2022 BCom Program Changes
MAT 1300 and MAT 1302 have been combined into a single math course, ADM 1305. PHI 1101 and PHI 2397 have been abolished, and 2 ADM electives were removed from the majority of the BCom options. These courses were replaced by 5 electives that can be ADM courses or outside-of-faculty courses.
The BCom common core has fewer courses. The new program structure therefore provides more flexibility to students, who can now do 2 BCom options at the same time, or one option and a minor from another faculty.
If you were admitted to the BCom before the Fall 2022 term and you want to get into the new version of the program, you can send your request to the Student Services Centre at
Your program version will not be automatically updated, we will evaluate your file in the first place to determine the impact of your request.
It is impossible to change into an older version of the BCom program. For instance, you cannot change into the 2021 version of the BCom program if you were admitted in the Fall 2022 term.
If you were admitted to the BCom in the Fall 2022 term onward, you must follow the course sequence for your option and take ADM 1305.
If you are enrolled in a previous version of the BCom, you cannot take ADM 1305 as an ADM elective, since this new course cannot be combined for credits with MAT 1300/ MAT 1329 or MAT 1302.
If you change the version of your program and if you have already completed MAT 1300/MAT 1329 and MAT 1302, you will be exempted from ADM 1305. However, only 3 units of the MAT courses will be retained in your program requirements and the other course will be excluded. Neither MAT 1300/MAT 1329 or MAT 1302 can count as an elective in the BCom program.
If you transfer into the BCom program and have already completed MAT 1330/MAT 1320/MAT 1321/MAT 1327 and MAT 1341, you will be exempted from ADM 1305. The two MAT courses will count as electives in your program, and you will be required to complete an additional elective to replace ADM 1305. This course can be an ADM or out of faculty elective (except ADM 1101/1501).
The course MAT 1308 can count as an elective in the new version of the BCom. This course cannot be used in any combination of mathematics courses to replace ADM 1305.
ADM 1305 combines calculus and linear algebra. If you want this course to count in your program, you must request that your program be updated to the newer version (see above Can I change into the new version of the BCom program?)
If you change the version of your program and you take ADM 1305, the grade you will get in this course won’t replace the failed grades you got in MAT 1300 and/or MAT 1302. These fail grades will always count in your average, unless you decide to repeat the failed courses. Please see academic regulation B-4.5 for details.
Yes, it is possible to add a minor from another faculty to the BCom program (version 2022), starting in the Fall 2022, if you meet the program requirements. Please note that the Minor in Management and the Minor in Entrepreneurship are not available to BCom students.
If you are enrolled in the 2021 (or previous) version of the BCom program, you must first ask for your program’s version to be updated to the 2022 version before being able to add a minor. For more information on this, please consult the section Can I change into the new version of the BCom program?
Yes, it’s possible to combine 2 options in the 2022 version of the BCom program.
To add a second option, you can fill out the form available in the Applications tab of your uoZone account between March 1st and June 1st.
Please note that, if you are in CO-OP, adding a second option or a minor might extend your studies and impact your graduation date.
Yes, it is possible to add the Complementary option in Entrepreneurship or the Complementary option in Business Analytics* to the BCom program, but only if you have been admitted to the Telfer School before the Fall 2022 term.
Both complementary options are only available to BCom students. If you belong to another faculty, you can check if the Minor in Management or the Minor in Entrepreneurship would be a good option for you.
BCom students can add a complementary option at any time, if their CGPA is at least 5.0, by writing to the Student Services Centre at
Please note that the complementary option will not appear on the diploma, only in the official transcript.
It is not possible to add a complementary option if you are in 2 options of the BCom, nor if you are in one option of the BCom and a minor from another faculty.
*The Complementary option in Business Analytics is not available for students in Business Technology Management or in International Management.
We encourage students to change their program prior to their admission to the CO-OP program, therefore prior to September 30, in second year.
It is possible that you would be considered a second year student in your first term at uOttawa if you received advanced standing based on your prior studies.
If you are already admitted to CO-OP in your current program, we cannot guarantee that you’ll be able to stay in CO-OP after your program change.
Furthermore, adding a second option or a minor to your program of study might extend your studies and delay your graduation. For more information on the CO-OP program, please consult the CO-OP FAQ.
If you are already enrolled at Telfer and you want to change your option, you must have a CGPA of at least 6.0 and you must submit your request online between March 1 and June 1.
Your program will be officially changed for the Summer or the Fall term, depending on the timing of your request.
You can consult the Program and eligibility critera webpage to see the deadlines, CGPA and prerequisites required for programs offered at the University of Ottawa. You can follow the steps explained below in How can I submit a program change request?
Before requesting a change, you must ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria of the new program and that you respect the deadline to submit the request (please see Program and elibitility criteria for details).
Furthermore, since graduation requirements may vary between programs, changing your program could impact the number of units left to do in your program. If you have questions regarding your new course sequence or graduation requirements, please contact the Student Services Centre. We are available from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. (or 3 p.m. from June 1 to August 31):
- Chat: https://telfer.uottawa.ca/en/bcom/
- Immediate Academic Assistance via MS Teams:
When you know you meet the eligibility criteria, you can submit your program change request via your Student Centre in uoZone.
No, all our BCom students can participate in our international exchange programs.
We encourage you to visit the Telfer International Exchange Program webpage for more information.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that a full-time term on exchange is possible for all combinations of BCom options.
Please write to
If you’re planning on changing your program, you must specify it when you apply to the international exchange program.
Usually, this would not impact on your eligibility for the Telfer international exchange programs, as long as you meet the admission criteria.
However, if you transfer into another faculty, you can no longer participate in the Telfer international exchange programs. You would then need to follow the admission process for the University of Ottawa international exchange programs instead.
Telfer appeal committee
The Telfer Appeal Committee evaluates appeal requests submitted by students seeking exceptions. The exceptions can be related to different items, such as deadlines, program requirements, academic regulations, readmission, graduation, etc.
The Committee is composed of three members from the Undergraduate Leadership Team and meets on a weekly basis during the Fall and Winter terms, and bi-weekly during the Summer term. The Committee appreciates the time sensitive nature of some requests and looks to respond to requests within one week. While the committee does not meet with students, it does review all documents that are provided with the appeal request.
The role of the Committee is to determine whether:
- the circumstances described and documentation attached in the submission are extraordinary enough to qualify for an exception;
- the exception can be made regardless of the circumstances, as this will set a precedent.
While the Telfer Appeal Committee understands that students can be faced with academic and/or personal challenges, it will never approve any of the following exceptions, regardless of the circumstances and justifications provided. If a student submits an appeal request for any of these exceptions, their request will not be reviewed and they will receive a response accordingly. The exceptions are:
Special accommodation requests: all academic accommodations must be submitted to the Academic Accommodations Team (formerly known as SASS). The Telfer Appeal Committee does not have the required expertise to assess students’ accommodation needs. More information on the process is available here: Accommodations overview, services and hours | Study.
- Repeating a course for a 4th time. If a student fails a mandatory common core course 3 times, they will not be able to graduate from the BCom. If they fail a mandatory course in an option, they will not be able to graduate from that option and will need to change to a different option if they still wish to graduate from the BCom. Please note that students need to seek a special permission to repeat a course for a third time. The Telfer School regulations only allow students to repeat courses twice. Third attempts require going through an upgrading process (exceptions to this requirement may be granted for 4th year students);
- Enrolling in 7 courses per term;
- Enrolling in 6 courses per term for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students, to the exception of language certifications and ESL courses;
- Taking any course without having completed its prerequisite/s unless it is already clearly indicated on the Telfer website, like for ADM 4311/4711 (wherein the case of ADM 4311/4711 there is permission with one exception to 1000, 2000, 3000 core courses. The exception cannot be ADM 2381/2781).
Changing a grade: the Undergraduate Studies Office does not have the authority to interfere with grading. Any changes to a grade must be discussed with the Professor. If the student still disapproves the grade after speaking to their Professor, they can submit a grade re-evaluation request by completing the following form: Grade re-evaluation.
Taking the courses ADM 4311/ADM 4711, ADM 4317/ADM 4717, ADM 4325/ADM 4725, ADM 4339/ADM 4739, ADM 4340/ADM 4740, ADM 4350/ADM 4750, ADM 4377/ADM 4777 by letter of permission. These are capstone courses which include a real-life business challenge simulation that must be taken at Telfer. ADM 3318/ADM 3718 cannot be taken by letter of permission either as it includes a high intensity experiential learning component as well. ADM 2381/ADM 2781 also cannot be taken by letter of permission.
- Exceptions to Senate approved program requirements, such as: counting an ADM elective as an out-of-faculty elective or the opposite, counting a 1000-level course as a higher level course, graduating without having completed all required units (120 or more for certain programs), graduating without having completed your admission conditions (make-up courses, ESL, etc.), graduating without having completed 4 ADM courses at the 4000-level, graduating with a CGPA below 5.00;
- Receiving all units for courses that cannot be combined: ADM 3313/ADM 3315, ADM 3358/ADM 4354, MAT 1300+MAT 1302/ADM 1305;
- Admission to Telfer with a CGPA lower than the required 6.00;
- Graduating with a minor from Telfer with a CGPA lower than the required 6.00.
If the request relates to a retroactive withdrawal from a course/courses, the following should be considered before submitting a request to the Telfer Appeal Committee:
- Retroactive withdrawal with financial credit after the deadline: the student will need to prove that they did not participate/attend class (with supporting emails from Professors), and/or use University services after the deadline;
- Retroactive withdrawal without financial credit after the deadline: they will need to provide solid documentation justifying the validity of their request, especially if the request relates to failed courses only while others have been completed successfully in the same term. They need to be able to clearly explain why their circumstances only impacted the failed courses specifically and not all others. The documentation provided needs to clearly demonstrate this as well.
If the student’s exception falls under one of the above listed categories and they still wish to address their situation, they should reach out to one of our Academic Advisors to discuss.
Please use the following Appeal Request Form to submit a request to the Telfer Appeal Committee. As indicated in the form, your justification letter should not exceed two pages. Please also make sure to attach all relevant documentation to support your request.