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Bold Leadership

Dean's Annual Review 2019-2020

greener Greener
woman in garden

Strategic planning with sustainability in mind, renewable business practices, and greener values have a positive impact on our global environment and enables us to build a better Canada. In order to build a solid foundation for our future, we need to completely rethink and reorient the way our economy does business. If Canadian businesses invest in technologies and practices that foster a green economy, then over time, we can make progress towards a sustainable world.

The global climate crisis has been a reality for quite some time, so it is critical to take a stand and support climate action. Our Telfer Nation students, faculty, and staff demonstrated their solidarity in attendance at Ottawa’s Global Climate Strike.

In addition, we put a spotlight on some of the sustainable business leaders who have graduated from the Telfer School. With social enterprises like The Growcer bringing modular hydroponic growing systems to remote communities to tackle food insecurity, and The Unscented Company’s eco-responsible product line of recyclable, plastic-free consumer goods, Telfer alumni are setting an example for organizations nationally and around the globe.

Telfer is committed to investing in our world’s future and doing what we can to ensure the planet is here to stay. The Telfer Institute for Sustainable Business is putting sustainability at the centre of decision-making, influencing a new era of business thinking. Together, we can lower carbon emissions, and enable a green economy that works for the long-term.


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