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Information Session on Predatory Publishing

Telfer Research Office

Date & Time

November 2, 2023


Online: A link (Microsoft Teams) will be provided in the reminder email the day before the event.


Cynthia Tang

man with a typewriter scrutinizing a sheet of paper

In this information session you will learn about predatory publishing: what it is, how it can impact your career and academia, how to identify it, and how to avoid it. You will gain important information about ethical publishing practices, red flags to watch out for, and useful tools for identifying legitimate journals. You will also get valuable advice on how to protect your work. This info-session will be given by Dr. Jeremy Y. Ng from the Centre for Journalology at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

Information session date: Thursday November 2, 2023

About the Speaker

Dr. Jeremy Y. Ng is a three-time MITACS-funded post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Journalology at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, where he is working with Drs. Kelly Cobey and David Moher to develop a journal transparency tool. Prior to his post-doctoral fellowship, he completed his PhD training at the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact at McMaster University. Approximately one decade ago, Jeremy began his research career in the field of complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine. Being immersed in this dynamic and controversial field of study, plagued with poor quality reporting and methodological challenges, ultimately led him to his most recent research area of interest: journalology. Over his career, he has also had the opportunityto stablish two journals as a publisher, in addition to serving on the editorial boards of multiple journals.

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