Davood Astaraky

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Davood Astaraky is a dedicated analytics professional with an educational background in Industrial Engineering, specializing in Healthcare Analytics. He is interested in developing, implementing, and applying advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence tools to solve complex health care operations problems.
As the Manager of Data and Decision Sciences at Ontario Health, he leads a team of data scientists and decision scientists focused on modeling and solving complex healthcare challenges using advanced analytics and data science techniques. His work at Ontario Health encompasses critical areas such as capacity planning, forecasting, resource allocation, optimization, and automation through artificial intelligence.
Since 2014, Mr. Astaraky has been actively engaged in teaching at both the professional graduate programs and undergraduate levels, contributing to various academic activities and course development. His teaching portfolio includes a wide range of courses such as Business Analytics, Statistics, Operations Management, Data Science, Programming, and Healthcare Management.
Mr. Astaraky’s professional interests lie in applying advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence tools to address complex healthcare operations management and clinical decision-making challenges. His dual roles in both academia and industry enable him to bridge the gap between theory and practice, providing his students with a rich learning experience grounded in real-world applications.