Madeline Toubiana
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Madeline Toubiana est professeure en stratégie et organisation en plus d’être titulaire de la Chaire Desmarais en entrepreneuriat à l’Université d’Ottawa. Ses recherches portent sur ce qui entrave et ce qui favorise l’épanouissement des gens, des entreprises et des communautés. Dans ce contexte, elle examine les différends entre les gens et les institutions, et s’intéresse notamment au rôle des émotions, de la stigmatisation et de l’entrepreneuriat comme bloqueurs ou catalyseurs de changements sociaux.
Ses travaux touchent une variété de sphères, du milieu universitaire aux populations marginalisées et stigmatisées. Ses activités de recherche se rapportent donc à une vaste gamme de sujets, dont les entreprises sociales, le système de justice pénale, le commerce du sexe, le chômage, les organismes sans but lucratif, le cannabis et l’industrie du taxi. Dans ces contextes, elle cherche à amplifier les voix et à mettre en lumière les expériences des groupes sous-représentés, comme les femmes, les membres de la communauté LGBTQ+, ainsi que les personnes ayant un handicap, âgées ou immigrantes.
Ses travaux de recherche sont parus dans les meilleures revues de son domaine, dont Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Annual Review of Sociology, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management History et Journal of Management Learning. Elle est également rédactrice adjointe d’Organizational Theory, contributrice pour la revue Journal of Business Venturing et fait partie du comité éditorial des revues Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal et Organization Studies.
Publications au cours des 7 dernières années
Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture
- Shrestha, S., Dahlke, S., Butler, J.I., Devkota, R., Law, J., Hunter, K.F., Toubiana, M., Kalogirou, M., Scheuerman, M. and Pietrosanu, M. 2024. How Older Canadians Access Medicinal Cannabis and Information About It: A Descriptive Survey. Cogent Gerontology, 3(1): 2303502.
- Sharma, P., Toubiana, M., Lashley, K., Massa, F., Rogers, K. and Ruebottom, T. 2024. Honing the Craft of Qualitative Data Collection in Extreme Contexts. Journal of Management Inquiry, 33(2): 99-114.
- Zhang, R., Voronov, M., Vince, R., Toubiana, M. and Hudson, B. 2023. Beyond the Feeling Individual: Insights from Sociology on Emotions and Embeddedness. Journal of Management Studies.
- Dahlke, S., Butler, J.I., Hunter, K.F., Toubiana, M., Kalogirou, M., Shrestha, S., Devkota, R., Law, J. and Scheuerman, M. 2023. The Effects of Stigma: Older Persons and Medicinal Cannabis. Qualitative Health Research.
- Butler, J.I., Dahlke, S., Devkota, R., Shrestha, S., Hunter, K.F., Toubiana, M., Kalogirou, M., Law, J. and Scheuerman, M. 2023. The Information-Seeking Behavior and Unmet Knowledge Needs of Older Medicinal Cannabis Consumers in Canada: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Drugs & Aging, 40(5): 427-438.
- Toubiana, M., Slade Shantz, A. and Khorasani, N. 2023. Panacea or Poisoned Chalice? Considering the possibilities of entrepreneurship and degrowth. Journal of Management Inquiry.
- Crawford, B., Toubiana, M. and Coslor, E. 2023. From catch-and-harvest to catch-and-release: multimodality and deinstitutionalization. Organization Studies.
- Bacq, S., Toubiana, M., Ruebottom, T., Ormiston, J. and Ajunwa, I. 2023. Entrepreneurship Out of Shame: Entrepreneurial Pathways at the Intersection of Necessity, Emancipation, and Social Change. Organization Theory.
- Toubiana, M. and Ruebottom, T. 2022. Stigma hierarchies: The internal dynamics of stigmatization in the Sex Work occupation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 67(2): 515-552.
- Ruebottom, T., Voronov, M., Buchanan, S. and Toubiana, M. 2022. Commercializing the Practice of Voyeurism: How Organizations Leverage Authenticity and Transgression to Create Value. Academy of Management Review, 47(3).
- Ruebottom, T. and Toubiana, M. 2021. Constraints and opportunities of stigma: Entrepreneurial emancipation in the sex industry. Academy of Management Journal, 64(4): 1049–1077.
- Zhang, R., Toubiana, M., Wang, M., Ruebottom, T. and Greenwood, R. 2021. Stigma Beyond Levels: Advancing Research on Stigmatization. Academy of Management Annals, 15: 188-222.
- Lounsbury, M., Steele, C., Wang, M. and Toubiana, M. 2021. New directions in the study of institutional logics: from tools to phenomena. Annual Review of Sociology, 47: 261-280.
- Phung, K., Buchanan, S., Toubiana, M. and Ruebottom, T. 2021. When Stigma Doesn’t Transfer: Stigma Deflection and Occupational Stratification in the Sharing Economy. Journal of Management Studies, 58: 1107-1139.
- Steele, C., Toubiana, M. and Greenwood, R. 2020. Why Worry? Celebrating and Reformulating “Integrative Institutionalism”. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 65B: 353-370.
- Toubiana, M. 2020. Once in orange, always in orange? Identity paralysis and the enduring influence of institutional logics on identity. Academy of Management Journal, 63(6): 1739–1774.
- Zietsma, C. and Toubiana, M. 2018. The Valuable, the Constitutive, and the Energetic: Exploring the impact and importance of studying emotions and institutions. Organization Studies, 39: 427-443.
- Toubiana, M., Oliver, C. and Bradshaw, P. 2017. Beyond differentiation and integration: The challenges of managing internal complexity in federations. Organization Studies, 38: 1013-1037.
- Toubiana, M. and Zietsma, C. 2017. The message is on the wall: Emotions, social media, and the dynamics of institutional complexity. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 922-953.
- Toubiana, M., Greenwood, R. and Zietsma, C. 2017. Beyond ethos: Outlining an alternate trajectory for emotional competence and investment. Academy of Management Review, 42: 551-556.
- Steele, C., Hannigan, T.R., Toubiana, M., Glaser, V. and Gehman, J. Macrofoundations: Exploring the Institutionally Situated Nature of Activity (Research in the Sociology of Organizations). UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2020.
- Zietsma, C., Toubiana, M., Voronov, M. and Roberts, A.E. Emotions in Organization Theory. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Chapitres de livres
- Toubiana, M., Ruebottom, T. and Turchick-Hakak, L. When a major life change upends your sense of self. In Taking Charge of Your Career. Cambridge, United States: Harvard University Press, 2023, (In Press).
- Ruebottom, T. and Toubiana, M. Burlesque: the role of extreme contexts in shedding embodied shame. In Research in the Sociology of Organizations. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing, 2023, (Accepted).
- Bradshaw, P. and Toubiana, M. Nonprofit federations, leadership, management, and governance. In Cornforth, C. and Brown, W.. Encyclopedia of Nonprofit Management, Leadership, and Governance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, (Accepted).
- Zietsma, C. and Toubiana, M. Emotions as the glue, fuel and rust of social innovation. In George, G., Baker, T., Joshi, H. and Tracey, P.. Handbook of inclusive innovation. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À | Source | Titre | * | ** | Rôle | Montant |
2022-2027 | CRSH | Stigma For Social Change? Exploring Stigma-Exploiting Entrepreneurship As A Pathway For Social Change | R | C | PI | $ 204,125 |
2022-2024 | Telfer School of Management Research Grants (SMRG) | The Social Symbolic Construction of a Social Enterprise Ecosystem | R | I | PI | $ 15,000 |
2022-2024 | CRSH | Occupational Degrowth: Why individuals choose intentional downward occupational transitions | R | C | Co-A | $ 49,932 |
2021-2023 | CRSH | Cannabis in the closet? Seniors' perceptions of stigma and their influence on use and access to medicinal cannabis | R | C | Co-PI | $ 70,550 |
2020 | University of Alberta Killam Cornerstone Grant Program | Entrepreneurship and Taboo: Identifying an Alternate Pathway to Social and Cultural Change | R | O | PI | $ 25,193 |
2020 | University of Alberta, Kule Dialogue Grant | COVID-19 and Entrepreneurship in Alberta | S | O | PI | $ 2,000 |
2020 | University of Alberta, Endowment Fund for the Future | COVID-19 and Entrepreneurship in Alberta | R | I | Co-PI | $ 7,000 |
2018 | CRSH | Uber'ing away stigma: The impact of sharing technology on stigmatized occupations | R | C | Co-PI | $ 66,786 |
2018 | University of Alberta | Southam/Edmonton Journal Faculty Fellowship | R | O | PI | $ 15,000 |
2017 | University of Alberta, Endowment Fund for the Future | The emancipatory potential of entrepreneurship: A study of the sex work industry and its entrepreneurs | S | I | PI | $ 7,000 |
* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu
C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu
PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)