Visiting Scholar Conducted Research on the Management of IT at Telfer
Professor Geneviève Bassellier of the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University served as visiting professor at the invitation of Telfer Professor Muriel Mignerat.
Professor Bassellier’s research examines the management of information technologies. She explores the dynamics between IT professionals and their business clients, and the role of senior management in IT strategic initiatives. She is also interested in how organizations can best leverage their intellectual capital through knowledge adoption from online knowledge communities, knowledge integration in geographically dispersed teams, and knowledge requirements in the context of outsourcing.
During her time at the Telfer School, Dr. Bassellier presented a paper titled Can Social Media Redefine the Online Music Industry? A Look at Shared Social Responsibility and Shared Value as part of the 2011-2012 Telfer School’s Management Research Seminar Series.