We are in the third month of 2018 and it’s a good time to reflect on whether or not you have been sticking to the goals you have set for yourself in the beginning of the year. Are you still on the right track or have you given up after two weeks into the year? If the latter is you, don’t worry, it is never too late to start over! Here are three tips on how to get back on track.

1. Revise Your Goals

Perhaps you were not able to stick to your goals because they were too vague or they lacked a clear plan. Now is a great opportunity to revise them, tweak them and make the goals perfect for you. Set small, specific goals and create a plan on how you can get to where you want to be. The more detailed you can be, the easier it is to stay focused on what you have to do to achieve your goals. It keeps you organized and encouraged along the way. It also makes it less overwhelming.

2. Understand Your True Motivation

Take a step back and ask yourself: “Why was this your goal in the first place?” This will help you understand the values and the meaning that underlies in the goal in the first place. If you wanted to attend more career-related workshops, maybe your underlying desire is to gain and develop skills to help you in your classes and in the real world. This will help you check in with yourself and to remind you why you’re doing this in the first place. Knowing what truly motivates you will help you move forward.

3. Let Your Goals Be Known

You’re more likely to achieve your goals when you let others know about them. It holds you accountable and it’s harder to withdraw from them. You’re more motivated to work hard and get things done. Telling your best friend about your goals and talking about it with them on a regular basis will keep you on track. Additionally, do not rely heavily on others to get things done but, don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. You can’t always do things on your own and asking for help will perhaps give you the leverage you need.

To conclude, there are plenty of ways to get back on track but hopefully these tips will help you get started on getting back on track. Just because you failed to set up the perfect goal or stick with your goals, it doesn’t mean you should give up on your goal completely. It’s okay to slip up but it’s important that you pick yourself up and try again. Be open to the changes and the challenges that come along with it. Believe in yourself and get excited, you’re learning!