MHA Program Structure

MHA (20 Months + Administrative Residency/Field Project)

Fall - Year 1 (Course timetable)

Course Code Title
MHA5300B00 Fundamentals of Data Analytics: Making Data Useful for Health Care Managers (3 units)
MHA6260B00 Project Planning and Management (1.5 unit)
MHA6360B00 Health Care in Canada in a Comparative Context (3 Units)

Winter - Year 1 (Course timetable

Course Code Title
MHA6370B00 Health Informatics (3 units)                                                                                         
MHA5140B00 Financial Accounting (1.5 unit)
MHA6301B00 Epidemiology and Population Health (3 units)

Spring/Summer - Year 1 (Course timetable)  

Course Code Title
MHA5141B00 Managerial Accounting (1.5 unit)                                                                  
MHA6351B00 Health Economics (3 units)
MHA5330B00 Human Resource Management in Health Care (3 units)

Fall - Year 2 (Course timetable

Course Code Title
MHA6250B00  Health Care Finance (1.5 unit)
MHA6380B00 Quantitative Methods and Their Applications to Health Care Decision Making (3 units)
MHA6312B00 Strategy, Governance, and Ethical Management in Health (3 units)

Winter - Year 2 (Course timetable

Course Code Title

Organizational Behavior and Change in Health Care (3 units)

MHA6271B00 Application of Information Technology in Health Care (1.5 unit)
MHA6315B00 Quality and Performance Management in Health Care (3 units)         
MHA6203B00 Program Evaluation for Health Care Managers (1.5 unit) 

Spring/Summer - Year 2 or Fall - Year 3 (Course timetable

  Spring/Summer - Year 2 Fall - Year 3
Course Code Title Title
MHA6990T00 Field Project (6 units) Residency and/or Field Project (6 units)

Important Dates, Forms, and Academic Regulations

Fall 2024 Regular Courses

(3 u.)
Block 1
(1.5 u.)
Block 2
(1.5 u.)
Start and end dates September 3 – December 1 September 3 –October 13 October 21 – December 1
Exam period October 15-20 & December 2-13 October 15-20 December 2-13
Last day to pay tuition fees without penalty September 27 September 27 September 27
Registration start date June 18 June 18 June 18
Last day to add a course September 20 September 6 October 25

Last day to cancel a course

September 27 September 13 November 1
Final marks posted (exceptions may apply) December/January November December/January

Winter 2025 Regular Courses

(3 u.)
Block 3
(1.5 u.)
Block 4
(1.5 u.)
Start and end dates January 6 - April 6 January 4 - February 14 February 24 - April 6
Exam period February 18-23 & April 7-17 (TBC) February 18-23 April 7-17 (TBC)
Last day to pay tuition fees without penalty January 24 January 24 January 24
Registration start date June 18 June 18 June 18
Last day to add a course January 17 January 10 February 28

Last day to cancel a course

January 24 January 17 March 7
Final marks posted (exceptions may apply) May March May
Programs Rules and Regulations

Spring/Summer 2025 Regular Courses

(3 u.)
Block 5
(1.5 u.)
Block 6
(1.5 u.)
Start and end dates May 1 - August 5 May 1 - June 8 June 17 - August 5
Exam period June 9-15 & August 6-15 (TBC) June 9-15 August 6-15 (TBC)
Last day to pay tuition fees without penalty May 23 May 23 May 23
Registration start date March 18 March 18 March 18
Last day to add a course May 9 May 2 June 20

Last day to cancel a course

May 16 May 9 June 27
Final marks posted (exceptions may apply) September June/July September

Program Forms and Regulations

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies General Regulations

Access Cards to the Desmarais Building 

Regulation on Academic Fraud

Grading system

Grade appeal

Modification/Cancellation of Enrolment form

Registration for Degree and Request for Diploma

Leave of Absence

Graduate Enrolment Form

Personal Ethics Statements for Group Assignments

Personal Ethics Statements for Individual Assignments

Declaration of Absence from an Evaluation

Absence from  a midterm or final exam or any other final evaluation (e.g., a take-home exam) on medical grounds or due to exceptional personal circumstances, must be reported by submitting the online Declaration of Absence from an Examination. An absence from an exam cannot be declared more than five (5) working days prior to the start of the exam or three (3) working days after the exam. However, if a student starts an exam but cannot complete it due to a significant deterioration in their health or a situation requiring immediate or emergency medical attention, the student must submit the Declaration of Absence from an Examination within five (5) working days following the exam. 

Students can request a maximum of one (1) deferred evaluation per course, and this evaluation must take place as soon as possible, within six (6) months of the end of the term. Evaluation for graduate students must occur as soon as possible, within three (3) months of the end of the term.

Exam Regulations

Please consult the evaluation of the Student Learning section of the academic regulations, the information related to Exams and related sections regarding the grading system.