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101 Day: Classes Without Quizzes Greener Healthier Happier Wealthier

Telfer's Homecoming

Date & Time

October 2, 2022


Telfer School of Management
Desmarais Building, 1st floor
Classrooms 1110 and 1120
55 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, Ontario  K1N 6N5


Kristina Ramsay

Alumni in class listening to professor

No tests, no books or #2 pencils required!   

Reminiscent of ‘101 Week’ - which offers orientation for new students- ‘101 Day: Classes without Quizzes’ lets you go ‘back to class’ and build your knowledge and enthusiasm around important topics to Build a Better Canada.  

Alumni, students and friends of the university are invited to attend two of these short 45-minute classes presented by many of our top Telfer faculty.  Following each class, attendees can enjoy a complimentary snack and mingle with new friends and reminisce with old ones.


  • 9:30 a.m.: Registration
  • 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.: Concurrent Sessions #1 and #2 (includes Q&A)
  • 10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.: Coffee Break and Refreshments
  • 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.: Concurrent Sessions #3 and #4 (includes Q&A)
  • 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Social networking


Session #1
10:00 a.m. – Entrepreneurship for Social Change: Innovation in the Face of Stigma 

(this session will be in English only)


Madeline Toubiana, B.B.A., M.Ed., PH.D.
Associate Professor and the Desmarais Chair in Entrepreneurship 

Headlines over the past year illustrating the health risks to frontline workers — from grocery clerks to meat-packers to sex workers — have shone a spotlight on the need to better protect marginalized communities. Could entrepreneurship be used as a social innovation tool to carve out a safe space? 

Learn how entrepreneurship might be used to support social change. Find out how self-driven business opportunities can support de-stigmatization and empower marginalized communities, including women, transgender individuals, immigrants, refugees, the disabled, youth, sex workers, formerly incarcerated people and others.

To learn more about Dr. Toubiana, click here

Session #2
10:00 a.m. – The Role of Accounting and Finance in Corporate Adaptation to Climate Change   

(this session will be bilingual)




Marc Tassé

Walid Ben Amar PhD, CPA CGA,
Full Professor and Telfer Fellow in Sustainability Accounting

Climate change poses major financial risks to corporations and capital markets. The physical impacts of extreme weather events, new carbon emission regulations as well as disruptive clean technologies are likely to cause significant disruption to supply chains, affect asset valuations in carbon-intensive industries and ultimately influence firm performance. How can accountants support corporate adaptation to climate-related risks? 

Learn about the financial implications of climate-related risks and opportunities as well as capital market providers’ information needs regarding the net-zero transition. Find out about current disclosures practices and the recent regulatory initiatives at the Global level aiming to enhance climate risk reporting. 

To learn more about Mr. Ben Amar click here

Session #3
11:00 a.m. – Actionable Analytics in Healthcare: From cardiac arrest response strategies to intra-hospital patient transport systems 

(this session will be in English only)




Marc Tassé

Christopher Sun
Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair Tier Two Candidate

The stage is set for analytics-driven innovation in healthcare, given the staggering amounts of data that can be harnessed to transform the field.  

Come discover how data analytics can support decision making in healthcare and inform public health policies.  

In this class, we’ll be discussing how constrained optimization and predictive models can improve decisions regarding the placement of accessible automatic external defibrillators to improve cardiac arrest outcomes as well as how the diagnostic data analyses and simulation modeling supported the redesign of intra-hospital patient transportation services. 

Session #4
11:00 a.m. – Ethical Dilemma: Achieving Stakeholder’s Targets, but at what price in terms of reputational risk? 

(this session will be in French)




Marc Tassé

Marc Tassé, B.Com., MBA, CPA, CA
Professor - Global Anti-Corruption and Financial Crime Compliance Expert 

More and more stakeholders are establishing almost impossible targets and are hoping that the CEO and his C-Level suite will find ways to achieve them. Achieving these targets involves various ethical dilemmas that might have significant effects on the reputation of the decision makers and he organization overall. More and more CEOs and c-suite executives are now suffering of Corporate Performance Anxiety and are making decisions that can result in high reputational risks.  

How can we make sure that the CEOs and the c-suite executives don't become 'Chief Loophole Officer' focusing more on the Letter of the Law than the Spirit of the Law?   

To learn more about Mr. Tassé, click here

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