For some of you who are entering university for the first time, I am sure you have come to realize that it is a huge jump from high school. The transition from high school to university is challenging, so here are my tips to ensure your first year goes as smoothly as possible.

Keep up with your classes.

Prepare properly. Do class readings BEFORE class. The more preparation you do, the more you will enjoy the course and the better your grades will be. It really is that simple. It is recommended that for each hour you spend in class you should study approximately two hours. Going to class is only the beginning; the real work begins afterwards!

Get to know your professors.

Visit your professor during their office hours and talk, even when you don’t have a specific question.

These relationships will help you grow and also will help when you need a recommendation after graduation.

Take advantage of academic support provided by the University.

The Student Academic Success Service (SASS) offers mentoring for certain classes, and the Academic Writing Help Centre will help you shape your paper.

Get involved.

Being active on campus will not only help you perform better academically, but also allow you to expand your social circle. Visit the Career Centre often. Workshops, clinics, networking events, and individual appointments will help you figure out what options you have for your future.

Take care of yourself.

Studying is just one part of who you are - make sure you get enough sleep,  stay active, eat well, enjoy your friends and family, go outside and relax.