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Our various scholarships vividly reflect our ongoing commitment to reward exceptional students for their academic successes and achievements.

The Ian Telfer Scholarship for MBA and MHA Students (OSOTF)

Min. $2000
(Online application)

The applicant must be a student enrolled in the MBA or MHA program, be Canadian or a permanent resident and demonstrate a financial need.

The Jérôme Doutriaux Scholarship (OSOTF)

(Online application)

The applicant must be an MBA or B.Com. student enrolled in their 3rd or 4th year of studies, demonstrate a financial need and a balanced academic performance. Candidates must be Canadian or a permanent resident and submit with their application a résumé and a 200-word essay providing an example of a recent situation in which the applicant demonstrated qualities of integrity, ethics, compassion and a sense of service to others.

Tranquillo Marrocco Scholarship (OSOTF)

(Online application)

The applicant must be an MBA student enrolled in the program, be Canadian or a permanent resident and demonstrate a financial need.

Nissan Canada MBA Scholarship (OSOTF)

1 scholarship of $2,500
(Online application)

The applicant must be enrolled as a student in the MBA program at the Telfer School of Management; be an Ontario resident, as per Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) rules; and demonstrate a financial need, as determined by the Financial Aid and Awards Service  of the University of Ottawa.

James E. Orban Scholarship (OSOTF)

(Online application)

The applicant must be enrolled as a student at the Telfer School of Management, be a resident of Ontario and demonstrate financial need as determined by the Financial Aid and Awards Service of the University of Ottawa.

James E. Orban Scholarship


The applicant must be an MBA or B.Com student with a CGPA of at least 7.0, who demonstrates leadership and is involved in community or student organizations within the Telfer School of Management or the University of Ottawa. Applicants must submit with their application a one-page description demonstrating their leadership qualities and a list bodies and/or community organizations he/she is currently involved with (or has been involved with), including references.

Richard Bertrand Scholarship


The applicant must be a professional MBA program student admitted to the International Summer Program in Reims and demonstrate academic achievement. Candidates must apply to this program.

Gurbachan Singh Emergency Fund for MBA students from India

No set application date
1 award of $500

This fund aims to help an international MBA student originating from India with a pressing financial need.

Application Process

Applications for OSOTF scholarships must be submitted to the University of Ottawa’s Financial Aid and Awards Office. Students must submit an online application through their uoZone.

For other scholarships, applications are usually solicited by a member of the scholarship committee.

For more information about the Telfer School of Management Scholarship Program, contact:

Student Services Centre
Telfer School of Management
55 Laurier Avenue East, Room DMS 1100
Ottawa ON  K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5821
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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