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Sara Hajmohammad

Hajmohammad, Sara
Associate Professor
B.Sc. (Sharif University of Technology), M.A. (Shahid Beheshti University), Ph.D. (Western University, Ivey Business School)
DMS 6151
613-562-5800 x 8830
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Dr. Sara Hajmohammad is an Associate Professor of Operations and Project Management at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. Prior to joining Telfer in July 2019, Sara was a Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba. She holds a PhD in Business Administration from the Ivey Business School at Western University and has more than eight years of professional work experience, as an engineer and a quality manager, in oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.

Sara’s primary research interest involves various aspects of sustainable supply chain management, including the firms’ practices and strategies pertaining to environmental and social issues, the internal and external factors that prompt those practices and strategies, as well as their associated financial, environmental, and social outcomes. Within this domain, she actively conducts research in two interconnected streams: (i) intra-firm practices from an operations perspective, and (ii) inter-firm strategies from a risk perspective. Taking a broader stance in these two research streams, Sara has recently embarked on a new research agenda to investigate the supply chain capabilities that enhance their resilience to the increasing number of extreme weather events due to climate change.

In addition to her passion for sustainability and her focus on supply chains, Sara is also interested to apply the operations management lens to the broadly neglected context of non-profit sector, including arts organizations and charities.

From a methodological standpoint, she undertakes theory-based empirical research projects using surveys, experiments, and secondary data.

Sara’s research has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals, including International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Cleaner Production. Her work has also been honored with prestigious awards and has been presented broadly at national and international conferences.

Publications during the last 7 years

Papers in Refereed Journals

  • Hajmohammad, S., Klassen, R.D. and Vachon, S. 2024. Managing supplier sustainability risk: An experimental study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 29(1): 50-67.
  • Shevchenko, A., Hajmohammad, S. and Pagell, M. 2024. Operations of cost-effective charities: A qualitative study. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 44(5): 1054-1082.
  • Taylor, K., Hajmohammad, S. and Vachon, S. 2021. Activist engagement and industry-level change: Adoption of new practices by observing firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 92(1): 295-306.
  • Hajmohammad, S., Shevchenko, A. and Vachon, S. 2021. Addressing supplier sustainability misconducts: Response strategies to nonmarket stakeholder contentions. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 41(8): 1272-1301.
  • Hajmohammad, S. and Shevchenko, A. 2020. Mitigating sustainability risk in supplier populations: An agent-based simulation study. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 40(7/8): 897-920.

Funded Research during the last 7 years

Funded Research during the last 7 years
From-To Source Title * ** Role Amount
2023 Telfer School of Management Pedagogical Innovation Fund P I PI $ 1,800
2021-2025 SSHRC Insight Grants “Enhancing supply chain resilience to extreme weather events” R C PI $ 206,647
2021 Telfer School of Management Pedagogical Innovation Fund P I PI $ 1,650
2020-2023 SSHRC Insight Development Grants “Operations of high-performing charities: A mixed-method research project” R C Co-I $ 59,376
2019-2024 Telfer School of Management Research Allocation (Start-up Fund) “Supplier sustainability risk management” R I PI $ 30,000
2019-2020 University of Manitoba UM/SSHRC Explore Grant “Innovation capabilities in performing arts organizations” R I PI $ 6,750
2017-2018 Concordia University CN Centre for Studies in Sustainable Supply Chain Management “Managing sustainability risks in multi-tier supply chains: An agent-based simulation study” R O Co-I $ 5,200
2016-2021 SSHRC Insight Development Grants “Supplier sustainability risk, nonmarket stakeholder claims, and managerial strategic reaction” R C PI $ 52,000
2015-2018 Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba Research Allocation (Start-up Fund) “Sustainable supply chain management” R I PI $ 75,000


C: Contract (R and D) | E: Equipment Grant | R: Research Grant | S: Support Award | P: Pedagogical Grant | O: Other, U: Unknown

C: Granting Councils | G: Government | F: Foundations | I: UO Internal Funding | O: Other | U: Unknown

PI = Principal Investigator | Co-I = Co-Investigator | Co-PI = Co-Principal Investigator

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