What is the purpose of the teaching and course evaluations?
- The evaluations improve the quality of the learning experience.
- Professors have said they find this feedback to be a valuable means of improving their teaching skills. What’s more, some key aspects of the evaluation are part of the University’s collective agreement with professors.
- The main purpose is to obtain student feedback on a course and an instructor’s teaching. This information can also help professors gauge their abilities and help other students learn about how a course was taught.
How do I participate?
Classroom courses
- Fill out the questionnaire and comment sheet during the evaluation period.
- Your professors may have asked that a customized evaluation related to specific aspects of their course be completed as well.
Web based courses
- Via the uoZone portal, under the "InfoWeb" tool, and complete the official evaluation questionnaire.
Evaluation results (S-Report)
The evaluation results are available on uoZone. See what other students think!