David Crick

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- DMS 10145
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- 613-562-5800 x 4916
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David Crick has over 30 years of experience in research, teaching and administrative roles in business schools with a further 6 years of full time experience in industry and various consultancy roles. He was previously Professor of International Entrepreneurship at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, after two similar posts at the level of full professor in the U.K., at universities in Leicester and Birmingham. He has acted in various administrative roles such as Director of Research for a previous faculty and a Section Head; additionally, he has also served as an accreditation reviewer for several organisations.
David's research lies at the intersection of international entrepreneurship and marketing. Start-up firms with limited resources and an evolving business model are a particular area of interest, of which internationalization processes and the support requirements of entrepreneurs are a core aspect. This research takes a holistic approach regarding entrepreneurial strategies in internationalizing firms, including the notions of 'coopetition' and also 'serendipity' in unplanned versus planned ventures. In addition, David's research has involved entrepreneurs from minority ethnic communities and the types of assistance they require. His research has been of high academic and practitioner impact, and he is regularly asked to peer review papers, examine theses and to speak on the topic. He is on the editorial boards of several journals. He was awarded a Higher Doctorate for his contribution to research.
His teaching approach has emphasized experiential learning (including validation of evolving business models) rather than simply lectures, including the opportunity for students to meet real-life entrepreneurs and network partners like angel investors. Both in his recent and prior roles including as a visiting professor at Tromso University, he taught students that were in the process of starting a business in parallel with their studies.
Publications during the last 7 years
Papers in Refereed Journals
- Mahdi, A., Crick, D., Crick, J., Lamine, W. and Spence, M. 2024. A Study of Entrepreneurial Marketing Activities and Firm Performance in an Immediate Post COVID-19 Era: The Moderating Role of Coopetition. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 30(6): 1527-1552.
- Crick, J.M., Crick, D. and Ferrigno, G. 2024. Coopetition and the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface in an International Arena. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, (In Press).
- Mahdi, A., Crick, D., Crick, J., Lamine, W. and Spence, M. 2024. Entrepreneurial Marketing Practices and Rural Wine Producers’ Performance: The Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity in an Immediate Post Crisis Period. Journal of Rural Studies, 108(May): 103277.
- Mahdi, A., Crick, D., Crick, J., Lamine, W. and Spence, M. 2024. How a Coopetition-Oriented Mindset and Competitive Intensity Drive Coopetition Behaviour to Support Export Scale-Up Activities in a Post Crisis Environment. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, (In Press).
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2024. Regional-Level Coopetition Strategies and Company Performance: Evidence from The Canadian Wine Industry. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 36(7-8): 965–994.
- Chaudhry, S., Crick, D. and Crick, J.M. 2024. Technology Oriented, Service Intensive, Transnational Entrepreneurs' International Target Market Strategies. Industrial Marketing Management, 120(July): 175-190.
- Chugh, R., Lindsay, V., Ashill, N. and Crick, D. 2024. The Influence of Psychological Contracts on Exporter-Distributor Relationships and Export Venture Performance: The Conditional Role of Institutional Distance. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 36(3): 641-659.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2024. Unpacking the Relationship Between Export Coopetition Activities and Export Sales Performance. International Marketing Review, (Accepted).
- Crick, J.M., Crick, D. and Peixinho, J. 2023. Does Industry Experience Positively Moderate the Quadratic Relationship between Coopetition and Financial Performance? Evidence from the New Zealand wine sector. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 49(1): 1-31.
- Crick, J.M., Crick, D. and Chaudhry, S. 2023. Governance Considerations and Non-Linear International Scale-Up Behaviour Among INVs. International Small Business Journal, 41(6): 647–681.
- Crick, J.M., Crick, D. and Chaudhry, S. 2023. Inter-firm Collaboration as a Performance-Enhancing Survival Strategy within the Business Models of Ethnic Minority-Owned Urban Restaurants Affected by COVID-19. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29(3): 587-613.
- Chaudhry, S., Crick, D. and Crick, J.M. 2023. I’ll be There for you: Coopetition and Competitor-Oriented Activities among South Asian Restaurants in Two UK Regional Clusters. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29(9/10): 1973-2004.
- Karami, M., Crick, D. and Crick, J.M. 2023. Non-Predictive Decision-Making, Market-Oriented Behaviours, and Smaller-Sized Firms’ Performance. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 31(5): 1107-1131.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2023. Revisiting the ‘Concentration Vs Spreading Debate’: Perceived Risk and Strategic Flexibility in Decision-Making Regarding an Unanticipated Environmental Market Disruption. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 31(3): 578-606.
- Crick, J.M., Crick, D. and Chaudhry, S. 2023. Staying Alive: Coopetition and Competitor Oriented Behaviour from a Pre- to Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era. Industrial Marketing Management, 113(Aug): 58-73.
- Hamzah, M.I, Crick, J.M., Crick, D., Ali, S.A.M. and Yunus, N.M. 2023. The Nature of the Relationship Between an Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation and Small Business Growth: Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 50(3): 355-391.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2023. With a Little Help from my Friends: The Interaction Between Coopetition, an Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Firm Performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29(4): 965-985.
- Felzensztein, C., Crick, D., Gonzalez-Perez, M.A., Jurado, T. and Etchebarne Lopez, M.S. 2022. Capabilities and the Internationalisation of Smaller-Sized, Service-Oriented Firms in the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 30(6): 533-561.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2022. Coopetition and International Entrepreneurship: The Influence of a Competitor Orientation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 28(3): 801-828.
- Crick, J.M., Karami, M. and Crick, D. 2022. Is it Enough to be Market-Oriented? How Coopetition and Industry Experience Affect the Relationship Between a Market Orientation and Customer Satisfaction Performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 100(Jan): 62-75.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2022. The Dark-Side of Coopetition: It’s not what you say, but the way that you do it. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 30(1): 22-44.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2021. Coopetition and Family-Owned Wine Producers. Journal of Business Research, 135(Oct): 319-336.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2021. Coopetition and Sales Performance: Evidence from Non-Mainstream Sporting Clubs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 27(1): 123-147.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2021. Internationalizing the Coopetition Construct: Quadratic Effects on Financial Performance under Different Degrees of Export Intensity and an Export Geographical Scope. Journal of International Marketing, 29(2): 62-80.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2021. Market-Oriented Activities and Communal Wine Consumption Events: Does Coopetition Make a Difference? Journal of Wine Research, 32(3): 161-187.
- Nguyen, T., Raman, R. and Crick, D. 2021. Potential Absorptive Capacity and Performance of Vietnamese Contract Manufacturing Exporters: Mediating Factors in Entrepreneurial Marketing Behaviour. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 29(1): 47-70.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2021. Rising up to the Challenge of our Rivals: Unpacking the Drivers and Outcomes of Coopetition Activities. Industrial Marketing Management, 96(July): 71-85.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2021. Teaching Marketing to Non-Marketing Majors: Tools to Enhance their Engagement and Academic Performance. Education and Training, 63(6): 833-851.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2021. The Dark-Side of Coopetition: Influences on the Paradoxical Forces of Cooperativeness and Competitiveness across Product-Market Strategies. Journal of Business Research, 122(Jan): 226-240.
- Crick, J.M., Karami, M. and Crick, D. 2021. The Impact of the Interaction between an Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation and Coopetition on Business Performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 27(6): 1423-1447.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2021. The Yin and Yang Nature of Coopetition Activities: Non-Linear Effects and the Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity for Internationalised Firms. International Marketing Review, 38(4): 690-716.
- Crick, J.M., Crick, D. and Tebbett, N. 2020. Competitor Orientation and Value Co-creation in Sustaining Rural New Zealand Wine Producers. Journal of Rural Studies, 73(Jan): 122-134.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2020. Coopetition and COVID-19: Collaborative Business-to-Business Marketing Strategies in a Pandemic Crisis. Industrial Marketing Management, 88(July): 206-213.
- Crick, J.M., Crick, D. and Chaudhry, S. 2020. Entrepreneurial Marketing Decision-Making in Rapidly Internationalising and De-Internationalising Start-up Firms. Journal of Business Research, 113(May): 158-167.
- Sraha, G., Raman Sharma, R., Crick, D. and Crick, J.M. 2020. International Experience, Commitment, Distribution Adaptation and Performance: A Study of Ghanaian Firms in B2B Export Markets. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(11): 1715-1738.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2019. Developing and Validating a Multi-Dimensional Measure of Coopetition. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34(4): 665-689.
- Ibeh, K., Crick, D. and Etemad, H. 2019. Guest Editorial - International Marketing Knowledge and International Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary Multi Speed Global Economy. International Marketing Review, 36(1): 2-5.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. 2018. Angel Investors’ Predictive and Control Funding Criteria: The Importance of Evolving Business Models. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 20(1): 34-56.
- Raman, R., Nguyen, T. and Crick, D. 2018. Exploitation Strategy and Performance of Contract Manufacturing Exporters: The Mediating Roles of Exploration Strategy and Marketing Capability. Journal of International Management, 24(3): 271-283.
- Raman, R., Sraha, G. and Crick, D. 2018. Export Promotion Programmes and the Export Performance of Ghanaian Firms: The Mediating Role of Foreign Market Attractiveness. International Marketing Review, 35(4): 661-682.
- Crick, D. 2018. Guest Editorial – Qualitative Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface. Qualitative Market Research, 22(2): 138-142.
- Chreim, S., Spence, M., Crick, D. and Liao, X. 2018. Review of female immigrant entrepreneurship research: Past findings, gaps and ways forward. European Management Journal, 36(2): 210-222.
- Crick, D., Chaudhry, S. and Crick, J.M. 2018. Risks/Rewards and an Evolving Business Model: A Case Study of a Small Lifestyle Business in the UK Tourism Sector. Qualitative Market Research, 21(2): 143-165.
Chapters in Books
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. Coopetition in Export Markets: Directions for Entrepreneurship Research. In Ratten, V.. International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. 2024, (In Press).
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. Coopetition Strategies and Wine Tourism Offerings. In Martínez-Falcó, J., Marco-Lajara, B., Sánchez-García, E. and Millán-Tudela, L.A.. Strategic Management in the Wine Tourism Industry - Competitive Strategies, Wine Tourism Behaviour and New Strategic Tools. Springer, 2024.
- Chaudhry, S., Crick, D. and Crick, J.M. Immigrant Student Entrepreneurs’ Perceptions of Capabilities Needed to Overcome Barriers and Rapidly Pursue Foreign Market Opportunities. In Cukier, W.. Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities. Palgrave, 2024, (In Press).
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. Coopetition among Under-Resourced Football Clubs. In Ratten, V.. Football Entrepreneurship. UK: Routledge, 2023.
- Chaudhry, S., Crick, D. and Crick, J.M. Highly Digitalized International New Ventures’ First Export Order and Ongoing Capability Development. In Lamine, W., Jack, S., Fayolle, A. and Audretsch, D.. Handbook of Digital Entrepreneurship: The Transformation of Enterprise. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. International Entrepreneurship, Inter-Firm Collaboration and Capability Development. In Felzensztein, C. and Fuerst, S.. A Research Agenda for International Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
- Chaudhry, S., Crick, D. and Crick, J.M. The Perceived ‘Double Disadvantage’ of Gender and Ethnicity: A Capabilities Perspective of Rapidly Internationalizing Female Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the UK. In Jafari-Sadeghi, V. and Amoozad Mahdiraji, H.. Decision-Making in International Entrepreneurship: Unveiling Cognitive Implications Towards Entrepreneurial Internationalisation. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing, 2023.
- Sraha, G., Crick, D., Raman Sharma, R. and Crick, J.M. International Entrepreneurship and the Role of Stakeholders: Ghanaian Firms’ Practices in Export Markets. In Jafari-Sadeghi, V. and Dana, L.P.. International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Contexts, Behaviours, and Successful Entry. UK: Routledge, 2022.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. The Multiple Layers of Coopetition and their Link with Sales Performance: Insights from Sporting Clubs in New Zealand. In Ratten, V.. Oceania Entrepreneurship. Palgrave, 2022.
- Crick, J.M. and Crick, D. Coopetition as an Entrepreneurial Strategy. In Dana, L.P.. World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship. London, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2021.
- Chaudhry, S., Crick, D. and Crick, J.M. Trade Barriers and Assistance Requirements of South Asian Transnational Entrepreneurs. In Jones, P., Haddoud, M. and Onjewu, A.. International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Nature, Drivers, Barriers and Determinants. UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2020.
- Crick, J. and Crick, D. 'Lean Start-up' Practices: Initial internationalization and Evolving Business Models. In Aykol, B., Samiee, S., Katsikeas, C. S. and Leonidou, L. C.. Advances in Global Marketing: A Research Anthology. Springer, 2019.
Funded Research during the last 7 years
From-To | Source | Title | * | ** | Role | Amount |
2023-2026 | SSHRC Insight Development Grant | Aiming for the Stars: Aerospace Business Venturing in a Digital Acceleration Era | R | C | Co-A | $ 94,940 |
2023 | Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) | QEII Scholarship for PhD Student (Supervisor) | R | O | Collaborator | $ 10,000 |
2022-2024 | University of Leicester | Various Small Grants Obtained via Co-author | R | O | Co-I | $ 12,000 |
2021 | MITACS | The Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery Plan | S | O | PI | $ 10,000 |
2019-2021 | University of Otago | Investigation into Tourism Coopetition | S | O | NS | $ 15,000 |
2019-2021 | UITM, Malaysia | Entrepreneurial Marketing and Growth | S | O | NS | $ 2,891 |
2015-2021 | Loughborough University | Various Small Grants Obtained via Co-author | S | O | Co-I | $ 50,000 |
C: Contract (R and D) | E: Equipment Grant | R: Research Grant | S: Support Award | P: Pedagogical Grant | O: Other, U: Unknown
C: Granting Councils | G: Government | F: Foundations | I: UO Internal Funding | O: Other | U: Unknown
PI = Principal Investigator | Co-I = Co-Investigator | Co-PI = Co-Principal Investigator