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Lance Ferris

Ferris, Lance
Professeur titulaire
B.A. (Hon.) (McMaster), M.A.Sc. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (Waterloo)
DMS 5148
613-562-5800 poste 2120
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Professeur à l’École de gestion Telfer de l’Université d’Ottawa, Lance Ferris se spécialise en comportements organisationnels et en ressources humaines. Il a été professeur adjoint de 2008 à 2011 à la Lee Kong Chian School of Business de l’Université de gestion à Singapour, puis, de 2011 à 2017, professeur agrégé au Smeal College of Business de l’Université d’État de Pennsylvanie; il a également occupé ces fonctions au Eli Broad College of Business de l’Université d’État du Michigan. Anciennement rédacteur adjoint de la publication Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, il siège actuellement au comité éditorial de l’Academy of Management Review. Ses recherches ont été publiées dans des revues comme le Journal of Applied Psychology, l’Academy of Management Journal, l’Academy of Management Annals, Organization Science, le Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes et Personnel Psychology.

Publications au cours des 7 dernières années

Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture

  • Poulton, E.C., Lin, S.-H., Fatimah, S., Ho, C., Ferris, D.L. and Johnson, R.E. 2024. My manager endorsed my coworkers’ voice: Understanding observers’ positive and negative reactions to managerial endorsement of coworker voice. Journal of Applied Psychology, (In Press).
  • Young, H.R., Scott, B.A., Ferris, D.L., Lee, H.W., Awasty, N. and Johnson, R.E. 2024. Distances and directions: An emotional journey into the recovery process. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109(1): 115–134.
  • Fatimah, S., Lee, H.W., Ferris, D.L. and Young, H.R. 2024. A regulatory focus theory perspective on the dynamics between action and power. Journal of Applied Psychology, (In Press).
  • Houston, L., Ferris, D.L. and Crossley, C. 2023. Does value-similarity matter? The influence of ethical leadership on employee engagement and deviance. Group and Organization Management, (In Press).
  • Matusik, J.G., Poulton, E.C., Ferris, D.L., Johnson, R.E. and Rodell, J.B. 2023. The PCMT Model of Organizational Support: Scale Development and Theoretical Application. Journal of Applied Psychology, (In Press).
  • Liang, L.H., Coulombe, C., Skyvington, S., Brown, D.J., Ferris, D.L. and Lian, H. 2022. License to retaliate: Good deeds as a moral license for misdeeds in reaction to abusive supervision. Human Performance, 35: 94-112.
  • Matusik, J.G., Ferris, D.L. and Johnson, R.E. 2022. The PCMT model of organizational support: An integrative review and reconciliation of the organizational support literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3): 329–345.
  • Liang, L.H., Coulombe, C., Brown, D.J., Lian, H., Hanig, S., Ferris, D.L. and Keeping, L.M. 2022. Can two wrongs make a right? The buffering effect of retaliation on subordinate well-being following abusive supervision. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(1): 37-52.
  • Koopman, J., Rosen, C.C., Gabriel, A.S., Puranik, H., Johnson, R.E. and Ferris, D.L. 2020. Why and for whom does the pressure to help hurt others? Affective and cognitive mechanisms linking helping pressure to workplace deviance. Personnel Psychology, 73(2): 333-362.
  • Ferris, D.L., Fatimah, S., Yan, M., Liang, L.H., Lian, H. and Brown, D.J. 2019. Being sensitive to positives has its negatives: An approach/avoidance perspective on reactivity to ostracism. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 152: 138-149.
  • Grandey, A.A., Ferris, D.L. and Melloy, R. 2018. A dual signal model of pride displays in organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior, 38: 153-168.
  • Ferris, D.L., Reb, J., Lian, H., Ang, D. and Sim, S. 2018. What goes up must… keep going up? Cultural differences in cognitive style influence evaluations of dynamic performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(3): 347-358.
  • Liang, L.H., Brown, D.J., Ferris, D.L., Hanig, S., Lian, H. and Keeping, L.M. 2018. The dimensions and mechanisms of mindfulness in regulating aggressive behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(3): 281-299.
  • Liang, L.H., Brown, D.J., Lian, H., Hanig, S., Ferris, D.L. and Keeping, L.M. 2018. Righting a wrong: Retaliation on a voodoo doll symbolizing an abusive supervisor restores justice. Leadership Quarterly, 29(4): 443-456.
  • Lian, H., Yam, K.C., Ferris, D.L. and Brown, D.J. 2017. Self-control at work. Academy of Management Annals, 11(2): 703-732.
  • Hideg, I. and Ferris, D.L. 2017. Dialectical thinking and fairness-based perspectives on affirmative action. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(5): 782-801.


  • Ferris, D.L., Johnson, R.E. and Sedikides, C. The Self at Work: Fundamental Theory and Research. New York: Routledge, 2018.

Chapitres de livres

  • Ferris, D.L. and Sedikides, C. Self-enhancement at work. In Ferris, D.L., Johnson, R.E. and Sedikides, C.. The Self at Work: Fundamental Theory and Research. New York: Routledge, 2018.

Contributions sur invitation et/ou rapports techniques

  • Ferris, D.L., Chen, M. and Lim, S. 2017. "Comparing and contrasting workplace ostracism and incivility", March, 4:315–338.

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À Source Titre * ** Rôle Montant
2018-2022 SSHRC Insight Grant Lashing out or keeping their cool: A self-control perspective on leader mistreatment R C Collaborator $ 113,983
2018 Broad College Summer Research Grant Communal Narcissism R I PI $ 12,965
2014-2018 SSHRC Insight Grant Double-Edged Sword of Benevolent Sexism: How Benevolent Sexist Attitudes Promote and Undermine Gender Diversity in the Workplace R C Collaborator $ 114,604


* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)


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