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Timothy Hannigan

Hannigan, Timothy
Professeur agrégé
Chaire Père Edgar-Thivierge en affaires canadiennes
B.A. (Hon.) (Queen's), M.Sc. (London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)), Ph.D. (University of Oxford)
613-562-5800 poste 7329
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Timothy Hannigan est professeur agrégé en stratégie et organisation et titulaire de la chaire Père Edgar-Thivierge en affaires canadiennes à l’École de gestion Telfer de l’Université d’Ottawa. Dans ses recherches, il examine les balbutiements des marchés, des domaines et des écosystèmes d’un angle relationnel pour en étudier l’émergence au chapitre culturel et matériel. C’est sous cet angle qu’il a examiné les nouveaux marchés de produits, la formation des possibilités entrepreneuriales et la genèse des évaluations sociales. Il s’intéresse plus particulièrement à l’interface des imaginaires organisationnels et à la façon dont ils se matérialisent. Ses plus récents travaux portent sur l’organisation de la préfiguration et la gouvernance dans les secteurs liés aux chaînes de bloc, ainsi que l’étude des risques épistémique et l’utilisation intègre de l’intelligence artificielle générative dans les organisations. Sous l’égide de la Chaire, il bâtit un programme de recherche axé sur l’interprétation de la technologie et de l’organisation, aidant les leaders à planifier des avenues plausibles et désirables qui, au-delà de la projection et du battage, ont le potentiel de se concrétiser. Son approche est ancrée dans l’étude des processus sociaux, des institutions et des affordances technologiques.

Ses travaux ont été publiés dans les grandes revues du domaine, y compris Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Studies, Research Policy, Organization Theory et Business Horizons. Il siège aussi au comité éditorial des revues Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal et Organization Studies.

Publications au cours des 7 dernières années

Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture

  • Hannigan, T.R., McCarthy, I. and Spicer, A. 2024. Beware of botshit: how to manage the epistemic risks of generative chatbots. Business Horizons, 67(5): 471-486.
  • Pozner, J.E. and Hannigan, T.R. 2023. How relational publics become a scandal audience: values and the creation of scandal. Organization Theory, 4(3).
  • Hannigan, T.R. 2023. Relational publics: studying organizational possibilities. Organization Studies, 44(11): 1899-1902.
  • Gamache, D., Devers, C., Klein, F. and Hannigan, T.R. 2023. Shifting perspectives: How scrutiny shapes the relationship between CEO gender and acquisition activity. Strategic Management Journal, 44(12): 3012-3041.
  • Hannigan, T.R., Briggs, A., Valadao, R., Seidel, M.D.L. and Jennings, P.D. 2022. A new tool for policymakers: Mapping cultural possibilities in an emerging AI entrepreneurial ecosystem. Research Policy, 51(9): 104315.
  • Hannigan, T.R., Wang, M.S., Steele, C.W.J., Seidel, M.D.L., Cervantes, E. and Jennings, P.D. 2020. A community-based sociocultural network approach to controlling COVID-19 contagion: Seven suggestions for improving policy. Behavioral Science & Policy, 6(2).
  • Seidel, V.P., Hannigan, T.R. and Phillips, N. 2020. Rumor Communities, Social Media, and Forthcoming Innovations: The Shaping of Technological Frames in Product Market Evolution. Academy of Management Review, 45(2): 304–324.
  • Hannigan, T.R., Haans, R.F.J., Vakili, K., Tchalian, H., Glaser, V.G., Wang, M., Kaplan, S. and Jennings, P.D. 2019. Topic Modeling in Management Research: Rendering New Theory from Textual Data. Academy of Management Annals, 13(2): 586-632.
  • Hannigan, T.R., Seidel, V.P. and Yakis-Douglas, B. 2018. Product innovation rumors as forms of open innovation. Research Policy, 47(5): 953–964.


  • Steele, C., Hannigan, T.R., Toubiana, M., Glaser, V. and Gehman, J. Macrofoundations: Exploring the Institutionally Situated Nature of Activity (Research in the Sociology of Organizations). UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2020.

Chapitres de livres

  • Hannigan, T.R. and Ren, Y. The New Structuralism. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2024.
  • Glaser, V.L., Hannigan, T.R. and Jennings, P.D. Topic Modeling. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Strategy as Practice. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024.
  • Jennings, P.D., Hannigan, T.R. and Jennings, J.E. Introduction – “Reversing Entrepreneurship’s Arrow”: The Metaphor’s Model and Research Implications. In Entrepreneurialism and Society: Consequences and Meanings (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 82). UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2022.
  • Hannigan, T.R., Pak, Y. and Jennings, P.D. Mapping the multiverse: A cultural cartographic approach to realizing entrepreneurial possibilities. In Lockwood, C. and Soublière, J.-F.. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2022.
  • Glaser, V.L., Valadao, R. and Hannigan, T.R. Algorithms and Routine Dynamics. In Cambridge Handbook of Routine Dynamics. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
  • Steele, C. and Hannigan, T.R. Integrating and complicating the micro- and macro- ‘foundations’ of institutions: towards a more optometric institutionalism and an institutionalist optometry. In Steele, C.W.J., Hannigan, T.R., Glaser, V., Toubiana, M. and Gehman, J.. Macrofoundations: Exploring the institutionally situated nature of activity . UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2020.
  • Steele, C., Hannigan, T.R., Toubiana, M., Glaser, V. and Gehman, J. Macrofoundations: Exploring the Institutionally Situated Nature of Activity. In Steele, C.W.J., Hannigan, T.R., Glaser, V., Toubiana, M. and Gehman, J.. Macrofoundations: Exploring the institutionally situated nature of activity. UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2020.
  • Hannigan, T.R. and Casasnovas, G. New structuralism and field emergence: The co- constitution of meanings and actors in the early moments of social impact investing. In Steele, C.W.J., Hannigan, T.R., Glaser, V., Toubiana, M. and Gehman, J.. Macrofoundations: Exploring the institutionally situated nature of activity. UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2020.

Autres contributions

  • (Book review) Hannigan, T.R. 2024. "Gary Alan Fine and Tim Hallett. Group Life: An Invitation to Local Sociology".

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À Source Titre * ** Rôle Montant
2022-2026 SSHRC Insight Grant The Emerging Blockchain Entrepreneurship Field R C PI $ 269,169
2022 Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta Xerox Canada Faculty Fellowship R I PI $ 15,000
2019 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Management Research, with Vern Glaser S O PI $ 25,000
2019 University of Alberta, Endowment Fund for the Future IDeaS workshop S I PI $ 10,000
2019 University of Alberta, Endowment Fund for the Future EFF-SAS Grant S I PI $ 15,000
2018-2021 SSHRC Insight Development Grant The Cultural Holes of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems R C PI $ 58,581
2017 University of Alberta, Endowment Fund for the Future Reputation, Role-Conflict, and Scandal: The Impact of Ethical Breaches on Individual Reputations R I PI $ 4,500


* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)

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