How to Finish the School Year off Strong?
by Morgan Fong
3rd Year Management Student
It is March, when all of your midterm exams, assignments and projects are piling up before the term ends. Then comes the dreaded month of April, a stressful period of final exams. It is hard to stay balanced and focused on the end goal when all of these impeding deadlines are fast approaching and when summer is just around the corner.
The key to finishing the school year off strong is to take a minute to reflect on what your personal, academic, and professional goals are, and on what you want to achieve this term. Are you trying to land a dream job that could kick‑start a successful career? Do you want to further your education through a Master’s degree? Is there a specific scholarship on the line? Whatever is your goal, keep at it and never give up.
In this article, I am offering you some tips on how you can stay motivated over the next few weeks and complete this term on a high note!
Everyone always says prioritizing is a crucial step in completing and meeting all deadlines; it is most definitely true! Although we all have our own unique way to keep track of everything, I find that writing down all the daily tasks I have to complete is the most efficient way to visually see what needs to be done. Crossing off tasks (even the smallest ones) is satisfying, and it motivates you to continue being productive. In addition, try to allot an estimated time for each task (block it either in your electronic calendar or on your list).
Although it is important to acknowledge what learning and studying strategies work best for you, sometimes it can be beneficial to adjust to new environments. Through university, I have gathered a variety of studying techniques that are useful for various courses. For example, when the content is math-heavy, I use a dry-erase board and continually repeat practice problems from my lectures and textbook. For other courses that require more memorization, I find that reading my notes aloud and retyping them are the most useful methods. Changing up your studying environment is also important to being productive. Switching location when studying allows your mind to take a break and to adjust to the new environment, providing you with a new sense of energy. It is equally important to determine the time of the day when you feel most productive and to take advantage of that time to finish as much as you can. For example, I have noticed that in the morning, I tend to be more alert and can complete tasks more efficiently. When the weather is nicer, I enjoy going out for a short walk to clear my mind off, after which I feel rejuvenated and ready to continue studying.
When I feel overly stressed out and that there are too many deadlines to meet in the short amount of time left, I take a couple minutes to breathe deeply in order to relax and refocus my mind. It is important to recognize the finish line and the steps leading to it. Take a few minutes to focus on your goals for this term, and think about how you will feel once you have completed everything.
With only a few more weeks left this term, you can do it! Keep going and finish this school year strong!