Community Partners
Board of Advisors
The Board of Advisors, consisting of up to 10 standing members from various backgrounds, plays an advisory role in the microprogram. Its main responsibilities are to oversee relevant policies, program design and execution, review reports on fund performance and risk position, and provide advice on all matters for which the Telfer Capital Fund (TCF) and program need guidance. It also appoints the members of the Investment Committee. The Board is not responsible for the financial performance of the TCF.

Chair of the board of advisors
Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager, Investment Solutions, RBC Global Asset Management Inc.
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Senior Portfolio Manager, Scotia Wealth Management, Private Investment Counsel;1832 Asset Management L.P.
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Investment Committee
The Investment Committee provides oversight, support, comments, and advice on pitch construction and other recommendations on portfolio management and on trading and investment decisions. The Committee is not responsible for the financial performance of the Telfer Capital Fund (TCF).

Ex-Officio Members

Volunteer Administrators
Opportunities to Get Involved
The program provides numerous ways for you to get involved and support the development of Telfer students. To learn more about any of the activities below, contact the Microprogram Capital Markets Program Manager.
Each academic year, members of the senior cohort of the program are paired with industry mentors. This is to guide students in their last year of study and help them prepare to start their careers in finance. The mentor’s goal isn’t to help find employment for the mentee, but rather to support the mentee by sharing one’s experience and providing advice throughout the academic year.
All mentors are supported by the Microprogram Capital Markets Program Manager and receive resources to guide them.
We would like to recognize the following mentors for the 2023–2024 academic year:
- Alex Dettman
- Will Hutchins
- Tina Liusun
- Lucio Milanovich
- Sheralyn Mills
- Catherine Philogène
- Tyson Rigg
- Sarah Riopelle
Hiring a program participant is an excellent way to show that your organization is dedicated to developing the next generation of finance leaders. Students are available for short-term placements via the following programs:
The Telfer Career Centre also supports your full-time new graduate and recent alumni recruitment efforts.