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Online Enrolment (uoZone)

Our MBA program has different start and end dates and deadlines than most programs at the University. Be sure to go to visit the Important Dates and the Telfer Timetables webpage for dates such as the starting dates, end of the blocks, date of the exam periods, and deadlines to register, to add or to modify your enrolment.

uoZone does not permit you to change your classification (full-time/part-time), drop individual core courses or register to a course that normally requires approval (such as a directed reading or from another faculty).

Enrolment or modifications to the selection of courses may be made only up to the closing date published in the Important Dates section.

Students who want to take courses outside of or in addition to their program cannot register online and should contact the Telfer Graduate Office.

Special students cannot register online. They must report to the Telfer Graduate Office, print and complete an enrolment form and obtain the unit’s approval. Special students must pay their fees by the deadline, either in person at InfoService, by mail, or at most Canadian financial institutions.

Students with conditions, such as outstanding financial payment, will not be able to register online until the condition has been satisfied.

Program Regulations

Grades Posting

See the Important Dates section for the date the final grades are to be posted and available to be consulted via uoZone.

Course syllabi will be posted on Virtual Campus 2 -3 weeks prior to the starting date of the courses. Students must be registered to the course in order to have access. Professors will also be using Virtual Campus to post class notes and other material.

Class attendance and participation

You are expected to be punctual, attend all classes, and actively participate in class and group discussions. Absence due to illness, serious personal matters, or unavoidable work-related commitments should be reported to the professor ahead of time. If, in the opinion of the professor, the missed class is considered problematic to the student's learning, the Director of the program will be informed and appropriate measures taken. Students who miss more than 20% of a course may be asked to withdraw.

Class and group participation are essential to the learning experience. Individual participation in class might be graded and peer evaluations will be conducted on a regular basis as part of the overall program requirements. The grades of any student who consistently receives poor peer evaluations will be modified accordingly.

Personal Ethics Statement

The Telfer School of Management asks that students sign and submit with their deliverables the Personal Ethics Agreement form. Two versions of this form exist: one for individual assignments and one for group submissions. Assignments will not be accepted or marked if this form is not submitted and signed by all authors of the work. We hope that by making this personal commitment, all students will understand the importance the school places on maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity.

Form to be signed and submitted with submitted assignments:


Preliminary exam schedules will be posted early in each term giving students plenty of time to plan accordingly. The final schedules will be updated once the syllabi are posted. Not all courses have mid-term or final exams. You must make the necessary arrangements to attend the mid-term and final exams on the scheduled dates.

Deferred Exam

Justification of absence from a midterm, final or differed exam

Absence from a midterm or final exam or any other final evaluation (e.g., a take-home exam) on medical grounds or due to exceptional personal circumstances, must be reported by submitting the online Declaration of Absence from an Examination. An absence from an exam cannot be declared more than five (5) working days prior to the start of the exam or three (3) working days after the exam. However, if a student starts an exam but cannot complete it due to a significant deterioration in their health or a situation requiring immediate or emergency medical attention, the student must submit the Declaration of Absence from an Examination within five (5) working days following the exam. 

Students can request a maximum of one (1) deferred evaluation per course, and this evaluation must take place as soon as possible, within six (6) months of the end of the term. Evaluation for graduate students must occur as soon as possible, within three (3) months of the end of the term.

Exam Regulations

Please consult the evaluation of the Student Learning section of the academic regulations, the information related to Exams and related sections regarding the grading system.

Adapted Exams

Access Service provides adapted evaluations including midterms and final exams to students who are registered with Access Service. Please visit the Student Academic Success Service (SASS) - Exam Services for more information. 

General Regulations

For more information regarding the general regulations pertaining to graduate studies, please visit: Office of the Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies General Regulations.

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