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Distinguished Speaker Series in Thriving Organizations and Societies with Alicia Grandey, PhD Healthier Happier

In-person Event

Deadline: May 1, 2025,

Date & Time

May 2, 2025


Telfer School of Management
Desmarais Building
DMS 12102, 12th floor
55 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, Ontario  K1N 6N5


Please contact us by April 28th if you have any particular accessibility requirements or dietary restrictions.

Deadline: May 1, 2025,

Worker at desk with head in hands, with colleagues handing several tasks to them

Please join us on May 2, 2025, to welcome this year’s Distinguished Speaker in Thriving Organizations and Societies with Dr. Alicia Grandey.

Dr. Grandey will discuss the origins of her study of emotional labour (the regulation of emotions as part of one’s work role), her most recent research in this area and the ways this has culminated in a forthcoming science-practitioner book, Emotionally Charged: How to Lead in the New World of Work.  She will then describe why she shifted to studying taboo topics such as the “three M’s” and menopause and politics at work, highlighting some recent studies.  Throughout, Dr. Grandey will openly discuss the joys and challenges of contributing scientific knowledge to academic journals and the importance of sharing science-based knowledge with employees and leaders.

Head shot of Alicia Grandey

Dr. Alicia Grandey is a distinguished professor of psychology in the industrial-organizational program at Pennsylvania State University, as well as a fellow of the Society of I-O Psychologists (SIOP) and the Association of Psychological Science (APS).

Dr. Grandey’s research has focused on work emotions and stress, specifically, emotional labour (e.g., “service with a smile”) and mistreatment (e.g., racial incivility, sexual harassment, women’s health bias), with many of her 60+ publications in top-tier outlets such as the Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP), the Journal of Management, and Personnel Psychology.  Her more than 30,000 citations put her in the top 1% of organizational scientists, and her award-winning research has received funding from the National Science Foundation and media attention from outlets like the Harvard Business Review, The New Yorker, and CNN, ABC and NPR. In addition, she co-edited the collection Emotional Labor in the 21st Century (Routledge) (2013) and co-authored the book Emotionally Charged: How to Lead in the New World of Work (Oxford) (2025).

Dr. Grandey has mentored over 20 doctoral students and has received distinguished teaching awards from Penn State and SIOP.  She currently serves as an associate editor for JAP.

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