Telfer Annual
Research Report
Graduate Student
Telfer graduate students are a vital part of our research success story. They have had remarkable success in securing research scholarships and awards.
We prepare graduate students to become the next generation of thought leaders. They will build the knowledge-based society that a better Canada needs in order to thrive.

Student Engagement

Student Scholarships
Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships CGS Master’s Awards — Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Rachel Thelen (MSc, health systems)
Ontario Graduate Scholarships
- Léa Dugal (PhD)
- Mohammed Al-Ta'amneh (PhD)
- Yanhong Li (PhD)
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology
- Andrew Scarffe (PhD)
- Mirmeisam Hoseini (MSc, management)
- Elmira Mirbahaeddin (PhD)
University of Ottawa Graduate Student Knowledge Mobilization Training Scholarship
- Alex Chung (PhD)
Student Awards
Telfer School of Management Research Awards
Each year we recognize outstanding student accomplishments with two graduate student research awards, the PhD Engagement Award and the John Duncan and Deb Cross Award.
PhD Engagement Award
Andrew Scarffe (PhD)
John Duncan and Deb Cross Award
Afshin Kamyabniya (PhD) — first prize
Nicholas Legendre (PhD) — second prize
Daniel Zeghal Award
Mohammed Al-Ta'amneh (PhD)
Marwa Soliman (PhD)

2020 Graduate Research Programs Thesis Competition
On October 23, 2020, 14 students participated in a virtual edition of the Graduate Research Programs Thesis Competition and impressed us with a morning of captivating presentations. The competition was fierce, but four students ranked among the top three presenters and received cash prizes:
- Nadia Landry — first prize, $3,000
- Nina Nesdoly — second prize, $2,000
- Esra Ben Ismail and Marwa Solimon — third prize (tie), $500 each