Sandra Schillo (Elle/Il/Iel)
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- DMS 6113
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- 613-562-5800 poste 4925
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Notice biographique
La recherche de Sandra Schillo porte sur l'amélioration des méthodologies de mesure concernant l'innovation et l'entrepreneuriat ainsi que leurs retombées.
Elle possède une expérience professionnelle et de recherche en matière de science et technologie, d'entrepreneuriat et de gestion de recherches et l'innovation. Au cours de sa carrière professionnelle, elle a travaillé pour Industrie Canada ainsi que pour de nombreuses agences et plusieurs ministères fédéraux à vocation scientifique.
La professeure Schillo est titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Institut de l'entrepreneuriat et de gestion de l'innovation de l'Université de Kiel, en Allemagne. Il détient une maîtrise en gestion en ingénierie de l'Université de Karlsruhe (Allemagne) avec une spécialisation en gestion de l'innovation et en transfert de technologie.
Publications au cours des 7 dernières années
Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture
- Fatemi, H., Kao, E.*, Schillo, R.S., Li, W.*, Jian-Yun, N. and Dubé, L. 2022. Using Social Media to Analyze Consumers’ Attitude Towards Natural Food Products. British Food Journal, (In Press).
- Beaudoin, C.*, Joncoux, S., Jasmin, J.F., Berberi, A.*, McPhee, C., Schillo, R.S. and Nguyen, V.M. 2022. A research agenda for evaluating living labs as an open innovation model for environmental and agricultural sustainability. Environmental Challenges, 7: 100505.
- Schillo, R.S. and Ebrahimi, H.*. 2022. Gender dimensions of digitalisation: a comparison of Venture Capital backed start-ups across fields. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 34(7): 733-745.
- Persaud, A., Schillo, R.S. and Wang, S. 2021. Assessing industry differences in marketing innovation using multi-level modeling. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
- Youtie, J., Shapira, P., Ward, R., Schillo, R.S. and Earl, L. 2021. Exploring New Approaches to Understanding Innovation Ecosystems. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 7((Sept)): 1-5.
- Ebrahimi, H.P., Schillo, R.S. and Bronson, K. 2021. Systematic Stakeholder Inclusion in Digital Agriculture: A Framework and Application to Canada. Sustainability, 13(12): 6879.
- Schillo, R.S. and Ebrahimi, H.P. 2021. Gender dimensions of digitalisation: a comparison of Venture Capital backed start-ups across fields. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management.
- Chicoine, M.*, Rodier, F., Durif, F., Schillo, R.S. and Dubé, L. 2021. Exploring Social Media Data to Understand How Stakeholders Value Local Food: A Canadian Study Using Twitter. Sustainability, 13(24): 13920.
- Alhassan, E. **, Schillo, R.S., Lemay, M.A. ** and Pries, F. 2019. Research Outputs as Vehicles of Knowledge Exchange in a Quintuple Helix Context: The Case of Biofuels Research Outputs . Journal of the Knowledge Economy.
- Schillo, R.S. 2018. Research-based Spin-Offs as Agents in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Journal of Technology Transfer, (In Press).
- McPhee, C., Schillo, R.S., Earl, L. and Kinder, J.S. 2018. Editorial: Inclusive Innovation in Developed Countries . Technology Innovation Management Review, 8(2): 3-6.
- Schillo, R.S. and Kinder, J.S. 2017. Delivering on societal impacts through open innovation: a framework for government laboratories. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42: 977-996.
- Persaud, A. and Schillo, R.S. 2017. Purchasing organic products: role of social context and consumer innovativeness. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 35(1): 130-146.
- Schillo, R.S. and Isabelle, D. 2017. Linking Advanced Biofuel Policies with Stakeholder Interests - A method building on Quality Function Deployment. Energy Policy, 100(January): 126-137.
- Aidis, R. and Schillo, R.S. 2017. Gender, Leadership and Venture Capital: Measuring women’s leadership in VC firm portfolios. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 9(2): 110-135.
- Schillo, R.S. and Robinson, R.M. 2017. Inclusive Innovation – A Framework for Developed Countries. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(7): 34-46.
Chapitres de livres
- Schillo, R.S. and Puri, P.*. Inclusive Innovation - Towards a Theory of Inclusiveness Transitions. In Mazzanti, Diaz Lopez and Zoboli. Handbook of Innovation, Society and the Environment. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, (Accepted).
- Earl, E.L., De Fuentes, C., Kinder, J. and Schillo, R.S. Inclusive innovation and how it can be measured in developed and developing countries. In Gault, F., Arundel, A. and Kraemer-Mbula, E.. Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, (Accepted).
- Dubé, L., Wolfert, S., Zimmerman, K., Yang, N., Diaz-Lopez, F., Arvanitis, R., Schillo, R.S., Hamalova, S., Nie, J.-Y. and Brown, S. Convergence Research and Innovation Digital Backbone: Behavioral analytics, artificial intelligence and digital technologies as bridges between biological, social and agri-food systems. In Annosi, M.C. and Brunetta, F.. How is digitalization affecting agrifood? New Business Models, Strategies and Organizational Forms. UK: Routledge, 2020.
Contributions sur invitation et/ou rapports techniques
- Berberi, A.*, Beaudoin, C.*, Nguyen, V., Bronson, K., McPhee, C., Joncoux, S. and Jasmin, J.F. 2021. "Knowledge gaps in evaluating the effectiveness and impacts of Living Labs focused on environmental and agricultural sustainability", June, Knowledge Synthesis Report.
- Schillo, R.S. and Ebrahimi, H.P. 2017. "Options for Metrics of S&T Collaboration", Report prepared for the Federal S&T Secretariat, Canada.
- Persaud, A. and Schillo, R.S. 2017. "Big Data Analytics: Accelerating Innovation and Value Creation", October, Big Data Analytics project.
Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À | Source | Titre | * | ** | Rôle | Montant |
2022-2024 | SSHRC Partnership Development Grant | Rethinking the Social Contract for Science Policy | R | C | PI | $ 170,000 |
2021-2027 | IRSC | Implementing Smart Cities Interventions to Build Healthy Cities (SMART) Training Platform | R | C | Co-I | $ 4,950,000 |
2021-2023 | PIC Supercluster | Food Convergence and Integrity Canada | R | G | Co-I | $ 2,600,000 |
2021-2022 | eCampus Ontario | Weaving Indigenous perspectives and educational approaches into an online entrepreneurship course | R | F | PI | $ 75,000 |
2021-2022 | Programme d’initiation à la recherche au premier cycle (PIRPC) | How social media influences societal transitions through innovation student: Matthew A. Martinez | R | I | PI | $ 500 |
2020-2021 | MITACS | Food Convergence and Integrity Canada; partners: PIC Supercluster, Bivizio, CTAQ | R | O | PI | $ 240,000 |
2020-2021 | MITACS | Small and Medium Enterprises in a Covid19 context: Ecosystem business intelligence for increased resilience; partner: Bivizio | R | G | PI | $ 45,000 |
2020-2021 | CRSH - Subventions de synthèse des connaissances | Living Within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity: What are the knowledge gaps for evaluating the social impacts and effectiveness of "Living Labs" focused on environmental and agricultural sustainability? | R | C | Co-I | $ 50,000 |
2018-2023 | SSHRC Partnership Grant | Partnership for the Organization of Innovation and New Technologies (4POINT0) | R | C | Co-I | $ 2,499,723 |
2017-2021 | SSHRC Insight Grant | Assessing the Readiness of Canadian Small- and Medium- Sized Enterprises to Leverage Big Data Analytics | R | C | Co-I | $ 119,000 |
2017-2018 | SSHRC – Synthesis Grant | Big Data Analytics: Accelerating Innovation and Value Creation | R | C | Co-I | $ 25,000 |
2017 | Kauffman Foundation | Measuring Women's Leadership in Venture Capital Fund Portfolios | R | F | Co-PI | $ 91,800 |
2017 | Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada | Options for S&T collaboration metrics | R | G | PI | $ 11,500 |
2017 | CRSH - Subventions de synthèse des connaissances | Big Data Analytics (BDA): Accelerating Innovation and Value Creation | R | C | Co-PI | $ 25,000 |
2016-2018 | SSHRC Insight Development Grant | New innovation indicators - integrating survey methodology with web-based data analytics | R | C | PI | $ 67,050 |
* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu
C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu
PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)