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Humans of Telfer – Audrey

Audrey sitting at a table

“What I like most about Telfer is its faculty. For the last three years, I have encountered professors who I think are the most talented and extremely dedicated to helping students acquire new knowledge. I love the way they stir up their students’ curiosity on the subject matters.

My ideal job would be to work in an HR department that strives to create a healthy work environment with a good work-life balance where everyone enjoys working with each other and to eliminate the stigma related to help-seeking from a mental health professional. I seek a great interest in this career because I have seen my friends at Telfer struggle to balance their schoolwork (or work) and social life and to cope with mental illnesses. Coming from an Asian country where people do not talk or even avoid talking about mental health, my goal is to help everyone realize that it is fine to seek help from others whenever possible, especially if your problems are taking a toll on your mental health. This also inspires me to go back to school and pursue another degree majoring in Psychology.

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, I am unable to go back to Canada, and I miss Telfer and its lecture halls more than ever. I hope to come back once all of this blows over!”

– Audrey Dam, 4th-year International Management
Student Mentor, Telfer International Club

Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York, this weekly feature of the Telfer Career Blog will contain photography of individuals from the Telfer School of Management community and a corresponding narrative that gives us a glimpse into their lives.