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Ana María Peredo

Peredo, Ana María
Professeure titulaire
Chaire de recherche du Canada en entrepreneuriat social et inclusif
B.S.Sc (Universidad Inca Garcilazo de la Vega), M.A. (U of Calgary), Diploma Studies (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), M.A. Studies (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), Ph.D. (U of Calgary)
DMS 6148
613-562-5800 poste 4784
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Ana María Peredo occupe une chaire de recherche du Canada de niveau 1 en entrepreneuriat social et inclusif et elle est professeure titulaire à l’École de gestion Telfer. Elle a aussi été professeure d’écologie politique à l’École d’études environnementales de l’Université de Victoria où elle a également occupé les fonctions de directrice du Centre d’économie coopérative et communautaire.

Les travaux de Mme Peredo contribuent à notre compréhension des stratégies employées localement pour lutter contre la pauvreté, à savoir le développement de moyens de subsistance gratifiants et viables puisés dans la culture et l’environnement spécifiques du lieu. Ce sont son parcours universitaire en anthropologie et en gestion ainsi que son expérience sur le terrain dans les Andes de son Pérou natal qui l’ont menée à étudier d’autres modèles économiques, de même que leur incidence sociale et environnementale à l’échelle locale.

Plusieurs de ses publications clés – sur les initiatives d’économie communautaire, l’entrepreneuriat autochtone, les entreprises sociales et l’économie solidaire – figurent ainsi dans diverses revues spécialisées telles que l’Academy of Management Review, le Journal of Business Ethics, le Journal of Business Venturing, le Journal of Peasant Studies et les revues Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, Organization et World Development, parmi de multiples autres revues et anthologies de référence dans le domaine.

Son travail lui a valu nombre de distinctions et bourses de recherche, et elle siège aujourd’hui à plusieurs conseils d’administration universitaires et professionnels. Actuellement rédactrice adjointe de la revue Organization et co-coordinatrice de la section européenne du groupe de travail permanent sur les études des organisations à l’ère de l’anthropocène, la chercheuse est également la présidente sortante de la Western Academy of Management.

Domaines de recherche

Les travaux d’Ana María Peredo portent essentiellement sur trois domaines indissociables : les structures alternatives et l’économie solidaire (entrepreneuriat communautaire, modèle coopératif, économie coopérative et communautaire, initiatives sociales de biens communs, justice sociale, monnaies locales, réseaux de petites entreprises); les économies autochtones et la décolonisation (entrepreneuriat autochtone, innovations sociales autochtones, approche critique en entrepreneuriat, impacts de projets d’aménagements ou d’entreprises, ontologies et mouvements autochtones); les futurs alternatifs (mouvements sociaux et décroissance). La professeure accueille volontiers des étudiantes et étudiants des cycles supérieurs qui ont fait leurs preuves et qui s’intéressent à ces champs du savoir.

Publications au cours des 7 dernières années

Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture

  • Henriques, I., Colbourne, R., Peredo, A.M., Anderson, R. and Wanuch, R. 2024. Transforming Indigenous Procurement: Empowerment, Challenges, and the Road Ahead. Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, 14(2).
  • Weber, G., Cabras, I., Peredo, A.M., Yanguas-Parra, P.A. and Prime, K.S. 2023. Exploring resilience in public services within marginalised communities during COVID-19: The case of coal mining regions in Colombia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 415(137880): 1-12.
  • Colbourne, R., Peredo, A.M. and Henriques, I. 2023. Indigenous entrepreneurship? Setting the record straight. Business History, 1-23.
  • Peredo, A.M. 2023. The unsettling potential of Indigenous organizing. Organization, 30(6): 1211-1221.
  • Peredo, A.M. 2022. Indigenous and Divergent Voices in the Business School: Who’s listening? Management International, 26(5): 144-148.
  • Peredo, A.M., Calas, M., Smircich, L., Bapuji, H., Banerjee, B., Chertkovskaj, E., Weber, G., Colbourne, R., Evans, M., Crane, A., Osorio, A., Ozkazanc-Pan, B., Contu, A., Abdelnour, S., Hirsch, P. and Adler, P. 2022. We are boiling: Management scholars speaking out on COVID-19 and social justice. Journal of Management Inquiry, 31(4): 339-357.
  • Peredo, A.M. 2022. ‘People Like You’: Hidden Stories. M@n@gement, 25(4): 84-85.
  • Weber, G., Cabras, I., Ometto, P. and Peredo, A.M. 2021. Direct Management of COVID-19 at National and Subnational Level: The Case of the Western Amazon Countries. Public Organization Review, 21(4): 741–757.
  • Cordoba, D., Peredo, A.M. and Chaves, P. 2021. Shaping alternatives to development: Solidarity and reciprocity in the Andes during Covid-19. World Development, 139: 105323.
  • Turner, K. L., Idrobo, C. J., Desmarais, A. A. and Peredo, A.M. 2021. Soberania Alimentaris desde el Territorio: Aprovisionamiento, practicas cotidianas y el papel de las mujeres afrocolombianas. Jangwa Pana, 20(1): 158-185.
  • Banerjee, S. B., Jermier, J. M., Peredo, A.M., Perey, R. and Reichel, A. 2021. Theoretical perspectives on organizations and organizing in a post-growth era. Organization, 28(3): 337-357.
  • Peredo, A.M. and McLean, M. 2020. Decommodification in action: Common property as countermovement. Organization, 27(6): 817-839.
  • Turner, K. L., Idrobo, C. J., Desmarais, A. A. and Peredo, A.M. 2020. Food sovereignty, gender and everyday practice: The role of Afro-Colombian women in sustaining localised food systems. Journal of Peasant Studies, 49(2): 402-428.
  • Peredo, A.M., Haugh, H. M., Hudon, M. and Meyer, C. 2020. Mapping concepts and issues in the ethics of the commons: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Business Ethics, 166(4): 659-672.
  • Cordoba, D., Juen, L., Selfa, T., Peredo, A.M., de Assis Montag, L. F., Sombra, D. and Santos, M. P. D. 2019. Understanding local perceptions of the impacts of large-scale oil palm plantations on ecosystem services in the Brazilian Amazon. Forest Policy and Economics, 109: 1-11.
  • Peredo, A.M., Haugh, H. M. and McLean, M. 2018. Common Property: Uncommon Forms of Prosocial Organizing. Journal of Business Venturing, 33(5): 591- 602.
  • Rowe, J., Peredo, A.M., Sullivan, M. and Restakis, J. 2018. Policy Supports for Co- operative Development: Learning from Co-Operative Hot Spots. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 51(1): 39-42.
  • Peredo, A.M., Montgomery, N. and McLean, M. 2018. The BoP Business Paradigm: What It Promotes and What It Conceals. Oxford Development Studies, 46(3): 411-429.
  • Rowe, J., Peredo, A.M., Sullivan, M. and Restakis, J. 2017. Co-operative development, policy, and power in a period of contested neoliberalism: The case of Evergreen Co-operative Corporation in Cleveland, Ohio. Socialist Studies/Études Socialistes, 12(1): 54-77.


  • Alakavuklar, O.N., Barros, A., Jammulamadaka, N. and Peredo, A.M. Business Storytelling and Postcolonialism. London, UK: World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd., 2023.
  • Colbourne, R., Henriques, I., Anderson, R., Peredo, A.M. and Schneider, B. Indigenous Economic Development. Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Verbos, A.K., Henry, E. and Peredo, A.M. Indigenous Aspirations and Rights: The Case for Responsible Business and Management. London, UK: Routledge, 2017.

Chapitres de livres

  • Segovia, R.A. and Peredo, A.M. “We cannot cut the tree if we don’t have permission from its mother”: Kukama resistance through life-affirming cosmologies. In Alakavuklar, O.N., Barros, A., Jammulamadaka, N. and Peredo, A.M.. Business storytelling and Postcolonialism. London, UK: World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd., 2024.
  • Peredo, A.M., Schneider, B. and Popa, A. Indigenous entrepreneurial finance: Mapping the landscape with Canadian evidence. In Lingelbach, D.C.. Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
  • Henriques, I., Colbourne, R., Peredo, A.M. and Anderson, R.B. Relational and social aspects of Indigenous entrepreneurship: The Hupacasath case. In Indigenous Wellbeing and Enterprise. New York: Routledge, 2020.
  • Peredo, A.M. El “Buen Vivir’: Notions of Wellbeing Among Indigenous Peoples of South America. In Fleming, C., Manning, M. and Miller, A.. Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Wellbeing. London, UK: Routledge, 2019.
  • Peredo, A.M., McLean, M. and Tremblay, C. Indigenous Social Innovation: What Is Distinctive? And a Research Agenda. In George, G., Baker, T., Tracey, P. and Joshi, H.. Handbook of Inclusive Innovation: The Role of Organizations, Markets and Communities in Social Innovation . Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
  • Peredo, A.M. Business, Sustainability, and the Bottom of the Pyramid. In Routledge Handbook of the History of Sustainability . New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Verbos, A.K., Henry, E. and Peredo, A.M. Business’s Effects on Indigenous Aspirations and Rights: An Introduction. In Verbos, A.K., Henry, E. and Peredo, A.M.. Indigenous Aspirations and Rights: The Case for Responsible Business and Management. London, UK: Routledge, 2017.
  • Peredo, A.M. and Chrisman, J. J. Conceptual Foundations: Community-Based Enterprise and Community Development. In van Ham, M., Reuschke, D., Kleinhans, R., Mason, C. and Syrett, S.. Entrepreneurial Neighbourhoods: Towards an Understanding of the Economies of Neighbourhoods and Communities . London, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2017.
  • Henry, E., Peredo, A.M. and Verbos, A.K. Conclusion: Making the Case for Responsible Business and Management. In Verbos, A.K., Henry, E. and Peredo, A.M.. Indigenous Aspirations and Rights: The Case for Responsible Business and Management. London, UK: Routledge, 2017.
  • Sayers (Kekinusuqs), J. and Peredo, A.M. Hupacasath First Nation: Roadmap to a Sustainable Economy. In Verbos, A.K., Henry, E. and Peredo, A.M.. Indigenous Aspirations and Rights: The Case for Responsible Business and Management. London, UK: Routledge, 2017.

Contributions sur invitation et/ou rapports techniques

  • Peredo, A.M. 2023. "RAD Network: Envisioning The Indigenous-led Conservation Economy", Report on meeting April 24-27, 23. Participant and Contributor to The Market group.
  • Henriques, I., Colbourne, R., O'Farrell, D., Peredo, A.M. and Anderson, R. 2023. "Transforming indigenous procurement: 2023 Cando survey",
  • Dagli-Hustings, I., Peredo, A.M., Ndimukaga, E., Ikinci, M., Koko, A.D., Christou, G. and Lordos, A. 2022. "Bugesera societal healing programme: Collaborative livelihoods protocol (co-live manuals 1 - 3)".
  • Peredo, A.M. 2020. "Social Investment Activities and Needs Assessment for Vancouver Island. B.C. Report".

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À Source Titre * ** Rôle Montant
2024 University of Melbourne Visiting Research Scholar Scheme R O PI $ 10,994
2023-2026 SSHRC Partnership Development Grant Enabling Systems Transitions Towards Inclusive Innovation R C Co-I $ 198,793
2023-2024 SSHRC Connection Grant The International Academy of Research in Indigenous Management and Organization Studies R C PI $ 25,000
2023-2024 Telfer School of Management; University of Ottawa; Sprott School of Management, University of Carleton; Schulich School of Management, York University; Hill/Levene School of Business, University of Regina Matching funds for Connection Grant S O PI $ 50,000
2023 École de gestion Telfer International Academy for Research in Indigenous Management Organization S I PI $ 19,500
2023 Université d'Ottawa International Academy for Research in Indigenous Management Organization S I PI $ 17,500
2022-2029 Chaires de recherche du Canada Canada Research Chair in Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Tier 1 R C PI $ 1,400,000
2022-2023 École de gestion Telfer Start-up funds S I PI $ 20,000
2021-2023 CRSH Two-Eyed Seeing, Grand Challenges and Wicked Problems: Indigenous-led Responses to the Neoliberal Restructuring of Cities and Urban Centres R C Co-A $ 245,936
2021-2022 SSHRC Connection Grant Walking in two worlds, co-creating a two-eyed seeing approach to research training O C Co-A $ 24,000
2020-2021 CRSH Blueprint for an inclusive and sustainable recovery R C Co-A $ 24,996
2019-2022 CRSH Oil Palm in water territories: the impacts of crop expansion on water resources and local livelihoods in the Brazilian Amazon R C Co-A $ 74,998
2018-2019 CRSH Regenerative Enterprise in Fragile Ecosystems R C Co-A $ 23,000
2018 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) Paper Development workshop on Theoretical Perspectives on Organizations and Organizing in a Post-Growth Era. London, UK S O Co-PI $ 10,974
2017-2021 CRSH Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship: A Co-generated Approach R C Co-A $ 366,758
2016-2017 University of Victoria, Co-operative and Community-Based Economy Research Fund Indigenous Sustainability and Community Innovation: Sites of Social Innovation on Vancouver Island R O Co-I $ 90,000
2015-2018 Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF) Amazon Fish for Food /Peces para la Vida project for indigenous peoples of Bolivia R U Co-A $ 5,000,000


* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)

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