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MBA Internship Overview

Many organizations want to improve processes, research new markets, or develop new products and services. Day-to-day operational requirements of the business, however, sometimes gets in the way of addressing these issues.

The MBA Internship is an opportunity for organizations to get novel perspectives, fresh ideas and high quality work from skilled and passionate MBA students.

MBA Internship Information
MBA Internship Terms of Reference 

MBA Student's Profile

Our highly motivated MBA students are eager to help your organization achieve its goals through a specific project. 

Our MBA Students have a diverse range of professional and educational background. They have between 3 and 20 years of work experience in various fields including banking, information technology, government, management and engineering.

Their already well-developed skill set combined with MBA courses in statistics, marketing, accounting and other relevant topics ensure interns have a quality base of theory and technical skills to take on the challenging projects that will provide meaningful results for you.

Interns have access to the Telfer School of Management’s library, Bloomberg terminals, business analytics infrastructure, over 70 professors who are experts in various fields.

Company Benefits

  • An opportunity for organizations to get novel perspectives, fresh ideas and high quality work from skilled and passionate MBA students.
  • Improved productivity and innovative practical solutions to organizational needs and challenges, by the use of skilled, motivated and knowledgeable talent.
  • Opportunity for businesses to evaluate potential employees.
  • Reduced costs of external contracting by utilizing MBA students.
  • Qualified and experienced MBA students, willing to work on a specific project for 288 hours or more.

Examples of Internship Projects

  • Business Processes Analysis and Improvement
  • Market Analysis and Product Development
  • Brand, Marketing, Digital or Media Strategy
  • Business Plans
  • Financial analysis, strategic assessment
  • Organizational performance frameworks and analytics

Examples of Client Organizations

  • Alterna Bank
  • Bank & Vogue
  • BodyFirst Systems
  • Bookabrainy/CoachForce
  • CareerJSM
  • CHUO FM89.1
  • CIBC
  • Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa
  • Government of Canada
  • Miralaw Inc
  • Pedal Easy
  • Quicksilk
  • Raven Telemetry
  • RBR Global Ltd
  • Safety Labs
  • Skillsdox
  • The Ottawa Hospital


The stipend paid to an intern ranges from $5000 to $7500. The average hourly salary range is $20-25 per hour.

For some projects, funding support can be sought through Mitacs or through the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) TalentEdge programs. Alternatively, hosts can elect to pay the intern directly. 

Duration of Work

MBA interns can work on a part-time basis February through June or May through September. They can also pursue a full-time internship  September through December, after they have completed their MBA program requirements. There can be some flexibility depending on the client needs and selected student availability.  

Project Criteria

Significance: Project should be of importance to the company.
Content: Opportunity should call for research, analysis and recommendations, as well as a written report.
Focus/Scope: Opportunity must have a well-defined, manageable issue or problem. Therefore, the 6-credit internship should require a minimum of 288 hours of effort (note that in the case of Mitacs and OCE, the level of effort is expected to be approximately 480 hours).
Logistics: Projects that are out of town for example, are not possible for the part-time Jan-June internships as students have other courses simultaneously. Out of town internships are possible for the full-time fall internships.

Contact Information

Academic Success & Student Experience Team

Tel.: 613-562-5884

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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