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Custom Programs

Programs that are designed and delivered specifically for your organization offer the opportunity to address specific organizational needs and effect change across the organization. They can serve to build alignment across a team and enable all participants to share a common experience and language for leadership development conversations. They send a clear message that senior management is committed to collective success as well as individual achievement. 

A custom program:

  • builds teamwork and breaks down silos between business units and levels;
  • ensures leaders across the organization share a common leadership experience and language;
  • establishes organization-wide alignment on what is required for high performance;
  • signals commitment to collective success;
  • aligns the organization during periods of major change and challenge; and,
  • is cost effective for development involving various groups and levels.

Custom programs designed specifically to meet the needs of your organization, or for specific professional audiences, will provide a greater impact on your organization and a higher return on your investment. A common learning experience supports the change management process and implementation of new strategic initiatives, business processes and products or services. Programs designed specifically for your business provide:

  • curriculum that suits the context, strategies and objectives of your organization;
  • content which addresses the common challenges and experiences of participants;
  • cases and exercises selected or created for you that reinforce the unique learning objectives that you have;
  • partnership with other specialists, organizations and universities who bring expertise and insight;
  • course designs which meet your timeframes and availability of your leaders; and,
  • detailed reports on participant evaluations and key learnings throughout and upon conclusion of the program.

Design Process

Creating Client Value

We believe that a comprehensive and intentional design process is the foundation for a successful custom program that meets the unique requirements of your organization.  A successful design is based in a clear understanding of the needs and objectives of your organization.  We take pride in our ability to listen and to understand clearly the circumstances and challenges of the organization, whether it is in the public, not-for-profit or private sectors, and to translate these insights into a high-quality learning experience for your leaders.

design process

Step #1: Assess Needs


  • Through successive meeting and discussions with you, the  client, develop a clear understanding of your needs and the objectives
  • Situate this understanding in the context of your strategic objectives, challenges and environment
  • Propose, discuss and agree on the key building blocks of the training – learning objectives, core content, timelines and duration, and outcomes expected
  • Establish the overall approach and create a block schedule and select faculty

Step #2: Design & Develop


  • Modules and sessions are created and agreed upon with you
  • Session outlines are developed and reviewed with you for approval
  • Cases studies, readings and scenarios/simulationslinked to the specific content and objectives are chosen
  • Presentations are drafted and finalized in consultation with the faculty  

Step #3: Plan & Deliver


  • Assigned Program Officer communicates with all participants regarding logistics of the Executive Program
  • Pre-course material is forwarded to participants, if required
  • Facilities are allocated and prepared for the delivery
  • Participants attend the program, completing established curriculum
  • Ongoing consultation with you, the client, to ensure expectations are fully met

Step #4: Evaluate & Revise


  • Evaluation forms are designed to review effectiveness of course materials and content, instructors, value to the participant, learning environment and applicability of the learning
  • Participants will complete evaluation forms and give feedback on their experience
  • All session, module and program evaluations are shared and discussed with you as the program is delivered
  • Mid-course refinements and adjustments can be made as required
  • Final assessment is prepared and discussed with you and, as appropriate, presentation with senior management team is made

Step #5: Re-assess


  • Implement changes discussed during final assessment
  • Update materials if necessary
  • Repeat program with a new cohort of participants

Typical Program Models

Executive Programs can be of short duration, 1-5 days, or extend over a period of four to six months, delivered in integrated modules, usually in modules of two days each. The focus on specific needs and outcomes means that participants can obtain needed skills and expertise, while maintaining a full work schedule.  The time between modules is important for the learning process as participants are able to reflect upon and apply learning from previous sessions.

Some typical program models that we use are described below. Please note that this is not an extensive list of options. We are able to work with any organization to meet their needs and can offer a variety of different options which best suits your organization.


This program takes place over an extended period of time, usually four to six months, in periods of 2 consecutive days of learning. The 2 days are called “modules” and the modules are integrated together to meet the needs of the organization. Each module typically has a specific theme or subject matter. This is ideal for organizations looking for extensive leadership development and who wish to cover a variety of topics. The modular approach also allows for reflection and practice between sessions - as modules are typically six weeks apart - which will enhance the success of your program.

Extended Modules:

Ideal for communities, associations, or organizations which extend across the country, the extended module approach allows for the learning to be spread out over a larger period of time and is therefore less demanding on participants’ time and resources in a given period. Similarly to the modular approach, each module is usually centered on a theme and is often 2-5 consecutive days.

In this approach, the modules can usually be taken in any order and, once all are completed, result in a certificate of completion. The frequency of delivery for each module is dependent on the organizations involved. Twice a year is most common.

Single Topic Sessions:

If your organization has a very specific need or wishes to focus on developing a certain talent, we can cater some of our regular programming specifically to your organization or develop a one- to two-day program addressing the specific topic or issue facing your organization.

peopleSome possible sessions could include:

  • Coaching for High Performance
  • Change Management
  • Leadership Styles and Skills
  • Business Analytics
  • Performance Management

Week Long Program:

If there are multiple topics you would like to address within your organization, it is possible to deliver a one-week course which covers a wide variety of topics, all catered toward your organization. This program would involve multiple instructors and would often be overseen by an Academic Director to ensure continuity and integration of all the material learned throughout the week.

If you are interested in creating a custom program for your organization, please do not hesitate to contact our Manager of Business Development Sabrina Abraham at 613-562-5943 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Typical Learning Topics

At the Centre for Executive Leadership, we have access to an extensive list of faculty from within the Telfer School of Management as well as many professionals and industry experts who can deliver quality programming to suit the needs of your organization.

Some of the many learning topics we address in Executive Programs include:

  • Business Analytics
  • Change Management
  • Coaching
  • Foresight
  • High Performance Teams
  • Leadership Agility
  • Leadership Styles and Skills
  • Performance Management
  • Project Management
  • Powerful Executive Communication
  • Strategy
  • World of a General Manager

If you are interested in learning more about a customized program, please do not hesitate to contact our Manager of Business Development Sabrina Abraham at 613-562-5943 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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