Student Handbook, Forms and Guidelines
Student handbook
The student handbook is intended as a guide and does not intend to replace or supersede academic regulations and policies. It is updated once a year, if you have any questions or concerns please contact the Graduate Program Office at:
Registration Forms
- Graduate Enrolment Form
- Modification/Cancellation of Enrolment form
- Course Attendance form
- uOttawa/Carleton Graduate Exchange form
- Letter of permission
- Directed Reading Form (MGT 7998)
- Directed Reading Syllabus Template
- Leave of Absence
- Registration for Degree and Request for Diploma
TAC, Comprehensive Exams and Thesis Forms and Guidelines
- Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Form
- Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Guidelines
- PhD Student Progress Tracking Sheet & Program Structure– Student admitted prior to 2021
- PhD Student Progress Tracking Sheet & Program Structure– Students admitted for 2021 and later
- Plan of Study
- Progress Report
- Comprehensive Exam Report Form
- Comprehensive Exam Guidelines for PhD Students in Accounting Finance and OBHR
- Comprehensive Exam Guidelines for PhD Students in HS, Entrepreneurship & SO
- Thesis Proposal Approval Form
- Thesis Proposal Guidelines
- Thesis Proposal After Corrections Approval Form
- List of Examiners for Final Thesis
- Service Request Guide
- Embargo form
- Guidelines for thesis supervision, topic registration, writing, submission and evaluation, oral defence and electronic submission of the final version.
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Policies and Regulations
Deferred Exam
Justification of absence from a midterm, final or differed exam
Absence from a midterm or final exam or any other final evaluation (e.g., a take-home exam) on medical grounds or due to exceptional personal circumstances, must be reported by submitting the online Declaration of Absence from an Examination. An absence from an exam cannot be declared more than five (5) working days prior to the start of the exam or three (3) working days after the exam. However, if a student starts an exam but cannot complete it due to a significant deterioration in their health or a situation requiring immediate or emergency medical attention, the student must submit the Declaration of Absence from an Examination within five (5) working days following the exam.
Students can request a maximum of one (1) deferred evaluation per course, and this evaluation must take place as soon as possible, within six (6) months of the end of the term. Evaluation for graduate students must occur as soon as possible, within three (3) months of the end of the term.
Exam Regulations
Please consult the evaluation of the Student Learning section of the academic regulations, the information related to Exams and related sections regarding the grading system.