Telfer Research Excellence Awards

2024 recipients

Ana Maria Peredo

Established Researcher

Ana Maria Peredo

Jennifer Dimoff

Emerging Researcher

Jennifer Dimoff

2023 recipients

Fabio Moneta

Established Researcher

Fabio Moneta

Madeline Toubiana

Emerging Researcher

Madeline Toubiana

2022 recipients

Peter Jaskiewicz

Established Researcher

Peter Jaskiewicz

Full Professor and University Research Chair in Enduring Entrepreneurship

Professeur Saure

Emerging Researcher

José Carlos Marques

Associate Professor

2021 recipients

Professeur Ika

Established Researcher

Lavagnon Ika

Full Professor of Project Management (PM)

Professeur Saure

Emerging Researcher

Antoine Sauré

Assistant Professor

Research Excellence Award – Established Researcher


The recipient of the Established Researcher award is a faculty member who through their impactful research has earned national and/or international recognition for the Telfer School of Management. The recipient of this award has over the past 5 years conducted outstanding and impactful research.

Evaluation Criteria

In assessing nominees for the Established Researcher Award, the Telfer School Research Committee will evaluate the following criteria:

  • Quality of Research: The recipient of the Established Researcher Award conducted and published high quality research over the past 5 years. Because research quality indicators are specific to disciplines, one or several of them can be used in promoting a candidate: publications in high quality journals (including papers invited for revision and resubmission), presentations at leading academic conferences, number of citations and/or its derivative measures (such as h-index), journal impact factor, external awards, other discipline relevant indicators and relevant attention from the broader academic community of the candidate’s discipline. When evaluating candidates, the Research Committee will evaluate each candidate within their discipline using discipline-specific indicators. The Research Committee will also look for evidence that the candidate is an independent researcher, including abilities to foster new research collaborations. Potential for research to impact management practices and policy making, as well as receiving media attention will be considered to reflect quality of the candidate’s research.
  • Research Funding: the recipient has a strong history of securing external funding or research support.
  • Students’ Research Training: The recipient should have demonstrated willingness to participate in the research training of students. Evidence for student training can include but is not limited to: participating in the UROP program, the supervision or co-supervision of graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows, teaching in the MSc and/or PhD programs, publishing with students, or sitting on graduate students’ thesis committees.

Evaluation of candidates will be based on CV, but also on a support letter that will persuasively, comprehensively, and with examples convey how the candidates’ research meets the evaluation criteria detailed above.

The nominator’s letter is critically important in the evaluation process. We encourage the nominators to write a letter of support that clearly and unambiguously demonstrates how the nominee exceeds the criteria for excellence in research listed in the Call for Nominations (namely, research quality, research funding, and contributions to students’ research training).  Nominators should ensure that the narrative information provided in their letter provides detailed evidence of the nominee’s contributions and explains how those contributions should be understood in the context of the nominee’s field. For example, when describing the quality of research, nominators may mention the prestige of a journal or the impact of a publication on theory and/or practice. Similarly, when describing research funding, the nominators may convey criteria such as success rates of grants, typical grant size, etc., to show how the nominee’s file favorably compares to the peers in their field. Finally, contributions to training may highlight roles that help shape the research experience of students beyond supervision and teaching.  Letters that are concrete, specific, and contextualize achievements to the nominee’s field of research are more helpful than letters containing general accolades.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Has completed a minimum of seven years as an independent researcher.
  • Holds a full-time tenured position at the Telfer School of Management.
  • Did not receive this award in the last two years.
  • Is APUO member.

Nomination Process

Candidates for this award are nominated by Telfer School colleagues or sections. For each candidate, a letter of support and current CV are to be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (To be launched in spring, date TBD). The candidate’s CV should attest that they meet the minimum eligibility criteria.

The awardee is recommended to the Vice-Dean (Research) by a jury consisting of members of the Telfer School Research Committee; if necessary, assistance of a domain expert evaluator (external or internal to Telfer School) in assessing the dossiers of candidates can be requested.

At most one Established Researcher Award will be bestowed each year.

Considering the eligibility and evaluation criteria, there might be no recipient for this award in a given academic year.

Research Excellence Award – Emerging Researcher


The purpose of the award is to recognize a Telfer School of Management junior faculty member who is on a path to research excellence and to identify potential candidates for the University of Ottawa Early Career Researcher of the Year Award. The recipient of this award is a faculty member at the Telfer School who is in the early stages of their career, with an independent program of research that demonstrates outstanding potential to impact future research and management practices.

Evaluation Criteria

In assessing nominees for the Emerging Researcher Award, the Telfer School Research Committee will evaluate the following criteria:

  • Quality of Research: The recipient of the Emerging Researcher Award should demonstrate the ability to conduct and publish high quality research. Because research quality indicators are specific to disciplines, one or several of them can be used in promoting a nominee: publications in high quality journals (including papers invited for revision and resubmission), presentations at leading academic conferences, number of citations and/or its derivative measures (such as h-index), journal impact factor, external awards, other discipline relevant indicators and relevant attention from the broader academic community of the nominee’s discipline. When evaluating candidates, the Research Committee will evaluate each nominee within their discipline using discipline-specific indicators. The Research Committee will also look for evidence to support the candidates’ ability to develop into an independent researcher, including abilities to foster new research collaborations. Potential for research to impact management practices and policy making, as well as receiving media attention will be considered to reflect quality of the nominees’ research
  • Research Funding: the recipient must exhibit the ability to secure external research funding or research support.
  • Students’ Research Training: The recipient should have demonstrated willingness to participate in the research training of students. Evidence for student training can include but is not limited to: participating in the UROP program, the supervision or co-supervision of graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows, teaching in the MSc and/or PhD programs, publishing with students, or sitting on graduate students’ thesis committees.

Evaluation of candidates will be based on CV but also on a support letter that will persuasively, comprehensively, and with examples convey how the nominees’ research meets the evaluation criteria detailed above.

The nominator’s letter is critically important in the evaluation process. We encourage the nominators to write a letter of support that clearly and unambiguously demonstrates how the nominee exceeds the criteria for excellence in research listed in the Call for Nominations (namely, research quality, research funding, and contributions to students’ research training).  Nominators should ensure that the narrative information provided in their letter provides detailed evidence of the nominee’s contributions and explains how those contributions should be understood in the context of the nominee’s field. For example, when describing the quality of research, nominators may mention the prestige of a journal or the impact of a publication on theory and/or practice. Similarly, when describing research funding, the nominators may convey criteria such as success rates of grants, typical grant size, etc., to show how the nominee’s file favorably compares to the peers in their field. Finally, contributions to training may highlight roles that help shape the research experience of students beyond supervision and teaching.  Letters that are concrete, specific, and contextualize achievements to the nominee’s field of research are more helpful than letters containing general accolades.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Has completed at least two years but no more than seven as an independent researcher.
  • Holds a tenure-track position or was granted tenure and promotion in the last 2 years.
  • Is APUO member.
  • Did not receive this award in the past.

Nomination Process

Candidates for this award are nominated by Telfer School colleagues or sections. For each candidate, a letter of support and current CV are to be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (To be launched in spring, date TBD). The candidate’s CV should attest that they meet the minimum eligibility criteria.

The awardee is recommended to the Vice-Dean (Research) by a jury consisting of members of the Telfer School Research Committee; if necessary, assistance of a domain expert evaluator (external or internal to Telfer School) in assessing the dossiers of candidates can be requested.

At most one Emerging Researcher Award will be bestowed each year.

Considering the eligibility and evaluation criteria, there might be no recipient for this award in a given academic year.

Please note that considering the eligibility of candidates and evaluation criteria of the University of Ottawa Early Career Researcher of the Year Award, a recipient of Telfer’s Emerging Researcher Award may not be put automatically forward for the University of Ottawa competition. Every year, the School’s Executive committee will look at admissible past and current recipients and nominate the best candidate to be presented to the Early Career Researcher of the Year Award.