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Questionnaire and Photo


Please answer the following questions and provide a photo that represents your host country. The resulting report must consist of at least 1 800 words.


  • Fall exchange: October 31
  • Winter exchange: March 31

If your winter exchange began in March or later, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a deadline extension.

Please note that this submission is mandatory to maintain your mobility scholarship. We may use your submitted photo and comments to promote the International Exchange Programs to prospective participants. We reserve the right to remove any content deemed inappropriate in your report.


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International exchange

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Please describe your experiences and comment on the following:

  1. Your program of study (courses, assignments, course format). Add the exact number of class hours per course.
  2. The timetable (academic calendar, registration dates, orientation, beginning and end of classes, exams, holidays, number of semesters, etc.).
  3. Procedures to follow upon arrival. List and description of services offered by the International Exchange Office of the host institution. Registration and course selection. Social activities.
  4. Budget outlining the cost of studying abroad (i.e. airplane tickets, housing, vacation and daily travel costs, textbooks, meals, etc.).
  5. Application procedures before your arrival (visa deadlines, documents required for visa, course registration, housing deposit, etc.).
  6. Address and description of housing. Cost of housing.
  7. Other comments or recommendations.
  8. Add a description of about five to seven sentences summarizing your experience..

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