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Milena Parent

Parent, Milena
Professeure titulaire
B.Sc. (Hon.) (uOttawa), M.A. (uOttawa), Ph.D. (University of Alberta)
DMS 5152
613-562-5800 poste 2984
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Professeure titulaire à l’École de gestion Telfer de l’Université d’Ottawa, Milena Parent (Ph.D., Université de l’Alberta) se spécialise dans la gouvernance et la stratégie du sport (événement). En tant que directrice du programme en anglais de MEMOS (Master exécutif en management des organisations sportives), financé par le Comité International Olympique et la Solidarité Olympique, la professeure Parent forme la prochaine génération de chefs de file internationaux dans le domaine de la gestion du sport. Elle enseigne également le module sur la gestion de projets et d’événements sportifs des programmes de MEMOS en français et en anglais.

Ses recherches primées portent sur la théorie des organisations et la gestion stratégique, en particulier dans le cadre du système sportif canadien et de grandes manifestations sportives telles que les Jeux olympiques. Les travaux de la professeure Parent sont financés par divers organismes externes, dont le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH).

Ses contributions scientifiques ne se limitent pas à des articles de recherche : elle est coauteure de « Managing Major Sports Events: Theory and Practice » (2e édition, Routledge, 2021) avec Aurélia Ruetsch et de « Strategic Management in Sport » (Routledge, 2019) avec Danny O’Brien, Lesley Ferkins et Lisa Gowthorp.

Au-delà du monde universitaire, elle contribue activement au système sportif canadien en siégeant au conseil d’administration de l’Institut canadien de la recherche sur la condition physique et le mode de vie (ICRCP) et en participant au groupe de travail sur le suivi et la mise en œuvre des politiques proposées par Politiques sportives canadiennes . Rédactrice certifiée de livres blancs et d’études de cas pour le secteur interentreprises, la professeure Parent est également consultante pour diverses organisations.

Publications au cours des 7 dernières années

Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture

  • Lachance, E.L. and Parent, M.M. 2024. A hierarchical cluster analysis of board decision making in non-profit sport organizations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, (Accepted).
  • Lefebvre, A., Parent, M.M., Taks, M., Naraine, M.L., Séguin, B. and Hoye, R. 2024. Aligning governance, brand governance, and social media strategies for improved performance: A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of national sport organizations. Journal of Global Sport Management, 14(1): 19-37.
  • Lachance, E.L. and Parent, M.M. 2024. Decision making in non-profit sport organization boards: Exploring the role of internal board-level factors? International Journal of Sport Management, 25(1): 73-99.
  • Thompson, A., Naraine, M.L. and Parent, M.M. 2024. Exploring the nexus of digital technology and organizational change in non-profit sport organizations. Sport Management Review, (In Press).
  • Duignan, M., Carlini, J. and Parent, M.M. 2024. Host community salience loss across major sport event planning. European Sport Management Quarterly, (In Press).
  • Mrkonjic, M., Bayle, E. and Parent, M.M. 2024. Improving the Implementation of Sport Governance with an Analysis of Its Determinants: The Case of Sport National Governing Bodies in Switzerland. European Sport Management Quarterly, (In Press).
  • Bakhsh, J.T., Taks, M. and Parent, M.M. 2024. Modelling Residents’ Mega Sport Event Social Value: Integrating Social and Economic Mechanisms. Journal of Sport Management, 38(3): 168-179.
  • Lachance, E.L., Thompson, A., Bakhsh, J.T. and Parent, M.M. 2024. Sport management or the management of sport? Reframing the theory debate. Journal of Sport Management, 27(1): 90-110.
  • Parent, M.M., McGillivray, D., Lockstone-Binney, L., Wood, E.H. and Duignan, M.B. 2024. The 2022-2023 Event Management Journal state of play review. Event Management, (In Press).
  • Lachance, E.L. and Parent, M.M. 2024. The impact of external factors on board decision making in non-profit sport organizations. Sport, Business, Management: an International Journal, (In Press).
  • Lachance, E.L. and Parent, M.M. 2024. Vertical interlocking and decision making in national and provincial/territorial non-profit sport organization boards. Leisure/Loisir, (In Press).
  • Thompson, A., Lachance, E.L., Parent, M.M. and Hoye, R. 2023. A systematic review of governance principles in sport. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(6): 1863-1888.
  • Duignan, M., Parent, M.M. and McGillivray, D. 2023. Accommodating (global-glocal) paradoxes for mega-event managers. Event Management, 27(1): 149-154.
  • Hoye, R., Parent, M.M., Thompson, A., Lachance, E.L., Naraine, M.L., Taks, M. and Séguin, B. 2023. Decision making in Canadian national sport organization boards. Journal of Sport Management, 37(6): 440-451.
  • Parent, M.M. and Jurbala, P.R. 2023. Implementing a multi-level and multi-sectoral national sport policy: Cautionary lessons from the inside. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 15(4): 635-653.
  • Parent, M.M., Hoye, R., Taks, M., Thompson, A., Naraine, M.L., Lachance, E.L. and Séguin, B. 2023. National sport organization governance design archetypes for the twenty-first century. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(4): 1115-1135.
  • Lachance, E.L. and Parent, M.M. 2023. Policy implementation and collaboration in a federated sport system: The case of the Official Languages Act. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 15(1): 63-79.
  • Bakhsh, J.T., Taks, M. and Parent, M.M. 2023. Residents’ major sport event social value: A systematic review of theory. Event Management, 27(5): 643-658.
  • Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E.W. and Parent, M.M. 2023. Social outcomes from participating in the Youth Olympic Games: The role of the service environment. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(2): 488-507.
  • Naraine, M.L., Thompson, A., Lachance, E.L., Séguin, B., Taks, M., Parent, M.M. and Hoye, R. 2022. Examining board and executive staff perceptions of social media in national sport organizations. Journal of Global Sport Management, (In Press).
  • Lachance, E.L., Thompson, A., Bakhsh, J.T. and Parent, M.M. 2022. Examining changes in sport event volunteers’ motivation, satisfaction, commitment, sense of community: Evidence from a prevent–postevent design. Event Management, 26(8): 1727-1743.
  • Thompson, A. and Parent, M.M. 2022. Examining internal and external stakeholders’ experiences with radical change in sport organizations. Managing Sport and Leisure, (In Press).
  • Bakhsh, J.T., Taks, M. and Parent, M.M. 2022. Examining monetary valuation methods to analyze residents’ social value from hosting a publicly-funded major sport event. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4(23 March): 823191.
  • MacIntosh, E.W., Parent, M.M. and Culver, D. 2022. Understanding young athletes’ learning at the Youth Olympic Games: A sport development perspective. Journal of Global Sport Management, 7(1): 1-20.
  • Lachance, E.L., Thompson, A., Bakhsh, J.T. and Parent, M.M. 2022. Volunteer retention: Examining intentions and behaviours in the wrap-Up mode of a professional recurring small-scale sport event. Managing Sport and Leisure, (In Press).
  • Bakhsh, J.T., Lachance, E.L., Thompson, A. and Parent, M.M. 2021. Outcomes of the sport event volunteer experience: examining demonstration effects on first-time and returning volunteers. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 12(2): 168-183.
  • Brynildsen, K. and Parent, M.M. 2021. Test events as risk management tools in the context of the Olympic Movement’s Agenda 2020. Event Management, 25(2): 115-133.
  • Thompson, A. and Parent, M.M. 2021. Understanding the impact of radical change on the effectiveness of national-level sport organizations: A multi-stakeholder perspective. Sport Management Review, 24(1): 1-23.
  • Lachance, E.L. and Parent, M.M. 2021. Understanding the sport event volunteer experience in the implementation mode of a para-sport event: An autoethnography. Event Management, 25(5): 501-519.
  • Lachance, E.L. and Parent, M.M. 2021. Volunteers in sport organizations and events: A source of competitive advantage? International Journal of Sport Management, 22(3): 1-24.
  • Lachance, E.L., Bakhsh, J.T., Thompson, A. and Parent, M.M. 2021. What predicts the sport event volunteer experience? Examining motivation, satisfaction, commitment, and sense of community. Event Management, 25(6): 721-738.
  • Taks, M., Séguin, B., Naraine, M.L., Thompson, A. and Hoye, R. 2020. Brand governance practices in Canadian national sport organizations: An exploratory study. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(1): 10-29.
  • Hoye, R., Parent, M.M., Taks, M., Naraine, M.L., Séguin, B. and Thompson, A. 2020. Design archetype utility for understanding and analyzing the governance of contemporary national sport organizations. Sport Management Review, 23(4): 576-587.
  • Constandt, B., Parent, M.M. and Willem, A. 2020. Does it really matter? A study on soccer fans’ perceptions of ethical leadership and their role as “stakeowners”. Sport Management Review, 23(3): 374-386.
  • Naraine, M.L., Parent, M.M., Hoye, R., Taks, M., Séguin, B. and Thompson, A. 2020. Examining the interorganisational links between national sport organisations and their stakeholders: A social network analysis. International Journal of Sport Management, 21(3): 239-260.
  • Lachance, E.L. and Parent, M.M. 2020. The volunteer experience in a para-sport event: An autoethnography. Journal of Sport Management, 34(2): 93-102.
  • Ellis, D., Séguin, B. and Parent, M.M. 2019. Anti-ambush marketing legislation and institutionalized brand protection: Impacts and implications. International Journal of Sport Management, 20: 247-274.
  • Parent, M.M., Naraine, M.L. and Hoye, R. 2018. A new era for governance structures and processes in Canadian national sport organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 32(6): 555-566.
  • Teixeira Matias, M. and Parent, M.M. 2018. Developing and Implementing a Community-level Para- Swimming Program. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 11(1): Article 3.
  • Parent, M.M., Rouillard, C. and Chappelet, J.-L. 2018. Empirical Issues and Challenges for Multilevel Governance: The Case of the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games. Revue Gouvernance, 15(2): 1-26.
  • Parent, M.M. and Hoye, R. 2018. The impact of governance principles on sport organisations’ governance practices and performance: A systematic review. Cogent Social Sciences, 4(1): 1-24.
  • Kristiansen, E., MacIntosh, E., Parent, M.M. and Houlihan, B. 2018. The Youth Olympic Games: A facilitator or barrier of the high performance sport development pathway? European Sport Management Quarterly, 18(1): 73-92.
  • Parent, M.M. and Harvey, J. 2017. A partnership-based evaluation of a community-based physical activity and sport program for youth. Sport in Society, 20(1): 7-29.
  • MacIntosh, E.W. and Parent, M.M. 2017. Athlete satisfaction with a major multi-sport event: The importance of social and cultural aspects. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 8(2): 136-150.
  • Naraine, M.L. and Parent, M.M. 2017. Examining social media adoption and change to the stakeholder communication paradigm in not-for-profit sport organizations. Journal of Amateur Sport, 3(2): 55-81.
  • Parent, M.M., Kristiansen, E. and Houlihan, B. 2017. Governance and knowledge management and transfer: The case of the Lillehammer 2016 Winter Youth Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Management, 17(4/5/6): 308-330.
  • Parent, M.M., Rouillard, C. and Naraine, M.L. 2017. Network governance of a multi-level, multi- sectoral sporting event: Differences in coordinating ties and actors. Sport Management Review, 20(5): 497-509.
  • Patterson, D. and Parent, M.M. 2017. The (un)importance of existing: Community sport clubs’ negotiation of the environment. Sport in Society, 20(1): 84-106.
  • Naraine, M.L. and Parent, M.M. 2017. The evolution of Twitter communication by Youth Olympic Games organizing committees. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17(4/5/6): 403-425.
  • Leopkey, B. and Parent, M.M. 2017. The governance of Olympic legacy: Process, actors and mechanisms. Leisure Studies, 36(3): 438-451.
  • Naraine, M.L. and Parent, M.M. 2017. This is how we do it: A qualitative approach to national sport organizations’ social media operationalization. International Journal of Sport Communication, 10(2): 196-217.
  • Skirstad, B., Parent, M.M. and Houlihan, B. 2017. Young people and sport: From participation to the Olympics. Sport in Society, 20(1).
  • Skirstad, B., Parent, M.M. and Houlihan, B. 2017. Young people and sport: From participation to the Olympics – Introduction to the special issue. Sport in Society, 20(1): 1-6.


  • Parent, M.M. and Ruetsch, A. Managing major sports events: Theory and practice 2nd edition. UK: Routledge, 2021.
  • O'Brien, D., Parent, M.M., Ferkins, L. and Gowthorp, L. Strategic Management in Sport. UK: Routledge, 2019.
  • Skirstad, B., Parent, M.M. and Houlihan, B. Young people and sport: From participation to the Olympics. UK: Routledge, 2018.
  • Kristiansen, E., Parent, M.M. and Houlihan, B. Elite youth sport policy and management: A comparative analysis. UK: Routledge, 2017.
  • Parent, M.M. The SAGE handbook of sport management. USA: Sage Publications, 2017.

Chapitres de livres

  • Yamakita, R., Bakhsh, J.T. and Parent, M.M. Stakeholders in major sports events. In Solberg, H.A., Storm, R.K. and Swart, K.. Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024.
  • Parent, M.M. The Youth Olympic Games: Its foundation and evolution. In Wassong, S., Torres, C. and Taylor, T.. Olympic Knowledge – Essential Readings. Switzerland: Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage, 2024.
  • Parent, M.M. and Thompson, A. Chapter 5: Digital transformation in not-for-profit sport organizations. In Naraine, M.L., Hayduk III, T.M. and Doyle, J.P.. Routledge Handbook of Digital Sport Management. UK: Routledge, 2023.
  • Parent, M.M., Hoye, R., Taks, M., Naraine, M.L. and Séguin, B. Chapter 14: Good sport governance and design archetype. In Geeraert, A. and van Eekeren, F.. Good Governance in Sport: Critical Reflections. UK: Routledge, 2022.
  • Bakhsh, J.T., Yamakita, R. and Parent, M.M. Chapter 9: Sport Events and Tourism. In Strittmatter, A.-M., Fahlén, J. and Houlihan, B.. Stakeholder Analysis and Sport Organisations. UK: Routledge, 2022.
  • Parent, M.M. Chapter 16: Organizing the Olympic Games. In Chatziefstathiou, D., Garcia, B. and Séguin, B.. Routledge Handbook of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. UK: Routledge, 2021.
  • Leopkey, B. and Parent, M.M. Chapter 15: Sport event governance models. In Shilbury, D. and Ferkins, L.. Routledge Handbook of Sport Governance. UK: Routledge, 2020.
  • Naraine, M.L. and Parent, M.M. Managing stakeholders. In Shilbury, D. and Ferkins, L.. Routledge Handbook of Sport Governance. UK: Routledge, 2020.
  • Parent, M.M. International Profile: Canadian International Multisport Event Organizing Committees. In Pedersen, P.P. and Thibault, L.. Contemporary Sport Management (6th edition). U.S.A.: Human Kinetics, 2019.
  • Parent, M.M. and Naraine, M.L. Sport event governance. In Winand, M. and Anagnostopoulos, C.. Research Handbook on Sports Governance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
  • Marcotte, N. and Parent, M.M. The governance of youth sport event attendance selection in Canada. In Bayle, E.. Le système olympique: passé, présent et futur. Switzerland: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2019.
  • Strittmatter, A.-M. and Parent, M.M. Youth sport events and festivals. In MacIntosh, E., Bravo, G. and Li, M.. International Sport Management (2nd ed.). U.S.A.: Human Kinetics, 2019.
  • Parent, M.M. and O'Brien, D. Chapter 10: Organisation theory and sport management. In Hassan, D.. Managing Sport Business: An Introduction (2nd ed.). UK: Routledge, 2018.
  • Parent, M.M. and O'Brien, D. Chapter 11: Strategy and planning in the context of sport. In Hassan, D.. Managing Sport Business: An Introduction (2nd ed.). UK: Routledge, 2018.
  • Parent, M.M. and Séguin, B. Richard (Dick) W.D. Pound: The architect of Olympic business. In Bayle, E. and Clastres, P.. Global Sport Leaders: A Biographical Analysis of International Sport Management. UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018.
  • Hoye, R. Event management. In Hoye, R. and Parent, M.M.. The SAGE handbook of sport management. USA: Sage Publications, 2017.
  • Hoye, R. and Parent, M.M. Introduction. In Hoye, R. and Parent, M.M.. The SAGE handbook of sport management. USA: Sage Publications, 2017.

Contributions sur invitation et/ou rapports techniques

  • Parent, M.M. 2023. "Board recruitment. Sport Governance and Leadership Trend Report 2022- 2023. Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC)", January, (7 pages), content/uploads/2023/02/Board-recruitment-EN-January-23-2023-FINAL.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M., Séguin, B., Dumas, A., Durand Bush, N. and MacIntosh, E. 2023. "In-Depth Review of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Sports Program – Executive Summary", January, (24 pages).
  • Parent, M.M., Séguin, B., Dumas, A., Durand Bush, N. and MacIntosh, E. 2023. "In-Depth Review of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Sports Program. Final Report", January, (209 pages).
  • Parent, M.M. 2023. "Planification de la relève", January, (8 pages), January-25-2023-FINAL.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M. 2023. "Recrutement d’un conseil d’administration", January, (7 pages), Recruitment-FR-January-23-2023-FINAL.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M. 2023. "Succession planning. Sport Governance and Leadership Trend Report 2022- 2023", January, (8 pages), content/uploads/2023/02/Succession-planning-EN-January-23-2023-FINAL.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M. 2022. "Better governance principles. Sport Governance and Leadership Trend Report 2021-2022", April, (5 pages), content/uploads/2022/04/Trend-Report-2021-2022-Better-Governance-Principles-FINAL.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M. and Lachance, E.L. 2022. "Board composition. Sport Governance and Leadership Trend Report 2021-2022", June, (5 pages),
  • Parent, M.M. and Lachance, E.L. 2022. "Board conflicts of interest. Sport Governance and Leadership Trend Report 2021-2022", June, (5 pages),
  • Parent, M.M. and Lachance, E.L. 2022. "Board onboarding. Sport Governance and Leadership Trend Report 2021-2022", June, (5 pages),
  • Parent, M.M. and Lachance, E.L. 2022. "Composition du conseil d’administration", Juin, (5 pages), content/uploads/2022/06/Board-composition-FR-June-17-update.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M. and Lachance, E.L. 2022. "Conflits d’intérêts au sein du conseil d’administration", Juin, (5 pages), content/uploads/2022/06/Board-onboarding-FR-June-17-update.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M., Dumas, A., Durand Bush, N., MacIntosh, E. and Séguin, B. 2022. "In-Depth Review of the CAF Sports Program. Phase 1 – Interim Report", October, (81 pages).
  • Parent, M.M. and Lachance, E.L. 2022. "Intégration des membres du conseil d’administration", Juin, (5 pages),
  • Parent, M.M. 2022. "Principes d’une meilleure gouvernance. Rapport sur les tendances en matière de gouvernance et de leadership 2021-2022", avril, (5 pages), Governance-Principles-FINAL-FR.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M., Taks, M., Séguin, B., Naraine, M.L., Hoye, R., Thompson, A. and Lachance, E.L. 2020. "2020 Rapport de l’atelier portant sur la gouvernance, la marque et les médias sociaux dans les organismes nationaux de sport", mai, (29 pages),
  • Parent, M.M., Taks, M., Séguin, B., Naraine, M.L., Hoye, R., Thompson, A. and Lachance, E.L. 2020. "2020 Workshop Report: Governance, Branding, and Social Media in Canadian National Sport Organizations", May, (26 pages),
  • Parent, M.M., MacIntosh, E., Culver, D. and Naraine, M.L. 2019. "Benchmarking the Buenos Aires 2018 athletes' perspective for a longitudinal analysis of Youth Olympic Games athlete experience and learning", September, (60 pages),
  • Parent, M.M., Taks, M., Naraine, M.L., Hoye, R., Séguin, B. and Thompson, A. 2019. "Canadian National Sport Organizations’ Governance Landscape Study", March, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.23858.66242 sciences/sites/g/files/bhrskd346/files/2021-12/survey_results_- _canadian_national_sport_organizations_governance_landscape_study.pdf.
  • Parent, M.M., Taks, M., Naraine, M.L., Hoye, R., Séguin, B. and Thompson, A. 2019. "Étude de la gouvernance des organismes nationaux de sport au Canada", mars, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.13792.33288 sciences/sites/g/files/bhrskd346/files/2022-04/resultat-du-sondage-etude-gouvernance- organismes-nationaux-sport-canada.pdf.

Autres contributions

  • (Case) Parent, M.M. 2022. "Saving the life of a national sport organization with strategy and governance", Case Studies in Sport Management, U.S.A.. 11(1):33-37, 0042
  • (Case) Parent, M.M. 2022. "Teaching notes for saving the life of a national sport organization with strategy and governance", Case Studies in Sport Management, U.S.A.. 11(1):1-10,

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À Source Titre * ** Rôle Montant
2022 Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) 2 Governance & Leadership Trend Reports C O PI $ 8,701
2021-2023 Canadian Armed Forces – Canadian Forces Morale & Welfare Services Revue approfondie du programme des sports des forces armées canadiennes (FAC) C G Co-PI $ 182,091
2021-2022 Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) 4 Governance & Leadership Trend Reports C O PI $ 7,401
2021 University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences National sport organization governance design archetypes for the twenty-first century S I PI $ 1,500
2019-2020 Canadian Heritage, Sport Canada SCRI Advisory Committee C G PI $ 2,000
2018-2023 Sport Canada - Sport Participation Research Initiative Supplement The New Sport System Landscape: Understanding the Interrelationships between Governance, Brand, and Social Media in Non-Profit Sport Organizations R G PI $ 20,000
2018-2019 Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Gouvernement du Québec Relations entre les fédérations sportives québécoises et canadiennes – Phase 2 C G PI $ 25,000
2018-2019 The Olympic Studies Centre – Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme Benchmarking the Buenos Aires 2018 Athletes' Perspective for a Longitudinal Analysis of Youth Olympic Games Athlete Experience and Learning R F PI $ 25,600
2018-2019 Canadian Heritage, Sport Canada SCRI Advisory Committee C G PI $ 2,000
2018 Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Gouvernement du Québec Relations entre les fédérations sportives québécoises et canadiennes – Projet pilote C G PI $ 5,000
2017-2023 CRSH The New Sport System Landscape: Understanding the Interrelationships between Governance, Brand, and Social Media in Non-Profit Sport Organizations R C PI $ 100,947
2017-2018 Canadian Heritage, Sport Canada SCRI Advisory Committee C G PI $ 2,000
2016-2017 University of Ottawa and Faculty of Health Sciences, Research Development Program (RDP) The new sport system landscape: Understanding non- profit sport organization governance, branding and social media R I PI $ 10,000
2015-2017 Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports The Youth Olympic Games in Lillehammer 2016 R G Co-I $ 181,818


* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)

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