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To ensure the quality of our services and to provide the best experience to the Telfer School of Management students, alumni and corporate partners, the Telfer School of Management Career Centre [“the Career Centre” in the rest of the document] has established guidelines for all its recruiting activities.

All employment opportunity advertisements and recruiting activities advertised through the Career Centre must comply with all relevant federal and provincial legislation, or with the relevant legislation of the organization’s country if located outside of Canada. We also encourage employers to follow the recruitment guidelines recommended by the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE).

The Career Centre advertises employment opportunities to Telfer School of Management students and alumni and supports all on-campus recruitment activities through the Career Launch portal.

The Career Centre reserves the right to limit or cancel an employer’s recruitment activities if it considers that they are not conducive to a beneficial and positive student employment experience.

In order to post a job opportunity, the Career Centre requires all employers to provide the following information. Failure to comply may result in the job posting not being accepted:

  • The name of organization, with full mailing address and phone number
  • The full name of the contact person, with phone number and company email address
  • An adequate description of the nature of the position and the type of job (e.g., full time permanent, contract, co-op, summer, commission, etc.)
  • A clear description of the application collection method

Note: Recruitment agencies and third‑party recruiters must provide the name of the client organization for which they are hiring. This information will not be disclosed on the job posting. Only genuine employment opportunities will be accepted. A candidate’s resumé cannot not be held in the files of the third‑party recruiter for later referral to other positions unless specifically authorized by the candidate in writing. Commission jobs that will be posted must have a base salary plus commission and must be disclosed under the salary or job description section.

The Career Centre will not accept the following types of employment:

  • Jobs not related to university studies (e.g. waiter, housekeeper, bartender, cashier, etc.)
  • Independent contracting arrangements (self-employment)
  • Unpaid work, including positions involving unpaid or reduced pay for training (approved local volunteer and opportunities through the Connexions Program excluded)
  • Postings that are one hundred percent commission
  • Work involving credit in lieu of pay
  • Any work which requires the purchase of a service or product, or requires a certified deposit or similar as a condition of employment
  • Employment contracts or franchise contracts which charge a fee (i.e. certification fee, licensing fee, equipment purchase, initial investment in a company)
  • Work involving pyramid-type or multi-level marketing organizations
  • Private tutoring arrangements
  • Employment that would involve the work to take place at the private residence of the employer (i.e. caregiver, tutor, landscaping, care attendant)

The Career Centre prohibits the following recruitment strategies on campus:

  • Entering classrooms or lecture halls during a scheduled class, tutorial or lab to promote employment opportunities and/or distribute employment materials
  • Using common internal and external areas on campus such as waiting areas, lobbies, alcoves, break rooms, entrances, library, residence lobbies, or eating areas to conduct impromptu recruiting activities
  • Entering residence buildings and posting/distributing employment promotional materials in mailboxes and/or under doors
  • Postering and/or displaying employment jobs/promotional materials in unauthorized areas and/or in authorized areas without prior written permission from the Telfer School of Management Career Centre

The Career Centre reserves the right to remove or refuse any employer conducting recruitment on campus or job postings where:

  • non-compliance with these terms and conditions has occurred;
  • incorrect or misleading information has been provided;
  • students or university personnel have made founded complaints regarding unethical recruitment practices;
  • the Centre considers that the employment opportunity does not represent a viable work opportunity for the students;
  • the behaviour or conduct of an employer in its involvement with the university represents an unethical recruitment conduct and / or is deemed contrary to the Career Centre policies and practices;
  • a federal or provincial statute or regulation has been contravened.

The Career Launch portal is only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce or the Masters of Business Administration programs at the Telfer School of Management. Therefore, the Career Centre reserves the right to deny postings for positions that would not be applicable to these groups of students.

The Telfer School of Management will not be liable to employers with respect to any loss or damage which may have resulted directly or indirectly in regard to the services supplied by the Career Centre.

All submitted job postings are processed Monday to Friday between 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except for holidays and when the university is closed for the holiday break in December - January every year. All job postings require a 24 to 48 hour posting period.

The Career Centre may use an employer’s email address for the following purposes:

  • Updating employers regarding its online job posting system, Career Launch
  • Clarifying job posting details
  • Informing employers of services to facilitate recruitment on campus or for the purposes of conducting labour market research
  • Requesting feedback regarding employment and recruiting services
  • Recording recruiting results in terms of University of Ottawa student hires

Note: All employers have the ability to unsubscribe from any further email communication at any time.

At the University of Ottawa, we recognize and respect the importance of privacy. All collected personal contact information is kept confidential. Therefore, the Career Centre will not disclose employer contact information recorded on its Career Launch portal without consent. Contact or personal information obtained by the University of Ottawa is, under no circumstances, rented or sold.

Employers who obtain the contact or personal information of University of Ottawa students and alumni are expected to protect the privacy of those individuals. Employers should not disclose contact or personal information of University of Ottawa students and alumni to other parties without the proper prior written approvals.

Employers utilizing the services provided by the Career Centre must respect all of these terms and conditions. The Centre reserves the right to refuse any person or organization use of this service.

The Career Centre Website Disclaimer

The Career Centre makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in its website and printed materials is accurate. Links from our website to internal pages and / or external web sites are believed to be relevant and up-to-date. We do not accept responsibility for information contained on external websites. Links on our website should not suggest that the Centre promotes or endorses any cause, idea, web content, product or service from a third party. The Career Centre reserves the right to deny or withdraw any external link. If you encounter a non-functioning internal or external link, which may no longer be current, please let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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