Jacques Barrette

- Location
- DMS 5154
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Dr. Barrette holds a Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and has been a professor at the Telfer School of Management since 1989. Before beginning his academic career, Professor Barrette spent over 14 years working in human resource management for public and private sectors organizations, including Québec-Téléphone, Laurentian Bank, and the federal and provincial governments. Professor Barrette has been a consultant and trainer for a number of organizations.
Research and Teaching Interests
His teaching focuses on developing management skills and on the many aspects of human resource management and organizational behaviour. His research interests are performance management, work-family balance and organizational learning. He is also interested in better understanding the impact of human resource management systems on organizational commitment and individual and organizational health. He has published a number of articles on human resource management and psychology.