
Telfer Full Professor David Doloreux and his co-investigator Richard Shearmur, Professor and Researcher at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique – Centre Urbanisation, Culture et Société at the Université du Québec, received a $117,205 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) for their research project entitled L’utilisation des services dans la production manufacturière à haute valeur ajoutée : une comparaison régionale. Professor Réjean Landry (Faculté des sciences de l’administration, Université Laval) has also joined the team as a collaborator.

The researchers will seek to understand the role played by knowledge-intensive services (KIS) on manufacturing firms and how they support innovative process. This project thus aims to improve the theoretical knowledge between KIS and innovation and to understand better the role of KIS by analyzing data that will be collected through a survey from 500 firms in three major economic sectors (low-tech, medium-tech and high-tech). Finally, the results will be instrumental in the orientation of public policies on economic development and innovation.