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Nelson Duenas

Duenas, Nelson
Assistant Professor
Bachelor (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), MBA (Concordia), Ph.D. (Concordia)
DMS 10147
613-562-5800 x 6181
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Nelson is an Assistant Professor in the Telfer School of Management at University of Ottawa. He is in the Accounting department, where he teaches at the undergraduate and graduate level, in the areas of strategic management accounting, cost accounting, and financial accounting/financial management.

Nelson Duenas is a professional accountant and holds a Ph.D. in Accounting and MBA from Concordia University. He was the Valedictorian of the 2023 Fall Convocation at the John Molson School of Business and his Ph.D thesis won the Joe Kelly Graduate Award for a thesis of exceptional merit. Nelson has industry experience in external audit, financial accounting, and financial analysis. He worked at the United Nations’ Joint Inspection Unit in Switzerland and was a consultant to UNCTAD for the implementation of the Accounting Development Tool in Colombia.

Nelson’s research interests are in the areas of management control, performance measurement, and accountability, particularly in the international development sector. He explores how management control and accountability mechanisms interrelate with trust in the cooperation relationships between donors and implementing organizations of international development projects. He has done research visits at HEC Paris and Universidad Externado de Colombia. His research has been published in Critical Perspectives on Accounting and its work has been supported by grants from the Government of Québec, the CPA Research Centre in Accountability at the John Molson School of Business, and Concordia University.

Publications during the last 7 years

Papers in Refereed Journals

  • DeMott, K., Repenning, N., Almersson, F., Chimenti, G., Delfino, G., Duenas, N., Fredriksson, C., Guo, Z., Holde Skinnerup, T., Sokolovskyy, L. and Xu, X. 2024. Navigating the PhD journey: a collective consideration of junior academics in qualitative accounting and management research. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 21(5): 602-621.
  • Duenas, N. 2023. Investigación contable en Organizaciones No Gubernamentales: una reflexión sobre metodologías participativas. Apuntes Contables, 33: 11-23.
  • Duenas, N. and Mangen, C. 2021. Trust in international cooperation: Emotional and cognitive trust complement each other over time. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, (102328), (In Press).

Chapters in Books

  • Savard, M.C., Duenas, N. and Audet, F. International NGOs as brokers of hierarchies in the localization agenda: a case study from the Philippines. In Egger, C.. Hierarchies and Exclusion in Humanitarianism. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2025.

Invited Contributions and/or Technical Reports

  • Duenas, N. 2018. "Implementation in Colombia of UNCTAD’s Accounting Development Tool", August,

Funded Research during the last 7 years

Funded Research during the last 7 years
From-To Source Title * ** Role Amount
2024-2026 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) The Localization Agenda: Implications for accounting and management of international development resources R C PI $ 58,231
2024-2025 University of Ottawa, Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation Community-Based Participatory Research in International Development: Empowering Marginalized Communities through Localization and Enhanced Accountability R I PI $ 9,700
2023-2024 Telfer School of Management Start-Up Fund R I PI $ 20,000
2020-2022 Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC) Trust and Control in the International Cooperation Sector R G PI $ 49,000
2020 John Molson School of Business, Concordia University Graduate Fellowship R O PI $ 3,600
2019 Bourse d’Etudes Supérieures en Commerce et en Administration Humberto Santos Trust and Control in the International Cooperation Sector R O PI $ 9,000
2019 John Molson School of Business, Concordia University Graduate Doctoral Fellowship R O PI $ 10,800
2018 John Molson School of Business, Concordia University Graduate Doctoral Fellowship R O PI $ 10,800
2017-2018 Concordia University Concordia Merit Scholarship R O PI $ 10,000


C: Contract (R and D) | E: Equipment Grant | R: Research Grant | S: Support Award | P: Pedagogical Grant | O: Other, U: Unknown

C: Granting Councils | G: Government | F: Foundations | I: UO Internal Funding | O: Other | U: Unknown

PI = Principal Investigator | Co-I = Co-Investigator | Co-PI = Co-Principal Investigator

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