The Importance of Social Connections in Fostering Meaningful Work
Is your work meaningful to you? In a new article published in the Academy of Management Review, Associate Professor Jane O’Reilly, from the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management, and her co-authors claim that employees develop a sense of meaning when they can achieve goals that have a purpose. However, to achieve these goals, employees need to have social connections to others who can offer them supporting resources along the way.
For many of us, it may not be only about what we do, but rather who can help us achieve what we do that ultimately cultivates meaningful work. Watch the video to find out why employees, organizations, and managers should be aware of the importance of social connections in fostering meaningful work:
Animation designed by Lisa Chhun
Voiceover by Nina Nesdoly
Read the article published by Professor O’Reilly and co-authors:
Robertson, K., O'Reilly, J. and Hannah, D. 2019. “Finding Meaning in Relationships: The Impact of Network Ties and Structure on the Meaningfulness of Work.” Academy of Management Review.
Learn more about the research happening at the Telfer School of Management that seeks to improve employee well-being: Thriving Organizations and Societies

Jane O'Reilly is an Associate Professor and Telfer Fellow in Workplace Wellbeing at the Telfer School of Management. Her research examines informal workplace interactions and relationships. Learn more about her work.