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Éric Nelson

Nelson, Éric
Part-time Professor, LTA
B.Sc.Soc. (uOttawa), M.A. (uOttawa), Ph.D. (uOttawa)
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Professor Nelson’s research deals with innovation and social entrepreneurship, emerging methods to evaluate organizational performance and governance of contemporary human society. He works on developing models to determine economic needs, to identify the underpinnings of an entrepreneurial society. Previously, he studied public sector management. He has published works on topics related to analysis of information on public services and innovation in administrative practices.

Éric Nelson has taught at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels in the areas of change and social innovation, as well as public and government organization reform. Having taught ADM 1701 — Gestion et société at the Telfer School of Management for a number of years, he aims to find the means to sustainably make profitable entrepreneurial solutions to economic challenges affecting people in contemporary societies.

Professor Nelson studied public administration and political science at the University of Ottawa. He is a two-time recipient of the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration’s conference prize for most innovative theoretical contribution. He currently holds funding for development of educational resources to support the ADM 1701 course.

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