Telfer Annual
Research Report
Message from the Vice-Dean Research
My name is Shantanu Dutta, and I’m the vice-dean, research at the Telfer School of Management, an interdisciplinary school situated at the University of Ottawa, one of Canada’s top 10 research universities. In 2020-2021, the Telfer School of Management continued to collaborate with academic partners and the community to build a stronger research foundation for a greener, healthier, happier, and wealthier and more prosperous Canada.
Last year, Telfer researchers advanced our four Areas of Strategic Impact, uncovering innovative knowledge to help leaders design sustainability strategies, develop the diverse workforce of the future, transform our health-care system and sustain economic and societal prosperity in Canada and abroad. Telfer also welcomed the Responsible Wealth Creation and Management cluster. Researchers affiliated with this new group will provide insights and innovative financial solutions for businesses, investors and financial institutions who seek to transition towards responsible investing practices.
In 2020–2021, Telfer researchers received 13 new prestigious government funding grants awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada Institutes of Health Research and Canada Foundation for Innovation. Telfer researchers also attracted several private research investments, including those financed by Mitacs and Protein Industries Canada, and the Ontario Centre for Innovation. Our research excellence is leading to breakthrough findings, frameworks and insights that are published in top-ranked academic journals.
But our work does not stop at award-winning projects and academic publications. Over the next five years, Telfer will establish interdisciplinary research, learning and practice centres in four strategic areas. For instance, a Major Projects Observatory was launched in 2021, to engage researchers and practitioners in conversations about large projects, their challenges and successes in both Canada and internationally.
Telfer also partnered with the Faculty of Arts to develop the foundation of the Triple I Lab. This new core facility will serve as a hub for partnerships in research and knowledge translation at the University of Ottawa and allow researchers to better understand the interpersonal dynamics of social inclusion in the workplace.
Laying the foundations also includes developing the academic leadership of tomorrow. I’m proud to say that the first student in the PhD program defended his doctoral dissertation at the start of 2021. Vusal Babashov examined how analytics tools can enable health organizations to make better management decisions and offer timely care for patients. I wish all Telfer PhD and MSc students the best of luck in their academic journey ahead.
During my first term as vice-dean research, I am proud of the work accomplished by Telfer professors and students. Through new research infrastructure, they will continue developing the knowledge needed to foster a better Canada.

As a research-intensive institution, the Telfer School of Management is building the foundation for a greener, healthier, happier and wealthier Canada. In collaboration with the community and renowned experts from other institutions, our researchers are identifying innovative ideas around four areas of strategic impact.
Our work does not stop at award-winning research and prestigious academic publications. Telfer professors are also establishing interdisciplinary research institutes, centres and labs to develop the leadership, education and practices that will be required for Canadians to address the world’s most pressing challenges post-pandemic.
Research for a
Greener Canada
Our global economic system is built on connections. Therefore, corporate governance and actions must reflect a long-term commitment to our planet. Telfer researchers are creating knowledge to support organizations in building sustainable social, environmental and economic value. Read More
Research for a
Healthier Canada
Telfer researchers have been developing advanced analytics and machine learning models that can support health leaders and public policy officials in tackling old and new challenges and providing quality care to all Canadians. Read More
Research for a
Happier Canada
Many employees and managers are asking how work, the workplace and talent development will look in the future. Telfer research on well-being, mental health, teamwork, diversity, equity and leadership will provide the knowledge required to prepare organizational leaders and the workforce for the challenges ahead. Read More
Research for a
Wealthier Canada
To continue fostering a more prosperous Canada for everyone, businesses will need the right strategies for a post-pandemic economy. Our researchers are sharing insights to help Canada’s corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, family business owners and investors to lead, sustain growth, and innovate. Read More
Award Winning Research
Telfer researchers are attracting research funding to redefine our management practices, transforming leadership, reshaping our workplace into a more inclusive environment and creating more resilient health-care systems. In 2020–2021, the Telfer research community had a success rate of 67% in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight competition, one of the highest rates of all Canadian business schools. It also secured financial support through the Canada Foundation for Innovation to develop infrastructure for the Triple I Lab, a new core facility that will accelerate research about the interpersonal dynamics of social inclusion in the workplace.
Read more about the new, award-winning research projects that will contribute to a better Canada for all.
External Funding
Internal Funding & Awards
Other Telfer research funding
Qianru Qi
Artificial Intelligence for Labor Market Equality
Harshit Rajaiya
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities by Firms and Seasoned Equity Offerings
Yao Yao
A blessing or a curse? Impacts of digital technologies on the legitimacy of the HRM profession
Mark Freel
After the exit: The career paths and earnings trajectories of former immigrant entrepreneurs
Other government funding
Kevin Brand and Andrew Scarffe
Establishing a Standard of Proof for Public Health Threats: Exploration of the Use of Precaution and Weight of Evidence
Agnes Grudniewicz and Rachel Thelen
Social demographic data collection and use in Ontario’s CHCs in the context of virtual delivery of social programs
Jonathan Li and Mohammad Amin Masoudi
Deep Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning Framework for Portfolio Management
Sandra Schillo, Caiyi Zhao, Ye Zhu, Hassan Ebrahimi, and Keerthana Nallamari Devanand
Food Convergent Innovation Canada Start-Up: Developing data and methods to support the digital backbone of the agri-food system in the Covid19 context"
Sandra Schillo and Mohammadreza Seifollahi
Small and Medium Enterprises in a Covid-19 context: Ecosystem business intelligence for increased resilience
Mitacs Business Strategy Internship
David Crick and Yassmine Chahid Chentouf
The Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery Plan
Michael Mulvey and Hanbyoul Agatha Park
DSORC Dementia613 Website and Marketing
Through strategic hiring, we have been attracting a new generation of academic leaders. Our new professors are committed to building the foundation for a better Canada through research, teaching and practice. In 2020–2021, we welcomed three new professors to our vibrant research community.
Research Chairs,
and Fellowships
Research chairs, professorships and fellowships are an essential support that allows professors to advance a discipline or an area of strategic impact. They are allocated on the basis of research programs and the contributions that professors make to research, teaching and practice. Over the last number of years, Telfer professors have received several research chairs, fellowships, and professorships to chart the path of excellence in their fields.
Discover our research chairs, professorships and fellowships
Graduate Student
Telfer graduate students are a vital part of our research success story. They have had remarkable success in securing research scholarships and awards.
We prepare graduate students to become the next generation of thought leaders. They will build the knowledge-based society that a better Canada needs in order to thrive.

In 2020–2021, our research community continued to share insights into entrepreneurship, management, governance, health-care transformation and the workplace environment. But more than just discussing pressing topics on newspaper articles, opinion editorials or radio shows, Telfer professors engaged business leaders, government and the community in exciting discussions at our public events. They also welcomed top-notch research partners at various events to advance student understanding and training and to strengthen our collaborations in the academic community.
Public Events
Academic Events
CPA-Accounting and Governance Research Centre Seminars
The CPA-Accounting and Governance Research Centre organized six seminars with prominent speakers from all over the globe, including the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden), University of Birmingham (England) and Alliance Manchester Business School (England).
Health Systems and Management Research Seminars
The Telfer School of Management welcomed 15 established scholars based at prominent organizations, universities, and research centres located in Canada and abroad, including the Ottawa Hospital, Western University, the University of Toronto, the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction, the University of Birmingham (U.K.), and Washington State University (U.S.).
New Faculty Seminars
The academic community, professionals and organizational leaders heard how Telfer professors Ali Akyol, Harshit Rajaiya, Qianru Qi, and Yao Yao are advancing research and practice in the areas of governance, entrepreneurship, finance, and organizational behaviour and human resources (OBHR).
Areas of Strategic Impact Events
In partnership with the Research Office, the Areas of Strategic Impact launched new series of events for their members, as well as the larger University of Ottawa community. The Globalization, Governance and Sustainability group welcomed leading scholars and practitioners to two discussions about topics related to sustainability, including “The Principles for Responsible Management Education: Inspiration from External Experts.” The Thriving Organizations and Societies group hosted two events where students, faculty members, and practitioners joined distinguished speakers in conversations about how to build thriving organizations and societies, including the “Enhancing Mental Capital and Wellbeing at Work.”
In 2020–2021 professors and graduate students at the Telfer School of Management contributed to the advancement of research and public debate on several research topics.
Over the next five years, the Telfer School of Management will advance our research impact on society by building interdisciplinary research, learning, and practice centres in four strategic areas. These centres will not only accelerate cutting-edge research on a variety of topics, but also facilitate knowledge transformation and application that will support organizations in building a better Canada for all.
Get involved in our vision to get greener, healthier, happier and wealthier.
office team

Vice-Dean, Research

Areas of Strategic Impact (ASI) Coordinator

Research Knowledge Mobilization Officer

Research Advisor

Research Coordinator and Administrator

Coordinator, Strategic Initiatives