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Congratulations on advancing in your BCom journey!
 Here’s everything you need to seamlessly navigate the admissions process. 

Admission Criteria

*If you are unsure about meeting the criteria below, or spot any inconsistencies, feel free to contact the program manager.

 Before applying for admission, check that you meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of all first-year and second-year courses in your BCom option before starting the microprogram in the fall term
  • Minimum of two years remaining in your degree
  • Full-time student status
  • Ability to fit all four mandatory microprogram courses within your course sequence
  • Ability to commit 10 hours per week
  • No scheduling conflicts that would prevent you from attending all Thursday evening sessions from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Minimum CGPA of 6.0 with minimum grade of B + in Business Communication Skills (ADM 2781 | 2381)
  • Proficiency in English; Proficiency in French is considered an asset
  • No participation in the Microprogram Capital Markets
  • Willingness to travel to Toronto once during the fall term (typically during Reading Week)
  • For CO-OP students, placements outside of Ottawa must only be in the summer. Placements in Ottawa can occur during the fall or winter terms with the understanding that the student will participate in all program activities

Making changes to your program

If you need to make changes to your program to be eligible for the Microprogram in Management Consulting, you can do so between March 1 and June 1 of your second year. Should you wish to make changes to your current program, please contact the Student Services Centre.

In addition to meeting the admission criteria, what will you need to succeed in this microprogram?

Although you must meet the admission criteria, selection and success in this microprogram require more than meeting these standards. Although there are no perfect models against which to measure yourself, here are some common characteristics that we have found to significantly influence participant success and their satisfaction with the program. To thrive in this program, consider the following:

Intellectual agility and curiosity

You should swiftly grasp complex concepts, analyze information critically, and synthesize ideas effectively. An analytical mindset, adept problem-solving and research skills, and curiosity are vital to navigating multifaceted challenges with precision.

Exceptional interpersonal skills

In this program, regular collaboration within teams and engagement with employer partners and clients underscores the importance of interpersonal skills. These skills play a pivotal role in nurturing positive team dynamics, fostering strong client relationships, honing leadership qualities, and constructing a valuable professional network crucial for success in the management consulting field.

Communication, persuasion and motivational skills

While this program will help you develop these skills, a solid foundation is beneficial. Essential attributes include active listening and robust oral and written communication skills. You will craft presentations and written materials on various occasions. You will also contribute to your teams’ and peers’ development and success by sharing knowledge and offering feedback.

Intellectual and emotional maturity

This program will involve working in high-pressure environments with diverse people, which demands strong self-control, adaptability, and resilience. Poise, calm objectivity, and flexibility are crucial.

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Personal drive and initiative

Demonstrating proactive engagement and self-motivation significantly contributes to thriving in various aspects of the program, from tackling business cases and consulting project in teams, networking, and professional development.

Ethics and integrity

As a participant, you are an ambassador for both the school and the program. You will engage in real consulting projects with real clients, tackling genuine business problems, necessitating ethical decision-making. Continuous learning demands the humility to admit mistakes and the resilience to learn from failures, which is integral to your growth within the program.

Commitment and well-being

This program involves an average workload of 10 hours per week, which challenges participants to strike a delicate balance between academic, professional, and personal obligations. Success in this dynamic environment relies on maintaining commitments while emphasizing self-care and fostering personal well-being, continuous growth and ongoing development.

Working effectively in a team

The capacity to assemble a team swiftly and foster a cohesive, high-performing dynamic is not only crucial, but also characteristic of the collaborative environment within a management consulting firm.

Application Process

The Microprogram Management Consulting information sessions are held in early March. You can register for them through Career Launch.

An application form will be available after the first information session. Complete the application form on Career Launch (see below for login information), and include a copy of your resumé, cover letter, and an unofficial transcript. Applications will be reviewed and only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

To access the form, log into Career Launch and complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Mentorship and Development Programs from left-hand menu.

  1. Under Programs Available for Enrollment, find the Microprogram Management Consulting.

  1. Click Enroll.

  1. Scroll down and click on the first activity, called Application Form.

  1. Complete the questionnaire and upload your resumé, cover letter, and transcript.

  1. Click Save.

If you are selected for an interview, you will be required to prepare, submit, and present a business case. You will receive further details when you are invited to the interview.

You will be contacted for a virtual or in-person interview with the microprogram manager. This 30-minute interview will assess your knowledge of the microprogram, your ability to work in a team environment, your objectives for completing the microprogram, and your ability to communicate effectively.

Application Deadline

Deadline to submit your application for the 2025-2027 cohort:

by 11:59 p.m.

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