Humans of Telfer - Daniya
“During first year, I found everything super easy, I was doing well in school and was able to easily make friends. So starting off it was a great experience. When second year came along I struggled with school, classes were getting hard and that’s when I started working two jobs and got into clubs. However, since I didn’t have time management skills yet, it led to me not being as happy as I could have been.
Everything I built up in second year brought me down but it also taught me a lot about myself during the process of getting back up. I ended up finding my prime time and when I was most productive. I started waking up earlier and scheduling classes when I was most focused. I learned that writing everything down was better for me, and allocating a good amount of time for my personal life away from school and work. As hard as it was, I am grateful for this experience and what it taught me!”
- Daniya
3rd-Year Human Resource Management Student
Career Centre Ambassador