Y: Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Business (Myriam Brouard)

A 3-week intensive seminar offered from May 5 to May 23, 2025

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion has been one of the most rapidly growing business fields in the last 5 years. Most companies recognize that they are ill-equipped to deal with the realities of how the lack of equity, diversity, and inclusion has impacted their business and growth. In this course, we will explore how EDI affects all company functions: from leadership down to product development. This course is unique in the Canadian business school context, as it will be a collaborative experience where students will work alongside corporate partners and their colleagues to help develop an EDI scorecard. This co-created tool will be instrumental in the students’ learning experience but will also contribute to the EDI efforts of the company at hand. By the end of this course, the student will have a better mastery of some core concepts of EDI and anti-racism. They will understand how companies can address these issues in their businesses and how this work, though difficult, is an investment in the company’s sustainable development.