Silvia Bonaccio (Elle/La)

Vice-doyenne (recherche)
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Notice biographique
Silvia Bonaccio détient un doctorat en psychologie industrielle et organisationnelle de l’Université Purdue. Elle est également titulaire d’une maîtrise de la John Molson School of Business de l’Université Concordia et d’un baccalauréat en psychologie de l’Université McGill. Affectée à l’École de psychologie de l’Université d’Ottawa, elle travaille également comme scientifique adjointe à l’Institut de recherche sur le travail et la santé (Toronto, Canada), un organisme de recherche indépendant sans but lucratif qui se consacre à la promotion et à la protection de la santé et de la sécurité au travail.
Elle est l’ancienne présidente de la Société canadienne de psychologie industrielle et organisationnelle, ainsi que l’ancienne présidente de la Division du comportement organisationnel de l’Association des sciences administratives du Canada. En reconnaissance de ses contributions importantes à l’enseignement et à la recherche, l’Université d’Ottawa lui a décerné le Prix d’excellence en éducation. Elle est également la récipiendaire du prix de la Chercheuse chevronnée de l’année de l’Ecole de Gestion Telfer en 2020. Enfin, elle est membre distinguée (fellow) de la Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology et de la Société Canadienne de Psychologie.
Les travaux de la professeure Bonaccio portent sur l’influence de l’anxiété et des émotions dans le processus d’évaluation et de sélection du personnel. Elle s’intéresse également aux facteurs qui facilitent des expériences de travail positives pour les employés vivant avec des handicaps. En outre, elle est connue pour ses recherches sur la prestation et la réception de conseils au cours de la prise de décision.
Ses travaux ont été publiés dans des revues savantes reconnues comme Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, et Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Elle a également contribué à l’Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, et a donné de nombreuses présentations lors de conférences nationales et internationales. Elle est Editrice Associée à la revue Personnel Assessment and Decisions, elle siège au comité de rédaction des revues Journal of Business and Psychology, Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of Personnel Psychology, et elle contribue régulièrement à titre de réviseure pour plusieurs autres revues. Ses travaux ont été mentionnés dans Bloomberg BusinessWeek, dans le Globe and Mail, à la Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), et dans le New York Times, entre autres.
Publications au cours des 7 dernières années
Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture
- Fisher, S.L., Bonaccio, S. and Connelly, C.E. 2024. AI-based tools in selection: Considering the impact on applicants with disabilities. Organizational Dynamics, 53(1): 101036.
- Ginis, K.A.M., Sinden, A.R., Bonaccio, S., Labbé, D., Guertin, C., Gellatly, I.R., Koch, L., Mortenson, W.B., Routhier, F., Basham, C.A., Jetha, A. and Miller, C. 2024. Experiential Aspects of Participation in Employment and Mobility for Adults With Physical Disabilities: Testing Cross-Sectional Models of Contextual Influences and Well-Being Outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 105(2): 303-313.
- Belanger, C., Chreim, S. and Bonaccio, S. 2024. The Experience and Implications of Meaningless Work in the Public Sector. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-16.
- Jetha, A., Bakhtari, H., Rosella, L.C., Gignac, M., Biswas, A., Shahidi, F.V., Smith, B.T., Smith, M.J., Mustard, C., Khan, N., Arrandale, V.H., Loewen, P.J., Zuberi, D., Dennerlein, J., Bonaccio, S., Wu, N. and Smith, P.M. 2023. Artificial intelligence and the work-health interface: A research agenda for a technologically transforming world of work. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 66(10): 813-908.
- Jetha, A., Bonaccio, S., Shamaee, A., Banks, C.G., Bültmann, U., Smith, P., Tompa, E., Tucker, L. and Gignac, M. 2023. Divided in a digital economy: Understanding disability employment inequities stemming from the application of advanced workplace technologies. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3: 100293.
- Fisher, S., Bonaccio, S., Jetha, A., Gignac, M., Winkler, M and Birch, G. 2023. Guidelines for conducting partnered research in applied psychology: An illustration from disability research in employment contexts. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 72(4): 1367-1391.
- Fisher, S., Bonaccio, S. and Connelly, C.E. 2023. Reactions of applicants with disabilities to technology‐enabled recruitment and selection: A research agenda. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 32(2): 182-194.
- Mastrella, S.J., Powell, D.M., Bonaccio, S. and McMurthy, C.M. 2023. The Impact of Interviewees’ Anxious Nonverbal Behavior on Interview Performance Ratings. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 22(2): 99-110.
- Jetha, A., Shamaee, A., Tompa, E., Smith, P., Bültmann, U., Bonaccio, S., Tucker, L., Norman, C., Banks, C.G. and Gignac, M. 2023. The role of the future of work in shaping the employment inclusions of young adults with disabilities: A qualitative study. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(9): 75-91.
- Ho, J., Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C.E. and Gellatly, I.R. 2022. Representative-negotiated i-deals for people with disabilities. Human Resource Management, 61(6): 681-698.
- Zhang, I., Powell, D.M. and Bonaccio, S. 2022. The role of fear of negative evaluation in interview anxiety and social‐evaluative workplace anxiety. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 30(2): 302-310.
- Michalowski, M., Wilk, Sz., Michalowski, W., O'Sullivan, D., Bonaccio, S., Parimbelli, E., Carrier, M., Le Gal, G., Kingwell, S. and Peleg, M. 2021. A Health eLearning Ontology and Procedural Reasoning Approach for Developing Personalized Courses to Teach Patients About Their Medical Condition and Treatment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14): 7355.
- Jetha, A., Shamaee, A., Bonaccio, S., Gignac, M., Tucker, L., Tompa, E., Bültmann, U., Norman, C., Banks, C.G. and Smith, P. 2021. Fragmentation in the future of work: A horizon scan examining the impact of the changing nature of work on vulnerable workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 64(8): 649-666.
- Powell, D.M., Bourdage, J.S. and Bonaccio, S. 2021. Shake and Fake: The Role of Interview Anxiety in Deceptive Impression Management. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36: 829-840.
- Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C.E., Gellatly, I.R., Jetha, A. and Martin Ginis, K.A. 2020. The Participation of People with Disability in the Workplace across the Employment Cycle: Employer Concerns and Research Evidence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35: 138-158.
- Bonaccio, S., Lapierre, L.M. and O'Reilly, J. 2019. Creating work climates that facilitate and maximize the benefits of disclosing mental health problems in the workplace. Organizational Dynamics, 48(3): 113-122.
- Donia, M.B.L., Ronen, S., Tetrault Sirsly, C.A. and Bonaccio, S. 2019. CSR by Any Other Name? The Differential Impact of Substantive and Symbolic CSR Attributions on Employee Outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 157(2): 503-523.
- Schneider, L., Powell, D.M. and Bonaccio, S. 2019. Does Interview Anxiety Predict Job Performance? International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27(4): 328-336.
- Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C.E., Fisher, S., Gellatly, I.R., Gignac, C. and Jetha, A. 2018. Beyond Managing Research Partnerships: Partnered Research as an Integrated Methodological Approach. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11(4): 613-619.
- Peleg, M., Michalowski, W., Wilk, S., Parimbelli, E., Bonaccio, S., O'Sullivan, D., Michalowski, M., Quaglini, S. and Carrier, M. 2018. Ideating Mobile Health Behavioral Support for Compliance to Therapy for Patients with Chronic Disease: A Case Study of Atrial Fibrillation Management. Journal of Medical Systems, 42(11): 234.
Chapitres de livres
- Lefcoe, A., Bonaccio, S. and Connelly, C.E. Managers’ reactions to job applicants and employees with disabilities. In Beatty, J., Kulkarni, M. and Hennekam, S.. Handbook of Disability and Management. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.
- Bonaccio, S., O'Reilly, J., O'Sullivan, S. and Li, Y. Nonverbal Communication in Work Contexts. In Griffin, R.. Oxford Bibliographies in Management. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023.
- Bonaccio, S. and Paik, J.E. Advice in the Workplace. In MacGeorge, E. and VanSwol, L.. The Oxford Handbook of Advice. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Bonaccio, S. Judgment and Decision making Process: Advice Giving/Taking. In Rogelberg, S.G.. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition. USA: Sage Publications, 2017.
- O'Reilly, J. and Bonaccio, S. Nonverbal Communication. In Rogelberg, S.G.. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition. USA: Sage Publications, 2017.
- Bonaccio, S., O'Reilly, J. and O'Sullivan, S. Nonverbal Communication in Work Contexts. In Griffin, R.. Oxford Bibliographies in Management. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
- Bonaccio, S. and Connelly, C.E. Physical disabilities at work. In Rogelberg, S.G.. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition. USA: Sage Publications, 2017.
- Bonaccio, S. Social Loafing/Free-Riding . In Rogelberg, S.G.. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition. USA: Sage Publications, 2017.
Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À | Source | Titre | * | ** | Rôle | Montant |
2022-2026 | CRSH | Les défis de l'allongement de la vie professionnelle : détecter l'âgisme au travail, en mesurer les impacts et identifier les meilleures pratiques de rétention des travailleurs âgés canadiens | R | C | Co-I | $ 158,726 |
2022-2025 | CRSH | Intelligent machines and human worker inequities: Examining the implications of artificial intelligence in the workplace | R | C | Co-I | $ 200,000 |
2020-2024 | CRSH | Informal Accommodations as Social Exchange: Canadian Managers' Reactions to Employees with and without Disabilities | R | C | PI | $ 170,463 |
2019-2021 | Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat: New Frontiers in Research Fund | Future-Proofing young Canadians with disabilities for the changing labour market | R | C | Co-I | $ 247,361 |
2018-2023 | CRSH | How can managers support and ensure the positive consequences of employees' disclosure of a mental health challenge | R | C | Co-I | $ 207,576 |
2017-2022 | CRSH | Are Job Interviews Missing the Boat? Essential Unanswered Questions Regarding Interview Anxiety | R | C | Co-I | $ 135,125 |
2016-2018 | Fonds de recherche, École de gestion (SMRF) | The Antecedents, Manifestations, and Consequences of Mental Illness Disclosure at Work | R | I | Co-I | $ 50,000 |
2014-2021 | SSHRC | Enhancing community participation in Canadians with physical disabilities: development, implementation and | R | C | Co-I | $ 2,643,997 |
2014-2017 | Faculty of Social Science | Strategic Decision-Making: A test of the SLS Game | R | I | Co-I | $ 20,000 |
* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu
C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu
PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)