Undergraduate Students

Want to stand out from other candidates?
Ask your Career Centre about how to get started.

Looking to perfect your resumé?
Learn how to prepare a winning resumé. Ask your Career Centre about how to get started.
Career Development Certificate
By completing the Career Development Certificate you will have access to top quality services, resources, and networking opportunities designed to build the skills necessary to jump‑start your career. Most of the Career Centre's activities count towards this certificate.
Workshops and Clinics
The Career Centre offers various workshops facilitated by industry professionals designed to provide you with the employability skills and the experience required to become a business leader and to face the challenges of today’s workforce. In addition, small group clinics facilitated by our team members provide you with a more intimate session focused on specific topics.
Individual Consultations and Special Activities
Our Counsellors and Relationship Managers offer a variety of free personalized consultation services to assist and guide you. We also offer numerous special activities facilitated by industry professionals, allowing you to benefit from one-on-one discussions.
Company Information Sessions and Employer Panels
The Career Centre holds a number of employer information sessions and panels to provide you with company profiles, industry knowledge, and information regarding hiring processes.
Annual Networking Events
The Career Centre hosts large events throughout the year to facilitate networking opportunities between students and employers.
The Career Centre offers you a variety of practical programs to complement your strong academic foundation. Our programs will help develop your employability skills, allow you to acquire professional experience, and expose you to networking opportunities.
- Connexions Program
- Job Shadowing Program