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While working remotely, we are offering full-service delivery.
Fax: 613-562-5164
Research Office staff can identify suitable partners to develop new research ideas, projects and studies with Telfer researchers. We welcome your feedback and questions.
Research OfficeTelfer School of Management
University of Ottawa
Desmarais Building
55, Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 6N5
Research Office Team Members
Silvia Bonaccio
Ian Telfer Professorship of Workplace Psychology
Vice-Dean (Research)
- Telephone
- 613-562-5800 x 4690
Kathy Cunningham
Senior Administrator, Research Support
- Telephone
- 613-562-5800 x 7412
- RE form (generating and signatures of) and processing to RMS
- SMRG portal
- Travel grants (professors and graduate students)
- Logistics of research seminars
- Scheduling for Vice Dean Research
- General inquiries
Rania Nasrallah
Manager of Research Services
- Telephone
- 613-562-5800 x 2986
- Tri-Agency funding opportunities
- Tri-Agency grant application support and grant reviews
- Ethics support (professors and students)
- Research stories and announcing new publications
- Research Office newsletter
- Workshops (students and professors)
- Scholarships and internal awards (students)
- Student recruitment
- Visiting Student Researchers program
- Postdoctoral Fellows
- Other inquiries
Aida Stratas
Senior Advisor, Research and Program Support
- Telephone
- 613-562-5800