"Being a student at Telfer meant having access to all 13 clubs that are a part of Telfer. From the first day I heard about CASCO, I knew this was the club I wanted to join because the club’s main purpose is to raise money for CHEO. Being on CASCO’s Sponsorship team has given me the opportunity to work with professionals from various industries whose companies believe in the importance of corporate social responsibility. Together, we raise even more money for CHEO with each passing year. Being on the CASCO team has enriched my Telfer experience through the lasting friendships I’ve made with my teammates, and the business relationships I’ve created with industry professionals."

- Natalie

Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York, this weekly feature of the Telfer Career Blog will contain photography of individuals from the Telfer School of Management community and a corresponding narrative that gives us a glimpse into their lives.