Finfluencers' social media content — influences on financial literacy
Risk and the advancement of women in top management leadership positions
The effects of distanced self-talk on offender apologies
Algorithmic Aesthetics: Exploring Consumer Reactions to AI-touch in Art
Invisible Causes: The Case of Philanthropy for Seniors
Mutual Fund Tournaments and ESG Rating
Towards a digital platform for EMPOWERing families to navigate their mental health journey
A new look at the impact of firms’ governance on investor returns
Innovation, Risk Tolerance and Failure
“I am” versus “I do”: How Expressing an Identity as “Being” versus “Doing” Affects Your Sense of Self and Identity-Linked Behaviour
Social enterprises: It takes an ecosystem to succeed
Improving Supply Chain Resilience through Information Systems
Using global production chains to secure investments in sustainability
Using AI to improve business processes
How voice assistants influence your purchasing choices
Psychological Contracts: How Do Employees Understand Their Relationship With an Organization?
Global Environmental Policies: Why Differences Between Countries Matter
How Could a Situated Learning Program for Environmental Sustainability Accelerate Social Innovation for Indigenous Reconciliation?
Examining Anti-racism Content in Indigenous Health Education
When Major Projects Fail, What Role Does Governance Play?