Strong Momentum
We have a strong connection to the Telfer School—Swee as a Telfer School professor for 30 years and now Emeritus Professor, and Lilian as an advisor to the Telfer CPA Accounting and Governance Research Centre for over 20 years since its inception. We also have experience as graduate students. We understand how important it is being taught by faculty in a business school that is focused on carrying out research that contributes to new knowledge in the field of management.
So we were excited when the Telfer School set up its PhD program. It sends an important message that the school is now spurring top-flight research. It sets a tone that a new mission of the school is to focus on fostering research that contributes to new knowledge in the field of management. We realized that we had to provide strong momentum for success in the launch of the new PhD program. Our donation is to support the first cohort of students, in all its five fields, to attract the best doctoral candidates to the school for this new program and to help them financially in the critical first two years of study. We know how crucial it is for this initial cohort to create strong momentum in the program from the very beginning.
It is our hope that this momentum will serve to propel the program by attracting more top students to attend. We also hope our donation encourages others to be a part of the growing excellence of the Telfer PhD and consider contributing as donors. This help will sustain the positive momentum for the future growth and success of the school as evidenced by the launch of this new, important and exciting program.